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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    A discussion regarding the "Blue Zones" of our planet.
    The Secrets To Living A Long & Healthy Life
    Blue Zones suggest it's not about ONE thing, but an overall lifestyle - and most of modern society seems to have it backwards.
    1 192
    On science.
    Detaching From "Scientific Consensus" Propaganda: "Science" Can't Really Be Trusted Anymore
    The mainstream works hard to convince people there is a "scientific consensus" on various topics, but is this true?
    2 076
    Knowing how our society truly functions reveals the pathway for meaningful change. The world is waking up, even if slowly.
    111 Years Later And The Illusion Remains For Many
    Knowing how our society truly functions reveals the pathway for meaningful change. The world is waking up, even if slowly.
    2 235
    A vision for a better world: How do we get there? What do we need to do? Have we come to limit ourselves by what we believe is possible?
    If No One Wants This, Why Are We Doing It?
    A vision for a better world: How do we get there? What do we need to do? Have we come to limit ourselves by what we believe is possible?
    2 318
    A look into what's being used these past several months....
    Israel Deploys "The Gospel" - Artificial Intelligence Is Picking Targets To Bomb In Gaza
    An Israeli AI target-creation platform called Habsora (the Gospel) is picking targets in Gaza.
    1 583
    New Podcast Today I present a solocast about the phenomenon of emergent collective evolution.. that is to say, how our world changes as a result of us as people and the mysteries of our consciousness. Since our world, society, nature, and selves are complex systems/beings, we must embody this reality when thinking about our own personal transformation as well as our collective one. I refer to a piece I wrote on my personal In this episode: - The importance of understand complex systems vs linear systems when it comes to personal transformation, collective transformation and nature. - How the space of fundamental wellbeing produces emergent being and action in our local and collective field. This is where material change is born. - The difference between linear striving for change, where we worry about the future, and having a deep trust in moment to moment change. - How we can let go of the worry and anxiety associated with global problems that feel bigger than us and out of our immediate control. Listen to the episode: On Spotify and Apple Podcasts here.
    ادامه مطلب ...
    This is How We Change The World | Ep. 47
    Today I present a solocast about the phenomenon of emergent collective evolution.. that is to say, how our world changes as a result of us as people and the mysteries of our consciousness. Since our world, society, nature, and selves are complex systems/beings, we must embody this reality when thinking about our own personal transformation as well as our collective one. I refer to a piece I wrote on my personal Substack here: In this episode: - The importance of understand complex systems vs linear systems when it comes to personal transformation, collective transformation and nature. - How the space of fundamental wellbeing produces emergent being and action in our local and collective field. This is where material change is born. - The difference between linear striving for change, where we worry about the future, and having a deep trust in moment to moment change. - How we can let go of the worry and anxiety associated with global problems that feel bigger than us and out of our immediate control. Listen to the episode: On Spotify and Apple Podcasts here - Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - I'd love for you to join our membership to support our work, it goes a long way in helping -
    1 621
    Perhaps an obvious reflection to some in 2023, so what is next? Where do we place our attention and energy?
    Does Voting No Longer Represent Our Power As Citizens To Impact The Actions of Government?
    Perhaps an obvious reflection to some in 2023, so what is next? Where do we place our attention and energy?
    1 728
    "I remember an experiment I did a long time ago where I decided to just sit quietly in a chair without doing anything for maybe ten or twenty minutes. I was astounded when a minute or two later my right hand reached for the laptop mouse. The body had a mind of its own."
    Why Do “Things Get Stale” Over Time?
    “Let it be ok that nothing is happening. Let the show be over, let the movie, the story of 'I' as an individual person, be over. And see what happens.”
    3 012
    Great new episode this week! We explore some recent cultural examples of shifts in how we think, relate to, and attune to the world. Examples include subjects around RFK Jr, the JFK assassination, 9/11, and mainstream media. Listen on Spotify and Apple here:
    Awakening Collective Consciousness with David Helfrich & Dr Madhava Setty | Ep. 46
    In this episode, I bring my friends Dr Madhava Setty & David Helfrich again as we hope to make these discussions a regular event. This one was a lot of fun as we spoke about the themes of the recent solar eclipse and how it can bring about revelation and awakening within collective consciousness - little by little. We explore some recent cultural examples of shifts in how we think, relate to, and attune to the world. Examples include subjects around RFK Jr, the JFK assassination, 9/11, and mainstream media. In the episode: We explore the astronomical and astrological significance of the eclipse. How happenings in the mainstream media world are awakening hosts and audiences. An examination of perspectives around the upcoming US election. Exploring Trump, Biden and RFK Jr. Including the advocacy groups looking to oust RFK at all costs. Larger collective themes of awakening and revelation, and what it may mean in the cycle of human consciousness evolution. Listen to the episode: Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -
    3 174
    When it comes to life, and even the question of ‘changing the world,’ something special happens when we create and dream from a deep place of connection and stillness within ourselves.
    Perhaps This Is What It Will Take To Change The World
    On inner transformation and the outer beauty that emerges as a result.
    3 042
    On the things we often beat ourselves up over instead of living in the present.
    Epiphany: It Would Have Made No Difference
    On the things we often beat ourselves up over instead of living in the present.
    3 949
    In this episode, I talk to artist and storyteller Lubomir Arsov about his portrayal of various relevant collective themes in popular animations. Whether it's the shadowy figures running our world from beyond government, the collective unconscious, the ways in which our consciousness is shaped and suppressed or whether it's the unfolding awakening that we're collectively witnessing - Lubomir's work and this episode touches on it all! In the episode: - The symbols portrayed in Lubomir's viral animations and why they are relevant to us now. - The potent nature of the times we are in and how to become an active player in the game, without getting stuck in anger or withdrawal from it all. - What it means to overcome and awaken from the collective unconscious, and how to do it. Listen on Apple, Spotify, YouTube here:
    ادامه مطلب ...
    Ep. 45 | The Collective Shadow of Modern Society with Lubomir Arsov
    In this episode, I talk to artist and storyteller Lubomir Arsov about his portrayal of various relevant collective themes in popular animations. Whether it's the shadowy figures running our world from beyond government, the collective unconscious, the ways in which our consciousness is shaped and...
    3 577
    On a major lawsuit against Big Tech companies for hijacking kids attention, and why we need to think deeper about what builds resilient humans.
    School Boards Sue TikTok, Meta & Snap Inc For $4.5 Billion For Distracting Students
    On a major lawsuit against Big Tech companies for hijacking kids, and why we need to think deeper about what builds resilient humans.
    6 893
    Are aluminum adjuvants necessary for some vaccines to work? Is there another way? This article explores concerns with aluminum containing vaccines and why such an extremely toxic substance is used.
    Why Do "They" Really Put Aluminum In Vaccines? This May Be The Answer
    Are aluminum adjuvants necessary for some vaccines to work? Is there another way? This article explores concerns with aluminum containing vaccines and why such an extremely toxic substance is used.
    6 925
    Tesla was fascinated with the thought of communicating with beings from other worlds. This is quite clear. He spent many years thinking about it and building devices to make contact.
    Nikola Tesla's Thoughts On Extraterrestrial Contact & The Signals He Received
    Set Your Pulse: Take a breath. Release the tension in your body. Place attention on your physical heart. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease. Click here to learn why we suggest this. In 1931, Nikola Tesla made the following comments
    4 271
    When does a fetus gain consciousness? It’s a question that scientists haven’t been able to answer, and one that has important philosophical, metaphysical, ethical, clinical and even legal implications.
    When Does A Fetus Gain Consciousness? Does Life Exist Before Birth?
    Exploring the mysteries of consciousness, awareness, thought and the backdrop of our reality.
    4 264
    Exploring the emergence of 'Corporate Traumatic Stress Disorder' in an increasingly dehumanized society.
    Are Corporations Traumatizing Us?
    Exploring the emergence of 'Corporate Traumatic Stress Disorder' in an increasingly dehumanized society.
    6 331
    Some pretty eye opening statistics here:
    The Overwhelming Media Bias Against The Palestinians In The Mainstream Media Exposed
    Multiple investigations have discovered an extreme bias from various mainstream media outlets when it comes to covering the Israeli-Palestine conflict
    6 475
    An organization called Big Brother Watch does a great job of providing clear and concise facts about all things surveillance. Although they are UK based and cover UK developments a lot, since much of the same stuff is happening around the world, their perspective here is relevant. See the end of the piece for insight on staying resilient and wise as we explore changing times.
    7 Things You Need To Know About CBDCs
    And the importance of embracing collective awakening no matter the result of current events.
    7 439
    The brain is not the origin of consciousness, and this has major implications on our everyday life.
    What Impact Do Our Intentions Have On Reality?
    The brain is not the origin of consciousness, and this has major implications on our everyday life.
    7 021
    Researchers were able to communicate with lucid dreamers while they were dreaming. It's fascinating to see how these communications manifested within the dreams of the dreamers.
    Scientists Successfully Communicate With Lucid Dreamers While They Are Dreaming
    Researchers were able to communicate with lucid dreamers while they were dreaming. It's fascinating to see how these communications manifested within the dreams of the dreamers.
    6 953
    Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw, has worked with indigenous people for most of her career and has some amazing stories to tell.
    5 806
    During a time of transition and societal upheaval, it is each of us who has a role to play and who can respond to the current moment.
    We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For
    During a time of transition and societal upheaval, it is each of us who has a role to play and who can respond to the current moment. (New Updates)
    6 410
    The person who wrote a hit-piece about me ended up exactly where I thought they would - maintaining the status quo.
    How We Are Being Misled
    The person who wrote a hit-piece about me ended up exactly where I thought they would - maintaining the status quo.
    5 433
    In this episode I speak with Dr. Natalie Dyer. Natalie has published many scientific papers and book chapters on post-material science, psychedelics, and the therapeutic effects of integrative medicine. In this conversation we'll explore many questions around post material science, the nature of reality and what this all means for us as humans! In the episode: - What is post material science, and the implications on every day life. - We explore if what we observe at the quantum level can occur at the material level. - Some of the most interesting studies conducted in the realm of post material science. - Why there is so much resistance to post material science. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here -
    ادامه مطلب ...
    Post-Material Science - Reality, Consciousness & Spirituality with Dr. Natalie Dyer | Ep. 40
    In this episode I speak with Dr. Natalie Dyer. Natalie has published many scientific papers and book chapters on post-material science, psychedelics, and the therapeutic effects of integrative medicine. In this conversation we'll explore many questions around post material science, the nature of reality and what this all means for us as humans! In the episode: - What is post material science, and the implications on every day life. - We explore if what we observe at the quantum level can occur at the material level. - Some of the most interesting studies conducted in the realm of post material science. - Why there is so much resistance to post material science. Listen to the episode: On Spotify here - On Apple Podcasts here - Visit our sponsor: Use discount code CEPODCAST for 15% off Join our email list - Join our membership to support our work -
    4 130
    A new Angus Reid poll conducted at the end of last month suggests the number of parents opposed to vaccinating their children has grown significantly over the last five years in Canada.
    New Data Shows That Vaccine Hesitancy Among Parents Has Grown Significantly Since COVID
    A new Angus Reid poll conducted at the end of last month suggests the number of parents opposed to vaccinating their children has grown significantly over the last five years in Canada.
    5 791
    Perhaps an obvious reflection to some in 2023, so what is next? Where do we place our attention and energy?
    Does Voting No Longer Represent Our Power As Citizens To Impact The Actions of Government?
    Perhaps an obvious reflection to some in 2023, so what is next? Where do we place our attention and energy?
    6 122
    There are countless examples documented over hundreds and thousands of years..
    Documented UFO Encounters From Antiquity: Before "Project Bluebeam" (Part 1)
    Strange unknown objects along with the appearance of beings have been well documented for hundreds and thousands of years. This article presents a few examples.
    6 979
    It's not that people are lazy, there's something much deeper going on that requires better questions.
    Why People Don't Want To 'Work' Anymore
    It's not that people are lazy, there's something much deeper going on that requires better questions.
    1 984
    VERY powerful ad... The truth is, we don’t have a good sense of what a healthy human actually looks like, and we’re all mostly just doing our best to get by in a world so poorly designed that it makes us sick. Economies, GDP, growth, etc are what’s important, human health comes second.
    This Mental Health Ad Got Over 50 Million Views When Launched
    And for good reason... it hits hard.
    4 640
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