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audience statistics Phil Godlewski 3.0

⚠️ Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organisation. 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
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48 546
Locals Subs! Boy do I have a special surprise for you:
48 091
Next LIVE! 🔥
52 681
Sorry ya’ll, I’ve had lots of personal life take over for the past day or two. Next LIVE will be Sunday May 5th @ 7PM Eastern Expect 2-3 more Lives next week as well 💯
60 637
In case some of your friends don’t realize October 7 was planned since 2012, show them the cover of the Economist 2012 magazine. Pure evil.
63 693
With all of the harnesses, wires, hairspray, green screen glitches, CGI, lies, etc, I believe any reasonable person can easily discern that NASA is a total clown show at this point. The big question is, if outer space is real, why do they have to fake it? What’s the reason for lying? Research


63 815
☝️it’s happening, folks. Have you abandoned the dollar yet? Please don’t wait any longer. Go to today and secure your retirement account by switching it to precious metals 🪙
64 274
Bank Collapse | "Republic First Bank Was Collapsed & Seized State Regulators. Fulton Bank Takeover Nearly 3 Dozen Branches." - April 26th + "End of U.S. Dollar Happening Much Faster." - Clayton Morris + Dollar Collapse Happening!!! Learn More About Central Bank Digital Currencies & the BRICS Lead Dedollarization HERE:
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61 546
65 733
Alessandro, your content is 🔥. I came over from Nick chat when outed himself as a total douche. Your content is far superior. The Jim Morrison expose was a mind bender. Bravo, keep it up
63 621
Looking like Thursday for the next Live
65 224
69 037
Dow down 570pts today!
68 761


67 350
You thought you were seeing a financial crisis before? You haven’t seen anything yet 😎 🔥
67 621


67 627
BREAKING: HSBC CEO Noel Quinn is unexpectedly stepping down.
55 128
This kid is onto something. But the complexity of what he’s scratching the surface on is FAR more sinister.
67 298
The more you know... State parks.


61 855
Those donation emails will be going out again soon 😂
69 469
Godlewski v. Alvear et al Nick Alvear’s Motion to Dismiss Godlewski’s lawsuit has been DENIED by the court. The case will proceed to Discovery 😎
67 986
UPDATES to Godlewski v. Alvear 🔥 Definitely not a good day to be Nick Alvear 💯
67 759
Well said ☝️💯
69 224
You know what the most interesting thing about this map is. Forget the fact that you can figure out who’s connected to who and who’s doing what, but the interesting thing is that they gave us one of the biggest keys back in early 2021. They were banking on us forgetting about it. I did, at least for a while anyway. Once disinfo started ramping up I revisited. Now I understand you can’t see every name, but I saw enough along with following the names I can see. Who they’re with what they’re saying. Why do they agree with the plan on some shows and bash it on others. 😎 We know who’s watching where. That’s why. This plan is so incredibly advanced it’s mind blowing. No wonder it was over before it started! These people are stupid. -Q
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67 127
Maybe this image makes more sense to you now, some 3-years after it was developed in Tulsa.
67 482
I want everyone to pause, for a moment. Clear your mind, and think about this: Can you imagine an alt-media world, where the top "dawgs" in each arena actually starting working together? Alex Jones is the mogul. Deny it all you want, but you'd be wrong. He started this. He uses a website (yes, an actual URL). Very old school. He uses a Merch store. He sells supplements. Although these are great money-generating tools, they are NOT what I do. Phil Godlewski is the new school. Livestreaming, profit sharing, Multi-level marketing companies helping each and every Patriot-subscriber earn money for THEMSELVES, not just for Phil, no real website (with a URL), just a combination of multiple platforms for ease-of-use for the viewer. Alex, over the decades he's been cementing his legacy, has earned numerous high-level contacts. He calls upon these contacts when his viewship needs a boost. Phil, has not been around the scene as long as Alex, still having a decent book of contacts, but a vaugue shadow of what Alex has. Can you imagine, for a moment, if these forces were to combine? Can you imagine, for a moment, the panic that would ensue on behalf of the Deep State? Can you imagine, for a moment, the panic that would ensue on behalf of the Main Stream Media? Alex Jones, and your 1.5 billion views in the past few decades, meet Phil Godlewski and his 250,000,000 views in the past 3 years. Perhaps we can only imagine. Perhaps... 😎
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67 815
I want everyone to pause, for a moment. Can you imagine an alt-media world, where the top "dawgs" in each arena actually starting working together?
Alex - if you’re reading this, we should talk.
67 116
Another thing I learned, was that I personally owe a LOT to Alex Jones. He started this entire alt-broadcasting way back in the 1990’s. There is no way we would be where we are today without his help starting this way of media. Regardless of whether or not Alex went astray somewhere in between, he certainly has helped all of us become awake. That’s something that no one can deny.
67 971
So, I watched this yesterday on Amazon Prime. Although it’s well-known that Alex lost the defamation case, what’s NOT so well-known is that Alex lost the cases because of DEFAULT judgement, meaning, Alex was not cooperating fully with the Discovery process. A jury never found Alex guilty of defamation, or Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. Had he just cooperated fully, he most likely would have won these lawsuits. When you get to court, you have no choice but to abide by their rules. Alex seemed a bit too cocky and overly confident. That’s a shame, because after watching this show (a true left-wing, Liberal hit-piece), it’s clear that Alex would have won these cases, and saved himself millions of dollars.
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69 229
Última actualización: 11.07.23
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