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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Another success and happy story needs to be told! Joana's support and belief in President Trump paid off, and he will remember this moment forever, as after she provided the missing information to the TRB System, which she hadn't before, she turned out to receive her cashout on the same day. You still haven't received your cashout? It is probably because you haven't provided some mandatory information that is missing from the TRB System before your cashout gets released. "This has changed my life forever, and I know it will also do so for many others, thanks to you, Mr. President," Joana said, excited to tell her story. NOTE: With Grade A++ you can fill out up to 500 items of any products, Grade A up to 300, Grade B up to 200, and Grade C up to 50, as Trump mentioned IMPORTANT: The TRB Application must be filled out with all MANDATORY pieces: Stamp, OTP, and Tax Fee! Fill out the missing information required by the TRB System through the TRB Application here👇
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"But unless the public demands that their universities enforce on campus the Bill of Rights and the right to move freely in safety, that police enforce laws against mob violence on America’s streets and in our schools, and that the United States stops greenlighting mass immigration from anti-Western nations and extending student visas to residents of anti-American, terrorist-supporting, and autocratic Middle East regimes, then in suicidal fashion we are headed for a 1930s nightmare." 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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Biden climate envoy John Kerry says it's "insane to be thinking we're asking people to give up" things for their forced green energy "transition." "There was a time in the last years that we might've gone to war to protect our energy sources!" 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇


Bill Melugin_ at the Arizona border: "More people keep coming ... You'll see this is all single adult men—a lot of men from Africa, others from the Middle East, some from Asia. But you'll notice there's no women, there's no children..." 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇


Donald Trump managed to bring back SOMETHING that WILL CHANGE THE WORLD. As you saw, Pura Vive was shut down for some days, but Donald Trump brought it back, we are sorry but it will be available to order only for 24 hours! Everything was planned,  They’ve put us in isolation and they made our immune system weak. THEY WANT DEPOPULATION! PuraVive IS THE BEST LIVER CARE PRODUCT IN THE WORLD,IT WILL MAKE YOUR BODY TO LOSE FAT AND IT WILL DEAL WITH YOUR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE ISSUE. PuraVive IS BANNED NEXT 4 HOURS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE ONLY FEW PACKS LEFT  Heart attacks the people that are with bigger weight, YOU are THE TARGET! But now we have the answer that will HELP YOU! Order Pura Vivd now for you and your family, strengthen your immune system, and BE SAFE!ORDER HERE :👇
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Jonestown, The CIA & Mind Control. The Jonestown tragedy, where 912 followers of Jim Jones committed suicide in Guyana, was initially perceived as a unique event, but subsequent incidents like Waco and Heaven's Gate drew parallels. Cult experts and media frequently referenced Jonestown, yet the details remained elusive. The Peoples Temple, led by Jones, sought racial harmony and justice in a turbulent political landscape. Media scrutiny and persecution forced over a thousand members to Guyana, establishing Jonestown as a thriving community. Congressional scrutiny, led by Leo Ryan, ended tragically in murder and a mass suicide pact. The aftermath left a profound impact, reinforcing societal conformity over alternative lifestyles and utopian dreams turned nightmares. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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Trump says Biden won't make it. He can't even pick up a beach chair meant for a child. He insinuates that DeSantis lost to Newsome despite the serial killer not using a single fact. Who do you think might replace Biden? 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇

trump he wont make it.mp4

World Economic Forum "agenda contributor", Mariana Mazzucato: Our attempt to vaccinate the entire planet failed, "climate change" is "too abstract" for people to understand, but the coming water crisis is something that everyone will get on board with. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇


The special scientific team of Q just changed THE WORLD! This is the first natural made cure - against everything that makes you sick. It’s extremely cheap so everyone can afford it and millions of bottles were sold in the last week! You need to have this if you want to survive what is coming.
To be fair to Robert Kennedy, Epstein hadn't "purchased Epstein Island" until 1998 although he was clearly in bed with the Mossad and FBI for a while before this. Some say Trump had flown on his plane once or twice (he never went to the island) but anons know he was clearly infiltrating and working to protect the children for a long long time now. That being said, I don't know if Kennedy is a black hat or white hat but I do appreciate the way he's helped me and others red pill with his outspoken behavior about the Kennedy assassination, the pandemic, and the CIA. I really really hope, as an anon that more and more Jeffrey Epstein truths come out into the public and the flight logs become public knowledge for the sheep. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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The talking heads in the media are having a meltdown at the thought of Trump becoming President again. So much so that their rhetoric has become absolutely unhinged. If they were certain of their ability to stop Trump from being elected, then why is the mainstream media fear mongering the sheep by telling then democracy as we know it will end if he is elected in 24? Buckle up for a wild finish to this journey, that's certainly what the mainstream media seems to be doing. What are they so scared of? 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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Mainstream panic compilation.mp4

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🚨REMEMBER! THE VALUE OF TRUMP GOLDEN COINS IS ALREADY RISING! Even Joe Rogan has invested in the Trump Golden Coins project, read the post above! Make sure to read the post above, and REMEMBER that you have to take this opportunity seriously! Your stack of 50 Trump Golden Coins is waiting, make sure to get it on time! 👇
General Flynn. Amen…Iraq’s weapons of mass distraction was one of the biggest strategic mistakes in the history of the world! And there were many under the bush/cheney administration (and they know it and knew it at the time!). Pray for those who gave the last true measure of devotion and for those who served and are still serving for these spineless politicians who cause us to go to war but careless about the consequences of war. May God watch over and protect our country while we still have one! God Bless America 🦅🙏🏼🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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“Whiteness prevents white people from connecting to humanity.” Ibram X. Kendi receives a giant applause from the Netflix film screening audience after demonizing white people around the world. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇


"The probability of this attack happening is higher than what the probability of Russia invading Ukraine was in 2020." AI: It will start with a Russian false flag during a weekend, and Moscow will frame Poland for the "terror attack". Moscow will then give NATO states 24 hours to condemn the "attack against Russia" before dropping its first nuclear bombs on Poland. Any country that does not officially condemn Poland or those that show solidarity with Poles, will be nuked by Russia without prior warning. There will be no time for diplomacy and no contacts will be answered. AI also warns that it would be a miracle if the United Kingdom makes it to the year 2025 without suffering a nuclear attack as London will be the first to stand with Poland in such a case. The war will end within days with 65% of the Russians and 15% of the Europeans killed. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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🚨ATTENTION !! 🚨 All owners of TRB PRODUCTS, who have not yet entered into an agreement with the bank and have not made a deposit to activate your accounts. DO IT IMMEDIATELY WITH YOUR TRB SUPPORTER OR VISIT THE LINK BELOW BY ORDERING A CERTIFICATE !! 24 hours left! Silver certificate 20 slots 🩶 Gold certificate 50 slots ⚜️ Platinum certificate 150 slots 🗽 Ruby certificate 400 slots 🔴 Sapphire certificate unlimited slots 🔵
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The Walt Disney Co. effectively controlled the local government around the site of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, for decades in what an extensive review by the state government calls “the most egregious exhibition of corporate cronyism in modern American history.” After Disney bought the land that would become its massive amusement park and resort, it received permission from the Florida Legislature and governor in 1967 to create a local government, the Reedy Creek Improvement District. From that time until Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Feb. 27 abolishing the Reedy Creek district, Disney heavily influenced the local government to its advantage, according to a new report Monday from the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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When the current administration has already forced injection mandates for federal employees, unleashed the FBI on catholic moms and concerned parents, and is now actively trying to jail the leading political opponent for the rest of his life, it becomes clear which side of “Dictatorship v. Freedom” that the Washington Post is on. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
They’re admitting the New Zealand Administrator published the Secret Data proving the Ardern Regime committed State-Sanctioned Murder of their own Citizens. Please Understand This. WEF Dictator Ardern killed her own Citizens with the ‘Covid Vaccine’. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇


🚨ATTENTION !! 🚨 PAYOUT HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED At today's press conference with the owner of the bank, Donald Trump, the signing of payment agreements began, the first 91000 certificates have been signed. All owners of TRB PRODUCTS, who have not yet entered into an agreement with the bank and have not made a deposit to activate your accounts. DO IT IMMEDIATELY WITH YOUR TRB SUPPORTER OR VISIT THE LINK BELOW BY ORDERING A CERTIFICATE !! 24 hours left! Silver certificate 20 slots 🩶 Gold certificate 50 slots ⚜️ Platinum certificate 150 slots 🗽 Ruby certificate 400 slots 🔴 Sapphire certificate unlimited slots 🔵
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Bobby Kennedy "The government’s response to Covid violated our constitutional rights, including the first, fourth, fifth, and seventh amendments. It was a militarized and monetized response; health was never the priority." 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇


TRUMP – POTUS isolates this Nov 30th 5-year delta. The timestamp is precisely 10:31:00 PM – Truth was sent at 11:31 PM – However, it was 10:31 PM in IOWA. Coincidence? HANNITY: What’s the preview of Monday’s coming attraction? SARA (big laugh): I think we’ve got a lot to look forward to on Monday, Sean. And I think THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE GOING TO see that there was [something] happening behind the scenes at the FBS as well as the Dept of Justice. And Michael Horowitz has been doing a very deep dive into this…There’s gonna be a lot of breaking news in the next month and [in] the months to come. HANNITY: Amazing the year of the boomerang. We were right all along. It continues. ~20:20 Future will prove past. History books. JUSTICE. Enjoy the show. Q 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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The official narrative given to the masses on the JFK shooting is that one man shot multiple bullets into Kennedy. Yet if you look at the Zapruder film allegedly showing the shooting happen in real time (this footage has been challenged by some who claim they tampered and edited it) it shows a bullet entering JFks head as he is flung backwards and to the right. Oswald was supposedly behind JFK but somehow the bullet made him go the opposite way that one would think if it said bullet hit him from behind. The explanation that makes the most sense to me is that he was shot from multiple different directions and the entire situation was fabricated in a conspiracy. Did you ever believe the lone gunmen narrative? Been putting a lot of hours into this latest thread. I hope everyone will like it when it's ready. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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💰 JOE ROGAN REMINDED TRUMP SUPPORTERS OF THE VALUE OF TRUMP GOLDEN COINS! On his latest post on X (Twitter), Joe Rogan has explained that the value of the Trump Golden Coins will skyrocket in 2024 after President Trump's victory on the upcoming elections He urged Trump supporters to invest on time as it is very important to take this financial opportunity seriously! 👉 As Rogan stated: 50 Trump Golden Coins NOW - $4,999 50 Trump Golden Coins in 2024 - $2,500,000 The time to show your support for President Trump has come! 👇
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... Additionally, it specifies that any powers or authorities exercised due to the emergency shall cease after the termination date, except for actions or proceedings that began before the termination​. Automatic Termination of National Emergency (§ 1622 (d)): This part of § 1622 stipulates that any national emergency declared by the President shall automatically terminate on the anniversary of its declaration unless the President publishes a notice in the Federal Register and transmits to Congress stating that the emergency will continue beyond the anniversary date​. The provisions in Title 50 are primarily designed to regulate the process of declaring, managing, and terminating national emergencies, ensuring a balance of power and oversight between the executive and legislative branches. 🇺🇸 Join: 👇👇👇👇👇
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President Donald Trump with another successful cashout Just days after President Trump announced why some of the product holders were still not able to get their promised cashout, a veteran took his advice and got her promised cashout 2 days after meeting all of the requirements. Are you one of the product holders who still haven't collected their cashout? It is mostly because you haven't provided some mandatory information, such as the preferred form of cashout, delivery method, issue date, etc., in the TRB System before, and you need to do so now through the TRB Applications in order for your cashout to be processed and collected. NOTE: With Grade A++ you can fill out up to 1000 items of any products, Grade A up to 500, Grade B up to 200, and Grade C up to 50, as Trump mentioned. The TRB Application must be filled out with all MANDATORY pieces: Stamp, OTP, and Tax Fee It's time to get what yours, Patriot! Fill out the missing information via the TRB Application here👇
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