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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
I bet they’re voting for Harris…


These woMEN are getting out of control. Dangerous times ahead..


1 055


1 091
The real reason for Noah’s arc..


1 056
Black Goo = Demon Blood.. Truth in movies... (the new crow movie 2024)


1 277
Centuries of Suffering: They kill to live longer Truth in movies.. Uncover the chilling truth about the dark choices that echo through time. Why do innocent souls suffer at the hands of the ones we should fear? A deep dive into deals, regrets, and a haunting plea for understanding. The world is not as simple as it seems, and the cost of innocence runs deep. Time to awaken thoughts and challenge beliefs.


1 534


2 651
The War On Women 😡 It’s how you get to the men and the children…


4 677
🎯IMPORTANT - 🚓 Gangs of New Court: Elect a Sheriff Not a President Unveil the Hidden Power Struggle: Sheriffs vs. Police, Corruption, and Occult's Iron Grip! Discover the untold story of how local sheriffs wield more power than police and even judges within their jurisdictions! Learn how these county sheriffs have the authority to reject unconstitutional executive orders, effectively shielding their communities from overreach. But the plot thickens! This explosive expose reveals how gangs and corrupt officials infiltrate law enforcement, backed by government corruption, to undermine the people's rights. Despite this, the people's constitutional rights still overpower both the government and law enforcement. Unmask the True Controllers: Uncover the compelling evidence that both the military and police are stealthily ran by Freemasonry—operating as the hidden arm of royalty’s control over the USA and other regions globally. Empower yourself with actionable steps to fight back—learn how to remove corrupt sheriffs and officials by claiming their bond. Just like a bail bondsman pre-emptively securing bail, these bonds can be leveraged to expose and oust unconstitutional authorities. You can Claim this bail money (Their Bond) to hold them accountable. Join us on this riveting journey to reclaim power from behind-the-scenes manipulators. Go to TheDisclosureHub. com to follow us on all platforms, and don't miss out on these critical insights that everyone needs to know! 💥🕵️‍♂️👁 🔗 Join the Resistance and Learn More: SecretCivics. com Be informed. Stay vigilant. Fight for your freedom! 💪🗽 Please download, repost, and mirror this video, even one share matters - Without you, this video does nothing - Pay this video forward. Rumble 🔗 Link: rumble. com/v5dpjq4
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Gangs Of New Court - Disclosure Hub - 2 - compressed.m4v

4 302

We Are You - Compressed.m4v

3 166
SAVE THE CHILDREN… subliminal messages and hidden dangers around every corner with the Mason Media… don’t let your kids on the internet or watch movies…. Or find better sources.. Truth in movies, true horror. Link:


3 502
It’s beyond obvious now they are targeting the family unit… It’s all because of weak men, they got to the women and the kids..


3 076
THIS IS WAR..... The attack on little girls in America....


3 274
Music is changing 💪 💥 SHARE FAR AND WIDE


3 698


3 906
Remember when Jesse Lee Peterson got an entire episode of Dr Phil banned for speaking facts


4 777
🌍 "Satanic Super Soldiers" Forgotten Languages and Their Power The richness of forgotten languages holds profound cultural significance and wisdom. These languages, encompassing ancient tongues and scripts, capture the nuances of human experience that modern languages often fail to convey. Notably, the English language can act as a prison due to its inherent double-speak and ambiguous expressions, which can obscure meaning and facilitate manipulation. This contrasts sharply with the clarity and depth offered by ancient languages possibly leading to things most may not comprehend. Freemasonry and Satanism: Unveiling Parallels Analyzing Symbolic Connections: Freemasonry and Satanism share several *symbolic and ritualistic* parallels that spark intrigue and concern: - Pentagrams: A common symbol in both traditions, though used with different intents and implications. - Rituals and Initiations: Both practices involve elaborate ceremonies and a progression of levels, unlocking deeper knowledge and power at each stage. - Esoteric Knowledge: An emphasis on secrecy and unlocking *hidden truths* is central to both, fostering an environment of exclusivity and control. (find more information exposed on this throughout the film "Katt and the Occult". 📚 Connecting Historical Patterns: These parallels extend to broader aims and historical scenarios, such as the concept of chaos before order, a recurring theme in both Freemasonic teachings and Satanic doctrine. This motif suggests a deliberate collapse of existing systems to enable the rise of a new order, a strategy seen in various occult narratives. 🚨 Intersecting Interests and Allegiances: The mass arrests conducted by Homeland Security (HLS) and FEMA have drawn scrutiny due to alleged Freemasonic influences within these organizations. Critics assert that key positions are occupied by Freemasons, guiding actions and policies that align with hidden agendas. This raises questions about the true objectives behind these operations and the degree of transparency and accountability involved. Freemasonry in the Military Achieving high ranks in the military often involves becoming a Freemason. Evidence suggests that: - Advancement beyond certain ranks is significantly easier or even contingent upon joining Masonic lodges. - Colonel Michael Aquino, a notable figure, serves as an example of individuals with *Satanic affiliations* within the military framework, highlighting an unsettling tolerance for such beliefs. 🔍 Implications and Vigilance:The convergence of Freemasonry, Satanism, and Military Power necessitates critical scrutiny. Awareness of these affiliations enhances our understanding of potential hidden influences shaping policies and actions. Engaging with this complex narrative enables a more informed perspective on how these elements interact within systems of power. The interwoven nature of forgotten languages, Freemasonry, and Satanism with institutional power highlights the need for heightened vigilance and critical analysis. By understanding these dynamics, we safeguard the integrity of our societal structures and remain alert to potential manipulations. 🕵️ Stay Informed and Critically Engaged - Please share this video. All are free.
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5 376
🚨 Controversial Call to Expand LGBTQ Acronym 🚨 A provocative podcast episode featuring a caller who claims to be associated with the International Pedophilia and Child Emancipation (IPCE). The caller aims to add a "P" for pedophilia to the LGBTQ acronym, transforming it into LGBTQP. This controversial bid has sparked intense debates and brought historical comparisons to light. Historical Parallels with Hitler’s Campaign The caller's proposition draws parallels to Hitler's agenda, where he sought to eliminate gays, multigender, and transgender individuals as part of his broader campaign for "purity." This disturbing historical echo highlights the manipulation of social narratives to serve divisive and harmful agendas. Hitler's regime employed a strategy of scapegoating and mass confusion to achieve its insidious goals, much like the current proposal to co-opt the LGBTQ movement for unrelated purposes. 🌈 Merging Opposing Sides for Confusion: This controversial attempt to amalgamate pedophilia with the LGBTQ community is a tactic designed to create maximum confusion and undermine legitimate social justice movements. By conflating highly stigmatized behaviors with the fight for equal rights, it risks delegitimizing the LGBTQ cause and divides public opinion. This manipulation tactic exploits the vulnerability of social movements, akin to the divisive strategies used historically. Critical Analysis and Vigilance: Analyzing these tactics and their broader implications is crucial. The inclusion of "P" within the LGBTQ context is not merely a plea for acceptance but a deliberate move to distort and disrupt. Awareness and critical thinking are essential in recognizing and countering these manipulative strategies, ensuring the integrity of genuine movements remains intact. 🔍 Stay Informed and Engage Thoughtfully: Engage with this controversial discussion thoughtfully and critically. Understanding the historical and social context helps in protecting the integrity of vulnerable communities and upholding the essence of social justice movements.
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3 613
🚨 Critical Issue: Missing Immigrant Children in the U.S. 🚨 The United States currently faces a grave crisis: over 300,000 immigrant children have gone missing due to systemic flaws—many suspect this may be by design. This tragic reality has left countless families in turmoil and demands urgent attention to resolve. ### Pursuing Justice through the Legal System To achieve justice for these lost children, it's imperative to leverage the legal system. Key steps include: - Filing lawsuits to compel government agencies to disclose information and take actionable steps. - Utilizing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain records that could shed light on these disappearances. - Collaborating with legal advocacy groups to mount class action lawsuits. ⚖️ Accountability through Insurance Bonds A lesser-known but powerful approach involves targeting the insurance bonds of those in positions of authority. These bonds, often referred to as the "Achilles' heel," can be scrutinized to hold individuals financially accountable. Steps include: - Identifying the responsible officials and finding their respective bonds. - Filing claims against these bonds, based on dereliction of duty or malfeasance. 🔍 Continuing the Search for Truth Persistence and comprehensive efforts are essential to bring these children home safely. Every step towards uncovering the truth and enforcing accountability brings us closer to resolving this profound humanitarian issue.
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2 999

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رأی دادن ناشناس
2 895
🔺 Analyzing the Representation of Illuminati Symbols in Children's Shows on Disney A recent Disney show features a character resembling an Illuminati pyramid with an eye at the top—commonly referenced as an occult symbol—which tricks a young boy into making a deal. This deal results in the demonic pyramid gaining control over the boy's body and ousting his soul. Such content raises significant concerns regarding its appropriateness for young viewers and is a focal point of discussions about childhood indoctrination. Why This Shouldn't Be in Disney Programming: Disney has a vast audience comprised predominantly of children and young adolescents, who are highly impressionable. Exposing them to content that features demonic possession and manipulation can influence their developing minds in potentially harmful ways. These themes are not only inappropriate but can also embed disturbing ideas and fears in children, affecting their psychological well-being. 👀 Evidence of Indoctrination: Including occult symbols and scenarios in media aimed at children can be seen as an effort to normalize and desensitize them to such concepts. Historically, indoctrination has utilized similar mechanisms – embedding specific ideologies or symbols subtly within widely-consumed media to shape young minds. This method is concerning when applied to trusted children's programming, as it exploits the innocent trust children place in these shows. The Role of Parents and Educators: Parents and educators must remain vigilant in monitoring the media consumed by children. Open discussions about what they watch and explaining the fictitious nature of such narratives can help mitigate adverse effects. It’s essential to provide children with context and encourage critical thinking, ensuring they are not unduly influenced by underlying messages. 🇺🇸 Visualize the profound difference you can make by downloading and sharing this video. Lead the way, spreading this vital knowledge before it vanishes. Become the driving force—take action now and empower others!💪
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3 133
🎥 MrBeast and Covert Indoctrination Tactics MrBeast, one of the most famous YouTubers globally, has become a central figure in discussions surrounding covert indoctrination. Interestingly, his rise to fame has lately been analyzed through the lens of a broader agenda. Specifically, some viewpoints suggest that his platform has been utilized to push the trans movement, spotlighting his best friend’s transition as part of an orchestrated plan. Planned Influence and Media Manipulation: The notion of planned influence is not new and has historical precedents, particularly in wartime strategies. During conflicts, psychological operations (PSYOPs) have been employed to sway public opinion and behavior subtly. These tactics often involve the introduction of influential figures or media campaigns to normalize certain ideologies and cultivate acceptance within the population. 🧠 Understanding Covert Indoctrination Examples from history demonstrate how covert indoctrination has subtly shaped social and political landscapes. - World War II: Propaganda was extensively used by both the Allies and Axis powers to manipulate public sentiment. - Cold War Era: The media played a crucial role in spreading ideologies and garnering support for respective governments. The gradual and strategic introduction of certain ideas via popular figures or content can significantly impact collective psychology. These revelations about MrBeast's association with mainstreaming specific social movements resonate with such historical tactics, suggesting a nuanced and planned effort for broader societal change. Conclusion: Vigilance and Critical Thinking A deeper understanding of these covert tactics urges individuals to maintain vigilance and practice critical thinking. It’s essential to recognize how influential figures and media might shape perceptions intentionally. By being informed, we can better discern truth from agenda-driven narratives and make conscious decisions based on comprehensive understanding. 🔍 For further exploration and a more profound understanding of your rights and influences, consider resources like Secret Civics that provide valuable insights and promote informed awareness. (SecretCivics. Com) 🇺🇸 Visualize the profound difference you can make by downloading and sharing this video. Lead the way, spreading this vital knowledge before it vanishes. Become the driving force—take action now and empower others!💪
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3 152


4 589


4 948
🌐 Weaponizing Women: A Military Tactic to Destabilize Nations In this eye-opening video, we see an example of the controversial military tactic known as "Gender Warfare". This strategy involves weaponizing women in society to corrupt and destabilize the youth, ultimately undermining the social fabric of a nation. By targeting the influential role of women in shaping future generations, this tactic aims to erode the core values and strength of a society from within. (Thank you to the Women who have had the fortitude to resist and fight this wave of destruction!) Gender Warfare employs several mechanisms to achieve its objectives: - Promoting ideologies that distort and redefine traditional roles and values. - Infiltrating educational systems to influence young minds with subversive content. - Encouraging social behaviors that are detrimental to familial and societal stability. These actions are designed to create a cultural shift where the youth are disconnected from their heritage and easily manipulated. This ultimately weakens national unity and resilience, making the society more vulnerable to external influences. ⚔️ Historical and Global Implications ⚔️ Historical instances and modern examples suggest that Gender Warfare can be devastatingly effective. The parallels drawn between ancient civilizations' downfall and modern societal disruptions underscore the tactic's potency. The ancient collapses often involved internal decay facilitated by shifts in cultural and social norms, not unlike what Gender Warfare aims to achieve today. This video reveals such insidious tactics, the intricate methods behind Gender Warfare. Join us for a Quick dive into the unsettling yet critical topic of how the role of women has been weaponized to destabilize entire nations. Understand the historical precedents, modern-day implementations, and the vital steps needed to counteract this form of social engineering.
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4 830
3 819
📽 Presidential Lineage: Uncover the Hidden Ties 1. Royal Ancestry Connection 👑: Recent research suggests that many U.S. presidents are distantly related, tracing their lineage back to European royal families. This connection raises intriguing questions about our leaders' selection. 2. Illusion of Choice 🤔: The notion that we have had a wide array of choices in presidential candidates is challenged by these genealogical links, suggesting a possible pattern in the selection process. 3. US Corporation 🏛: The United States (US) is, in fact, a corporate entity distinct from the USA. This corporation, operates under the influence of European royal interests. - Exposing Connections 🧬: Highlighting the genealogical ties between presidents and European royalty brings to light the historical influences that persist in modern governance. Challenge to Democracy 🗳: If these connections imply a controlled selection of leaders, it challenges the very foundation of democratic choice. Behind-the-Scenes Influence 👀: The theory suggests that European royals or their descendants may exert influence over the corporate entity of the US, steering policies and decisions from the shadows. - Seeking Truth 🔍: Advocates for uncovering and understanding hidden historical connections believe in the importance of full transparency in leadership origins. - Questioning Narratives 🛠: Emphasizing the need to critically evaluate and question the official narratives surrounding leadership and governance. - Empowerment Through Knowledge 📚: Believing that an informed populace is better equipped to demand true democratic processes and transparent governance. - Historical Insight 🕰: Understanding the deep ancestral ties of leaders connects us more profoundly to the roots of our political systems. - Transparency and Integrity ⚖️: Advocating for transparency ensures that the people's rights to know and choose their leaders are respected. - Public Awareness and Debate 🌐: Promoting these discoveries for broader public debate helps encourage critical thinking and accountability. 🔔 Discover More: SecretCivics. com (remove the space) Please download and repost We need to educate / not relocate!
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Blood Lines Presidents and more - Compressed.m4v

5 226
📽 Altiyan Childs: Exposing Freemasonry in a Groundbreaking 5-Hour Revelation 📽 🔍 Who is Altiyan Childs? Altiyan Childs, an acclaimed celebrity and winner of Australia's "The X Factor," made a dramatic shift in his career to become a whistleblower, unraveling the hidden secrets of Freemasonry. 📜 Key Points of His Disclosure: - Freemasonry and Pedophilia Claims ❌: Childs boldly reveals alleged practices within Freemasonry, including pedophilia, asserting that these secretive activities are far more widespread and entrenched in society than commonly known. - Hidden Networks of Power 🔍: He discusses the deep influence and network of Freemasons in positions of power, shedding light on their control mechanisms and hidden agendas. - Personal Transformation ✨: Childs shares his personal journey of transformation and the reasons that drove him to leave his celebrity life behind to expose what he believes to be significant threats to societal norms and ethics. - A Call to Awareness 🚨: Through his extensive 5-hour video, Childs urges people to educate themselves about the realities of Freemasonry, advocating for greater transparency and accountability. 📚 Why It Matters: Altiyan Childs' revelations are based on his personal experiences and represent a critical appeal for public awareness regarding secret societies and their perceived impact on global leadership and morality. His testimony aims to awaken viewers to previously concealed truths and inspire action towards a more open and informed society. 🔔 Discover More: SecretCivics. com (remove the space) Please download and repost We need to educate / not relocate!
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Mason Break Down - Compressed.m4v

4 833
U.S. Military = Federal Government not the U.S.A. Republic Constitutional Foundation: The U.S. military (Starts around 11:00) is established and governed by the federal government, specifically under the powers granted by the U.S. Constitution (Not U.S.A.). Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution provides Congress with the authority to raise and support armies, provide and maintain a navy, and make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces. Federal Control: The President (CEO) of the United States Inc, representing the federal government, serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, as stipulated in Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution (Not U.S.A.). This solidifies the military’s role as an instrument of federal authority, headquartered in the District of Columbia. Roles and Responsibilities: The primary responsibility of the U.S. military is to defend the nation against foreign and domestic threats. It is a centralized and professional force designed to ensure national security under the direction of federal governance. Common Law Militias and the People Militia (U.S.A. Military): Under common law and historical context, militias are local, citizen-based military forces organized for local defense and law enforcement. They are distinct from the professional federal military. The Second Amendment of the U.S.A. Constitution states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This emphasizes the role of militias as citizen-soldiers integral to the federal system of checks and balances. Militia and the People: Historically, militias comprised ordinary citizens who might be called upon to defend their community or nation in times of need, reflecting the principle that the people themselves have a role in securing their own freedom and security. This contrasts with the standing army, emphasizing a citizen's duty to participate in the nation's defense. Modern Interpretation: Today, the National Guard serves as a moderated version of these militias, operating under the National Defense Act. The National Guard operates under the dual control of state and federal governments, providing a bridge between local citizen-soldiers and the federal military structure. The Second Amendment’s Role Protection of Rights: The Second Amendment protects individual rights to keep and bear arms, reflecting the belief that an armed populace is a safeguard against tyranny and a means for collective self-defense at a local level. Learn about the U.S. vs U.S.A. This video: Please download and repost We need to educate / not relocate!
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Occult Katt Military Compilation - Compressed.m4v

4 449
Stop listening to mainstream music


4 115
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