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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Did you ever stop to think if FB and social media was created to wake up the world?
    3 246
    Based on what I've learned up to this point, there is a high probability this is the exact same actor playing multiple roles. Btw, They want us to see this because they want us to wake up and break the matrix!!


    3 541
    This is one of the best videos I've seen that shows how fake our reality is. Steven Tyler was never an actual person. He has always been a person we've never seen wearing a skin mask. This video leaves nothing up for debate. The world as we know it is ran by multiple role actors who are inverted. Remember when Q told us the truth wouldn't be for everyone and asked us how deep we wanted to go? You want the truth? Well, here ya go! P.S. - I posted this on Skrilla's page twice and his admins deleted it. Weird huh?
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    steven tyler.MOV

    2 260
    If you are looking to open up new dimension in your conscience and overall health you need to do one thing ASAP. You are going to think I'm crazy but I'm here to tell you it's the real deal. Do you realize why obese people always feel like shit and are unhealthy? It's because their body is full of obstructions. Acid waste, mucus, fat, pure shit in their GI Tract and toxins. We are electric beings and our quality of life is based on our vibrations so the waste you have in your body the lower you'll vibrate as a human being. So clearly these people aren't in good shape. Now, do you realize why people who appear to be in good health don't feel good even though they look good? It's because they are full of acidic waste, mucus, fat, shit and toxins as well. They just have less which means they are deteriorating a little slower, but they are still deteriorating none the less. So, how do we slow this down and reverse it? We start to eat a shit ton of fruit! Yes you heard me right. This is step one towards becoming super human. Fruit is the least toxic thing you can put in your body and it has the highest vibration of any food you can put in your body. How do we know? Because fruit requires virtually no insulin for your body to process it. This tells us it is the most efficient food source on the planet because our bodies spend the least amount of energy utilizing it. The benefits are endless and this is only the first step of reprogramming our bodies how to sustain life. Argue all you want, but until you try it you have no dog in this fight. Everything you've been told about animal protein and healthy fat is a myth. We function at the optimal level when we are running on natural carbohydrates AKA fruit. Don't believe me yet? Commit to eating 90% fruit for the next month and see what happens. The waste will melt off your body like never before and everything in your life health wise will start improving. More on this topic at a later date, but what do you have to lose? A new world awaits you if you're willing to try something new. Fruit up!! 🍏🍐🍊🍋🍉🍇🍓🫐🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝
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    1 774
    So if I've learned anything it's that there is absolutely no reason to panic beyond a reasonable doubt ever. Things getting worse and things being catastrophic are two completely different things. No one is going to save the day except you and you do this by breaking the matrix. This is going to take yearrrrrrs people. Quit waiting on someone else such as Trump or Q to save the days. The end game isn't you being saved, its you saving yourself. So much of what you let influence how you live your life is not real or not worth spending time on. You've been programmed to think a certain way and follow orders. Even those of you who are pretty awake are still clinging to some type of narrative or story line associated with your wake up. All we can do is analyze as much information as possible and attempt to become more conscious to everything in our life. Everything has been put in motion to wake up the masses. This is not coincidence no matter what emotions or feeling overtake you at any given moment. This is how we know there is intent with the light you're constantly being pushed towards. Your ego will fight to keep you in a normal state of consciousness but it will eventually lose because the power of what has been put in motion can't be stopped. There are multiple layers to everything I just described and there is always work to do. None of us are nowhere near where we could be with regards to clearing our conscious to a level where are feelings and emotions are irrelevant. Until then, don't let anything push you to the brink of feeling helpless or hopeless. Regardless of what happens you will survive and push through as long as you continue understanding how little we really know about everything we've always known. If you do this and do you best to not let your ego control your how you think about everything you've always thought to be right you will experience a life you never dreamed possible. Are you up for the biggest challenge you'll ever face?
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    1 717
    Dammit lol
    1 614
    Seeing if the bots roll in...
    1 600
    A good friend referred us to the page above. Not exactly sure what all of it means, but it appears these predators may be using some type of social networking site to conduct business or get their fix. Most of us don't believe in coincidences anymore. Seems like this page has made some serious connections in Iowa 🥳
    2 963
    What do you think all these people would say if we asked them about their “OddPath” profiles?
    2 513
    Interesting stuff huh? Do you still trust the plan? Are you paying attention to who is starting to pay attention in your local networks of friends? You're one of the first people to the party of seeing clearly. Soooo many actors. Even ones I've labeled as controlled opposition are doing a lot of good. It is what it is at this point. The panic is real. You ever notice how all those Q haters always seem lost and looking for the next thing to get angry about? All the while, they are completely clueless as to what's going on around them in their communities with regards to trafficking and pedophilia? It's almost as if they are doing it on purpose. Be careful who you follow 👊💙🧊
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    1 842

    Are you still here?

    Some Days
    Votación anónima
    1 586
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    1 498
    You know those 87,000 new IRS agents? They aren't coming after you. They are coming after [THEM]!! Enjoy the show 🔥🥳
    1 873
    Can we talk about Gang Stalking? I don’t like the term. It’s aggressive and suggests that the behavior and action are obvious, and suggests violence. It’s the opposite. It’s subtle. Passive behaviors. Makes reporting the stalking impossible. Creates (or tries to create) a sense of paranoia. It’s an attempt at crazy-making. Where one ‘stalker’ ends, another picks up. On roadways, in the stores, at school, church, work; you name the location, there’s a person in place to pick-up where the previous left off. ✨
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    1 454
    I’ve learned every thing through this process the hard way. I’ll admit, it’s the way I’ve learned things most of my life. I’m grateful in some respects. It will allow me to REALLY help and understand others. This one cut deep. Informants = handlers. They sneak in on you. Especially when you’re vulnerable and desperate for someone to help and understand. Be aware of those claiming to be helping you, acting as your friend, wanting to grab pizza, have a drink, bring their kids over to play, get to know your family … This one even moved in near me. It’s been a few weeks since it all became very clear, and the ties of the “friendship” were cut. [They’ve] been panicking ever since. [Their] communication line was severed. ✨
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    1 488
    Hey, Stephen Geiss! 👋 Me again. Checking in … How’s your business at Door 5 of Alan Ritchey trucking going? What’s below your business? Do you normally allow customers in on Sunday nights at dark? 38 Facebook friends, I see. To include Vicky and Bruce Polen. Vicky is retired from a “safe house” in MO and Bruce is a teacher and coach, ex Raiders and Chiefs player. Maybe you can explain Oddpath to all of us. Do you get a lot of “business leads” from there? Safe spot to communicate? I saw you dug out all the Interior concrete from your business and quickly poured new. Something happen? Last question: What do you know about human trafficking? 🔥 ✨
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    2 305
    Última actualización: 11.07.23
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