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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    InSight's Martian probe mission ends this year due to power problems "The NASA InSight Mars lander is gradually losing power and is anticipated to end science operations later this summer. By December, the team expects the lander to have become inoperative, concluding a mission that has thus far detected more than 1,300 marsquakes! (1/3)," Zurbuchen wrote on Twitter. He added that the information gathered during the study of Martian earthquakes allowed scientists to study the depth and composition of the Red Planet's crust, mantle and core. Also, the device collected important meteorological data and studied the remnants of the magnetic field of Mars, which existed in the distant past.
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    Discovered on Mars door turned out to be the result of rock erosion "This rock shows layers called strata dipping to the left and right of the 'door,'" says a Red Planet geologist. According to him, it is the result of how the rock has formed over many billions of years. In the foreground of the image we can see a stone with a similar surface, perhaps it has fallen off and opened a cavity in the rock. And it could be caused by a crack in the rock, resulting from the contrast between day and night temperatures. Also, there is the specificity of the processing of Martian images. They are subjected to contrast and sharpness enhancement so that details can be better distinguished. On top of that, the photos are often composed of several images, which can also add artifacts to the image or slightly distort its lines.
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    Moon Dust In 1972, Jack Schmitt and Gene Cernan got so caught up in being the last humans on the Moon that they forgot to "wipe their feet" before entering their landing module. Which, in general, is rather surprising as they already knew how awful that lunar dust was. It had already managed to clog all the articulations of their spacesuits during the mission. So much so that they couldn't move properly. And the dust was so sharp that it rubbed through three layers of Kevlar-like fabric on their boots! Such negligence brought this very lunar dust inside their ship, and they had to fly all the way home with it. Constantly making sure it didn't kill them.
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    The image depicts an NGC 3314 space object NGC 3314 is actually two large spiral galaxies that are virtually aligned in the same line of sight. The spiral galaxy in the foreground is clearly visible in the bluish clusters of young stars. The distant galaxy of the system is about 70,000 light-years across. Galaxies in NGC 3314 system are located at distances of 140 million (far galaxy) and 117 million (near galaxy) light years away from us in the multi-headed Hydra constellation.
    The spiral galaxy NGC 4945 is similar in size to our Galaxy and lies 13 million light-years away.
    How do we get such clear photographs of space objects? Surely, not at once! Many times, we have to superimpose hundreds of thousands of photos to get a clear picture. 100,000 shots of the Moon in one image ⤴️ This is one of the most detailed photos of Earth's satellite 🌖 Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took a picture of the Moon being in the first quarter. Technically, this is not just one picture of our satellite, but over 100,000. By combining so many photos, McCarthy got rid of the distortion that the Earth's atmosphere creates in the photo and showed the Moon in its present form.
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    1 085
    K A M A S U T R A ( 18+ ) is the most perverted channel on Telegram! 💦How to bring a girl to ORGASM in 30 SECONDS - How NOT TO CUM for hours for a guy - THE BEST and worst sex POSES - Sex without touching! How is it? [Go deeper, you'll love it] 👇 🔞
    1 045
    Would you say it was an illusion? NASA's photos of the surface of Mars indicate something resembling an entrance inside the rock🧐
    1 300
    That's what a rocket launch from space looks like 🚀 By the way, the rocket jellyfish is nicely shown.

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    New Horizons approached Pluto New Horizons approached Pluto at a distance of 12,500 kilometers. For comparison, satellites in geostationary orbit "hang" over the Earth at a distance of 36,000 kilometers, which is almost 3 times farther The apparatus has spent 9.5 years in transit and flew about 5 billion kilometers. At such a scale of travel, the accuracy of the "hit" is amazing.

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    1 232
    Experiment to grow plants in soil from the Moon proved poor results Scientists at the University of Florida planted cress seeds in 4 grams of lunar soil from each of the three Apollo missions and tracked their growth for 20 days. Within 60 hours of planting, the research team found that the seeds had sprouted in all soil samples. Between day 6 and 8, the team removed a few seedlings so that only one plant grew for every gram of soil. On the removed plants, they found that the roots grown in the lunar soil were stunted compared to plants grown in Earth's volcanic soil.
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    1 321
    Why doesn't the Earth's core melt the entire planet? The temperature of our planet's core is comparable to the surface temperature of the Sun, about 6,000°C. It is only 3,000 kilometers away, but this heat does not reach us. One reason is the layer of solid rocky mantle, which surrounds the core and is an excellent thermal insulator. But the main reason is the difference between heat and temperature. Simply put, heat is energy. And temperature is the density of that energy, that is, the amount of energy that is put into an object of a certain size. The core has a high temperature because it is invested in a small volume of the core. To melt the Earth, the center of our planet would need much more energy.
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    1 300
    The James Webb Telescope 🛰 It allows scientists to track objects from outside the Solar System. Only two such space bodies are known to date: the asteroid 1I/Oumuamua and comet 2I/Borisova.


    1 249
    Part of the Swan supernova blast wave This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a small portion of the Swan supernova blast wave. The explosion resulted from the "death" of a star 20 times more massive than our Sun. It takes about 2400 years for the light from this supernova to reach Earth!
    1 322
    🔔+$2.000 Your account is credited with this amount!👆🏼These are the messages my subscribers get every day


    How large is the ISS? Inside, it appears to be about a 6-bedroom house. Typically, there are 3 to 6 astronauts and cosmonauts staying there and working on the ISS for 6 months 🛰 According to the astronauts, being in such a confined space with the same people for long periods of time is psychologically difficult. The crew is formed 2.5 years before the flight, and only the most stress-resistant candidates are selected. During this time, astronauts train together, go on missions, take survival courses, work and even become family friends. And if suddenly antipathy arises between the crew members, they, as a rule, warn their superiors about it.
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    1 231
    NGC 2359 is a helmet-shaped cloud with wing-like appendages, popularly referred to as "Thor's Helmet". The helmet is actually quite similar to an interstellar bubble, blown by a fast wind from a bright, massive star near its center, which blows up the area in the surrounding molecular cloud. The central Wolf-Rayet star is an extremely hot giant at a short, pre-surface evolutionary stage.
    1 187
    The mass of a typical small cloud is about 10 tons Although it can be 100-200 tons😱 This is the mass of moisture that makes up the cloud. But heavy thunderstorm clouds, the ones that bring streams of rain, blue-black in color, can weigh up to 1500-2000 tons
    1 287
    Photo of the shadow of a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way The Event Horizon telescope has taken the first-ever photo of the shadow of a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, the European Southern Observatory reports. Scientists found that the center of the Milky Way coincides with a faint radio noise source called Sagittarius A, 27,000 light-years from the Sun, where the black hole is located. Observations were made in 2017 and took five years to process as the brightness and structure of the gas around Sagittarius A changed rapidly. This discovery finally proved the existence of a black hole in the center of our galaxy.
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    1 333
    How many suns can a planet have? Planets with two suns, such as those in Star Wars, are not uncommon, especially on a cosmic scale. Three suns are much rarer, yet there are cases. The approximate distance at which stars stop interacting is tens of thousands of astronomical units. Within these limits, even very distant objects are bound together by invisible forces, which are also constantly distorted by the effects of black holes. Nevertheless, an equilibrium point can theoretically be found. American researchers give the example of our solar system, in which there are many moons, but the 9 satellites of Jupiter have no effect on the Earth. In the same way, the stars, being in the same system, may not have a destructive effect on their planet.
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    1 427
    Photos of Mars show "doors to an underground temple," according to NASA. But, as you can imagine, that’s most likely a common illusion.
    1 446
    HD 140283 is a subgiant star 190 light years from Earth. It belongs to the second generation of stars with low metal content. Subgiant HD 140283 belongs to a group of highly ancient stars, born several hundred million years after the Big Bang. It was born in a dwarf galaxy that the Milky Way absorbed more than 12 billion years ago. Below, I’ve attached a comparison of the size of HD 140283 with other stars that can be seen in the starry sky.
    1 358
    For the first time in 50 years: the U.S. Defense Department will hold hearings on UFOs Previously, U.S. intelligence published a preliminary assessment of 144 reports of "unidentified airborne phenomena" since 2004. On May 17, a closed secret hearing on a Pentagon program, known as the Aerial Object Identification and Control Group, will be held. It was created in 2021 after U.S. intelligence released an estimate of 144 reports of "unidentified airborne phenomena" and could explain only one.
    1 336
    Some planets may be more habitable than Earth Earth doesn't have to be the best planet in the universe. Two dozen planets outside our Solar System are already known to have conditions more suited for life. Potential "super habitable" planets could be much older, slightly larger, slightly warmer, and possibly wetter than Earth. All 24 of the top "superhabitable" contenders are more than 100 light-years away. But habitability doesn't mean these planets definitely have life on them, they're just conditions conducive to life.
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    1 355
    How old are Saturn's rings? If you ask Google this question, it will give an unambiguous and straightforward answer: 100,100,000 years. So it turns out that they were formed at a time when dinosaurs walked on Earth? Funny🤔
    1 324
    Time for important laws Canada has introduced a new criminal code for crimes on the Moon. From now on, astronauts who committed misconduct can be officially prosecuted. Everyone willing to rob aliens will now answer to the law in Canada😁
    1 498
    A "hellish" planet, with a hotter surface than some stars, has been discovered The new planet was named TOI-1431b and has a rather impressive size. It is about three times more massive than Jupiter and located near a bright star that heats its atmosphere during the day to 2 700 ° C. At night, TOI-1431b cools down to only 2,300 °C. The author of the study said that the conditions on this planet are really "hellish". No life forms can exist on it. Most of the metal reserves on the object evaporated under the influence of extreme temperatures.
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    1 453
    Dyson Sphere In 2015, astronomer Tabetha Boyajian reported that a star 1,400 light-years away sometimes dimmed quite a bit. One explanation was the assumption that the star is surrounded by a Dyson sphere. The idea, proposed many years ago by physicist Freeman Dyson, is that advanced civilizations may be building giant structures in space made up of a swarm of solar panels. It helps them gather enough starlight to develop technology and life. Such structures can sometimes interfere with the passage of light from the star, causing periodic blackouts visible from Earth.
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    1 508
    Why don't the artificial satellites, which orbit us, collide with each other? Currently, over 3,000 active satellites are orbiting the Earth, and an equal number are already out of orbit. In all, there are more than 100 million fragments in Earth orbit. These fragments are space debris ranging in size from 1 mm. The size of the near-Earth space is quite large. But if you consider this space in numbers, 1 satellite or object is about 13,000 cubic kilometers. That's not much, a little more than half the volume of Lake Baikal. And given a velocity of over 28,000 kilometers per hour, the chances of a collision would be quite high. For example, in 2009, the Iridium satellite collided with a spent spacecraft. The results of this accident were the destruction of the satellite and 2,300 pieces of large space debris.
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    1 424
    The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224 Aka the Andromeda Nebula, is a spiral galaxy with a dashed structure It is located about 2.5 million light-years from Earth, and is the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way.
    1 565
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