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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
For a friend.
2 627
What do you all think of this?
3 493
Our recent show "angels and demons" upset the demons so muxh they took down his facebook
4 184
Time to leave Australia... FYI canada is next.
6 681
You all thought this was a "conspriacy theory" well here it is in WRITING. By 2030 the want to ban ALL MEAT, DAIRY, PRIVATE VEHICLE OWNERSHIP and limit you to 1 flight every 3 years. All in the name of "fighting climate change"
8 069
"P Diddy" caught on camera beating his girlfriend kicking her while shes down and throwing stuff at her. All he had to do was PAY HER OFF to avoid jail. And get this. His payout was "not an admission of any wrong doing." Yup this satanic fuck rapes children for sure.


11 254
ANGELS and DEMONS. It's one of my favorite shows I've ever done completely differently than what you are used to!
Brad Wozny, Chris Sky, % me discuss battle between Good V Evil, God Wins
Visit Brads Channel on Rumble (https://rumble.com/v4vthl5-demonic-attacks-on-chris-sky-his-noahs-ark-trip-and-bishop-jims-nde-message.html) Brad the Sovereign Soul, Wozny & Chris Sky and me discuss Ch
5 373
Are you one of the millions of "Christian Zionsts"... yup. You're a pawn.
The disturbing reality of how Christians are treated in the Holy Land - LifeSite
Though many American Christians see a 'blessing' in unwavering support for Israel, it is jarring to confront exactly how Christians are treated in the Holy Land. 
5 772
These little guys are only in Mexico ☺️


6 040
FUNGAL infections are increasing exponentially to 4 million dead in 1 year! They may eclipse cancer in the future for number 1 one cause of death. What causes fungal infections? Simple an IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOSTA aka anybody who took the covid shot. Cancer, fungus, heart attack, stroke, blood clots. But hey. "You had no choice"
6 873
Can our country get any more immoral or brazenly Satanic? Promoting "pride" the beginning of all sins? What do you expect when you re leader is and openly known to the world PEDOPHILE? Let that sink folks. You re living in a nation and supporting the ideals of satanic pedophiles and the majority of you would rather virtue signal by wrapping your children in a 🌈 flag, while quoting bible verses to appear virutous. Puting got it right. The LGBT is a terrorist organization. Its time you stand up and actively oppose this before it swallows up the entire nation. "Pride" is already an entire SEASON. They alread let scantily clad men "perform" for children and of course we has multiple incidents of children being raped at daycares in north america. Is there anything Canadians wont "tolerate" ?
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6 216
JFK was the last man to take on the Federal Reserve head on with executive order 11110 which would have brought back the SILVER CERTIFICATES and put FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES out of business. So they shot him in the face and Lyndon B Johnson (a jew) took over and rescinded the executive order and the rest is all DEBT AND INFLATION and the end of The American Dream.
5 978
"FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD ABOLITION ACT" seeks to ELIMINATE the private for profit Fedeal Reserve designed to enslave you. Also known as "how to get your self shot in the head" act!
6 079
6 195
So a friend of mine ran into Messi, one of his family members was weaing a "just say no" Hoodie.... Messi said "hey ive heard of that Chris Sky guy" when they told him they were my friends, he autographed the hoodie "keep saying no" 😁 i cant lie its a pretty cool feeling to know that one of the very best in the world is aware of my efforts. I bet he didn't take the jab!
7 433
So my friend just took a clear pic of what appears to be a UFO...
5 376
Canada is now 157 years old. And just how bad is our financial situation? Well in took 141 years to accumulate over 1 trillion in debt and then only 16 years (8 under Trudeau) to DOUBLE our debt to over 2 trillion (more than our entire GDP) but here's the best part! Virtually every country in the world (even "poor" ones) HOLD GOLD as an "emergency reserve" ... even Australia has 50 TONS of Gold. How much does Canada have left? 0 thats right while even the "poorest" countries in the world measure their gold reserves in tons (usa has over 8000 tons!) Canada, the worlds shithole, has 0!
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16 388
While Russia rightfully calls our the LGBT agenda as a terrorist movement targeting children and bans it from their country. In our country where our "leader" is a 100% known Pedophile who paid 2.5 million to stay out of jail for fucking a child at the school he "taught" and wants to put you in jail for LIFE if you offend a member of the LGBT community "pride" (aka the root of all sin) is now an entire SEASON in Canada. How much more do Canadians need to "tolerate" before the get the fuck out of this shithole. Im honestly curious.
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7 171
So is it just the imagine of a "conspiracy theorist" that quality of life in canada has dropped SIGNIFICANTLY (and has a long way to go) and is it really "just as bad everywhere" as the most stupid and lazy Canadians contend? Well...
6 919
How do you know Canada is in free fall collapse and headed towards full blown communist take over? Jobs in the governent (which COST US MONEY) Vs job in the private sector (Which add to GDP) Since 2020 have frown almost 400% more, than jobs that actually make Canada money. Gocernment jobs get paid for by YOU, the citizens. In order for an economy to be able to grow, TOTAL expenditure on government, should be around 25%. We now spend over 40% of ALL OUR MONEY on continuing to increase the size and scope of government, while all other industries get smaller. So the next time you hear them lie about "new job growth" take not that the vast majority of that growth is ARTIFICIALLY CREATED by increasing the size and more importantly the COST of government. 😉👍
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7 900
Remember, told you "white" canadians are ALREADY a minority in Canada, and will only make up 1 ouf of 4 people by 2035?
Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) on X
People are starting to realize something weird is going on.
6 918
70 dollars doesnt go far in canada. Its ok one Canadian told me "we shouldnt be eating so much, anyway" skipping meals will become commonplace on the road to "owning nothing, and being happy"
7 488
"Arm your self" "stay and fight" "i will die for my country" is the phony bravado, most common from Canadians that still dont undertsand the current situation. So before you try and emulate your favorite 80s action hero, let me tell you why that wont help. Tell me how arming your self is gonna prevent them from simply continuing to accumulate debt and inflation?  Heres what happens over the next 9 years. Each year your overall cost of living goes up 30% meanining in 3 years if it costed you 60k a year for your lifestyle. It will then cost almost 120k for the same lifestyle.  Every 3 years more and more people wont be able to afford where they are living as mortgage payments will skyrocket. Seniors will use reverse mortgages, younger people will  downsize their home, and renters are already where they want you! After 9 years. Virtually nobody will afford to buy a home, third  worlders will out number canadians 4 to 1 and 99% will simply try hang on to whatever they have left and at this point you will "own nothing and be happy" and as long as they can still go out for beer wings and hockey. They wont even get off the couch. Understand, yet?
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9 746
In 2020 (before the covid vaccine) Cancer became the leading cause death in the world with 18 million new cases and almost 10 million cases. By 2030 (afrer covid vaccine) they estimate almost 40 million new cases and 20 million DEAD. We are witnessing the DEPOPULATION agenda unfold before our eyes. And virtually all other major causes of death will also rise significantly. "Come with me if you want to LIVE" and JUST SAY NO to the next round of poison!
8 667
Just wait until these third worlders outnumber Canadians 4 to 1 ...
I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) on X
⚠️Graphic⚠️ Bronx Man Throws Belt Over Unsuspecting Victim's Neck, Rendering Her Unconscious and Dragging Her Between Cars to Sèxually Assault Her.
8 675
Pedos are so brazen they hang out with children in public on "dates"
7 880
Strange considering what i reported happened to me 🧐
7 812
The excuse why Canada USA and others will sign the WHO global pandemic treaty later this month...
8 631
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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