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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    The Australian Government has discarded 35% of its vaccine doses due to oversupply. This tells us two things: 1) People became educated on the potential harms of the Covid jab 2) Big Pharma profited greatly on Covid fears
    1 443
    The federal government is freezing the bank accounts of those who dare to speak against it. They want to silence us. They want to lock us down. They want to freeze our assets. The American government is turning against its own people. We can’t let this happen.


    1 442
    According to a recent study, the use of antidepressants during pregnancy could affect brain development of the fetus and potentially lead to mental health disorders later in life. Fluoxetine (which raises serotonin levels in the brain) is commonly used in drugs like Sarafem and Prozac to treat perinatal depression. The study found that serotonin influences how individual connections between neurons adapt and change. When this influence is disrupted or dysregulated during the early development of a fetus, it can lead to various mental health disorders. “Fluoxetine not only crosses the placenta but also passes into breast milk.” - lead author Won Chan Oh Big Pharma wants you to sell you the “feel good” pills instead of exploring natural alternatives.
    ادامه مطلب ...


    2 170
    Among hospitalized patients with COVID-19, a new study found that vaccinated patients had a significantly higher risk of mortality and that the overall survival rate was 2X HIGHER in the unvaccinated group. The researchers observed worse clinical outcomes and decreased antibody levels among vaccinated patients compared to the unvaccinated group. Natural immunity defeats COVID “vaccine” immunity. Repost if you agree!


    Among hospitalized patients with COVID-19, a new study found that vaccinated patients had a significantly higher risk of mortality and that the overall survival rate was 2X HIGHER in the unvaccinated group. The researchers observed worse clinical outcomes and decreased antibody levels among vaccinated patients compared to the unvaccinated group. Natural immunity defeats COVID “vaccine” immunity. Repost if you agree!


    29 481
    As the criteria for depression has been loosened and the pills have been aggressively marketed to more and more people, the use of antidepressants (and the stronger drugs they feed into) in just a few decades has gone from a tiny minority of the population to almost 1 in 4 Americans. In many cases, these drugs turn a TEMPORARY psychiatric condition into a PERMANENT ONE which is exactly what Big Pharma wants. Repost if you agree!


    22 754
    'People were very trusting of the government... they thought, obviously, they have our best in mind. Unfortunately, we found out that that was not the case.' Pastor Henry Hildebrandt speaks about the necessity of standing up and speaking truth.


    23 452
    Interesting note in this report: “The medical examiner could neither confirm nor exclude Covid vaccination as the cause of death.” The CDC’s track record on Covid has been filled with wrong predictions and disinformation. This is the tip of the iceberg.
    NBC News (@NBCNews) on X
    There is no evidence that Covid vaccines cause fatal cardiac arrest or other deadly heart problems in teens and young adults, a CDC report finds. The new analysis debunks widespread misinformation about the mRNA vaccines.
    2 732
    The Bible doesn’t oppose medical care, it strengthens it. The malicious medical malpractice doctor-patient relationship that has existed in our country for years should be no more.


    2 053
    The CDC uses scare tactics to incentivize people into getting an annual flu shot - despite studies repeatedly showing that flu shots have been from zero to less than 50% effective in preventing type A or B influenza over the past several years. According to the CDC, the annual death toll from influenza (36,000) is GREATER than the well documented 1968-9 'Hong Kong flu' pandemic (34,000). How do they get those numbers? The answer is data manipulation. Are you surprised?


    25 062
    With considerably low efficacy rates, mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” caused more deaths than saved lives, according to a new study whose researchers called for a “global moratorium” on the shots and “immediate removal” from the childhood immunization schedule. “... For every life saved, there were nearly 14X MORE DEATHS caused by the modified mRNA injections,” the study authors said. The COVID shots have never been safe and effective. Repost if you agree!


    27 018
    We must reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty in order to safeguard our freedoms. Please sign our petition at


    3 480
    Our children are in danger. - The mandating of untested vaccines - Gender reassignment surgeries and treatments - Exposure to radical progressive curriculum How have we gotten to this point? We must do better.


    2 569
    If Pfizer apologized, would you show forgiveness? Lies and disinformation are not a mistake, especially when those lies are used as a pretense for profit. Some things are unforgivable. Pfizer’s deception is an example of such a thing.
    2 181
    The FDA has finalized a rule allowing certain clinical trials to operate WITHOUT obtaining informed consent from participants. The study cannot pose more than minimal risk to humans and must include appropriate safeguards to protect the rights, safety, and welfare of those involved. Pushback against the new rule suggested the changes would allow institutional review boards (IRBs) to compromise on standards more and more, adding that the term “minimal risk” is far too vague and could be misinterpreted or abused. Eliminating informed consent puts EVERYONE at risk. Repost if you agree!
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    26 441
    When Lilly initially tried to get Prozac approved in Germany, it was rejected because they had concluded Lilly could neither prove what fluoxetine actually did, nor show which clinical picture Lilly was using to diagnose depression. To "fix" this issue, the pharmaceutical industry banded together to “expand the definition” of depression and over the years sponsored a variety of initiatives and patient groups to do so. The corruption and greed of Big Pharma are on full display. Repost if you agree!
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    31 487
    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit dismissed a lawsuit filed by a group of students who raised constitutional challenges against Rutgers University's policy mandating that all students and employees be required to take the COVID-19 shot. It is ILLEGAL to mandate any drug under EUA. The fundamental right to refuse vaccination falls under bodily integrity which is a human right. Any school that violates human rights is not worth attending. Repost if you agree!


    26 561
    Informed consent is one of the most important fundamental aspects of medicine. It allows the patient to be informed about a particular treatment or procedure, in which the patient can evaluate the risks and reward. Many patients were not offered informed consent for Covid vaccines, because their doctors and providers believed what the CDC and FDA were saying. If your doctor couldn’t see through this propaganda and offered you a rushed vaccine without any long-term safety data, it might be time to find a new doctor. I would highly recommend patients to review our service .
    ادامه مطلب ...
    5 083
    Our legal team submitted an amicus curiae brief with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals supporting doctors who seek to prescribe ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. Now, the FDA has agreed to remove all its advisories that addressed ivermectin as treatment of COVID-19. We won.
    4 060
    According to a study by the FDA, toddlers and young children faced a higher risk of seizures following Covid-19 vaccination. This outcome was evident from trial data over two years ago. The data continues to be ignored by the media and health officials.
    Higher Risk of Seizures in Toddlers Shortly After COVID-19 Vaccination: FDA Study
    Researchers reported results in a new study.
    2 702
    Scientific studies have concluded that vitamin A treatment contributes to the reduction of measles incidence, morbidity, and mortality, which reaches the ideal goal of a “vaccine.” Historical evidence suggests that the measles vaccine is not the prominent hero we’ve been told it is for preventing measles. Enhancing our natural immunity is a more effective strategy for controlling measles infection, mortality, and morbidity. Repost if you agree!


    26 998
    Deaths and injuries linked to vaccines were not only observed after the mass COVID-19 vaccination. There are records of severe adverse events since the first vaccines in human history were developed. The journey of smallpox vaccination, dating back to the late 18th century, is marred by numerous accounts of adverse effects and complications. History also shows us that unwavering government support for mandatory vaccination, despite serious health risks, led to widespread protest. Is history repeating itself?
    ادامه مطلب ...


    31 609
    The FDA is being allowed to withhold COVID-19 “vaccine” safety data for at least SIX MONTHS, under a recent order from a federal judge. The ruling means the FDA can continue withholding materials on its analyses of reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). U.S. authorities detected HUNDREDS OF SAFETY SIGNALS for the COVID shots, many of which have never provided evidence of examining further. The FDA must release this data to the public. Repost if you agree!


    29 818
    Who can be held liable for vaccine injuries in a U.S. court of law? Not the manufacturers Not the distributors Not the medical providers Not the government - even when it mandates the shots! This is precisely the predicament that the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) was supposed to prevent. The Medical Industrial Complex cannot continue to operate without liability AND must be held accountable for the harm inflicted on our children. Repost if you agree!


    28 783
    3 462
    When Prozac was first created, Eli Lilly actually had no intention of using it to treat depression. While studying fluoxetine (Prozac), some of the test subjects had lost weight, a side effect the company bosses deemed to be much more lucrative. Prozac and its successors were sold on the myth that depression is due to a chemical imbalance of serotonin in the brain. While this was a catchy marketing slogan, it was actually NEVER proven. Greed and corruption will be the death of medicine. Repost if you agree!
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    36 261
    Only 10-30% of flu-like respiratory illnesses during flu season are actually caused by influenza type A or B which is what the flu shot is supposed to prevent. There is no scientific evidence to support the government pushing us to get the flu shot. The CDC is “working in the manufacturer's interests by conducting campaigns to increase flu vaccination.” The fact that the CDC is in charge of not only recommending and promoting mandatory use of vaccines while also monitoring vaccine safety is a significant conflict of interest. Repost if you agree!
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    32 847
    On Friday March 15th 2024, America’s Frontline Doctors will be presenting the first ever AFLDS Freedom Summit live in Naples, Florida and streaming worldwide! Come join our all-star panel of speakers - the world’s leading experts in medicine, science, policy, and civil liberties - and learn how to Escape The Medical Industrial Complex! 📷Purchase your tickets for this landmark event TODAY at . For those unable to attend the event in person, join us by live-streaming this groundbreaking event conveniently from your computer or mobile device  - anywhere in the world! The AFLDS Freedom Summit livestream is available to purchase for just $10.    Purchase the livestream TODAY to ensure that you have virtual access to the event!   The AFLDS Freedom Summit is a Must-See Experience!
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    4 208
    When the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) was originally passed in 1986, vaccine makers were still liable for design defects and doctors could still be sued for medical malpractice if they didn’t fulfill the requirements of the law, which included providing parents with informed consent. The implementation of VAERS was “a remarkable accomplishment.” However, there is no punishment for non-compliance with the safety provisions. This is why vaccine side effects are underreported by anywhere from 90-99%. In a relatively short amount of time, the 1986 Act was stripped of its safeguards through a slew of amendments. Liability must return to medicine. Repost if you agree!
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    28 764
    On Friday March 15th 2024, America’s Frontline Doctors will be presenting the first ever AFLDS Freedom Summit live in Naples, Florida and streaming worldwide! Come join our all-star panel of speakers - the world’s leading experts in medicine, science, policy, and civil liberties - and learn how to Escape The Medical Industrial Complex! 📷Purchase your tickets for this landmark event TODAY at . For those unable to attend the event in person, join us by live-streaming this groundbreaking event conveniently from your computer or mobile device  - anywhere in the world! The AFLDS Freedom Summit livestream is available to purchase for just $10.    Purchase the livestream TODAY to ensure that you have virtual access to the event!   The AFLDS Freedom Summit is a Must-See Experience!
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