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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Each human being has a unique heart beat (which is far superior in identifying criminals than fingerprints). Technology exists and most likely already deployed that is capturing everyone's location every moment of every day. Murders and DEW crimes are being recorded. Good luck!
1 290
Will the Supreme Court ever convene regarding this??
Bobby Piton's Testimony Arizona State Legislature hearing on election integrity 11 30 2020
1 474
Never forget your soul is in your keeping alone....
Kingdom of Heaven - king & balian
1 243
Law Abiding Citizen - Legendary Scene
Another Legendary Scene worth watching
1 068
Dear . . . Please examine all phone records of current or "past political candidates" and cross reference those individuals with known criminals or "mega donors". This is how mega donors may be facilitating their crimes (retribution). Many times, I'd suspect some of these individuals become "clients" (of the product or service of the past or current candidate) to "fish" and retrieve information for malicious purposes. Regulators of each respective industry should also examine abnormal behavior in the securities markets of ANY and ALL holdings to determine if other clients were harmed as a result of "retribution" actions. Ensuing lawsuits and rewards of past damages may be necessary. All involved should be subject to criminal and civil penalties.
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1 023
Please examine all of the Mega Donor records of both political parties and "properties" purchased across the area the race was to be held. In particular, look at abnormal counts of the exact same last name. Examine the one off instances in which 1 person in an entire town has that last name or 2 people in the entire town have that last name, yet that last name shows up in the same 1 or 2 distribution across each and every town in a particular county of state.
Please examine all of the lawsuits being filed for "respondents" who were political candidates. Fishing for account names, phone numbers, addresses and other pertinent information allows outsourced criminals to better "target" people on behalf of the slave masters/mega donors.
There; I said what many might have suspected but are afraid to say out loud... these sick bastards quite possibly are using the Mossad (internationally) and masons (domestically ... the ones that answer "secret" questions the right way) as their instruments to stifle competition, steal IP, and harm Americans that they disagree with or who have exposed truths about them or their companies. . Please investigate First and Last Name Gematria Scores to identify them across our Nation (certain numbers will fall out and expose them). Also examine the voter files and changes to property sale files to see how they are putting "hits" out for bid... It's extremely disturbing.
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1 067
Israel is now and always has been a "haven" for the so called "royals" or so called "elites" of societies around the world. People need to learn the truth, Israel was not created for religious Jews and people of the true Jewish Faith. It was created as a safe haven for criminals/pedophiles/slave masters of societies in every Nation. Them believing they have dominion and are superior over us making mores sense?
1 266
Criminal Organizations partnered with corrupt governments (local/state/federal/Foreign) are targeting Americans with DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) I suspect I might be targeted via GSM 1800 CDMA 1900 ranges. Please Investigate! . . .
1 277
When the truth is revealed that a rogue nation state was attempting to enslave humanity via M indControl or K ill (those not controllable) Ultra (hard core loyalist to the crown) after injected us with Graphene / putting it into our food / water to make us part of the IOT, how will the world react?
monarchist political faction in Bourbon Restoration France
2 320
Everyone should take the time to watch how a company in Israel helped put 50,000 people on a list on behalf of 10 Nations to gather anything and everything about them via their phone (after a single click of a what appeared to be a harmless link)
Global Spyware Scandal: Exposing Pegasus Part One (full documentary) | FRONTLINE
Part one of a two-part docuseries: FRONTLINE and Forbidden Films investigate Pegasus, a powerful spyware sold to governments around the world by the Israeli company NSO Group. This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS station here:​. In 2020, the journalism nonprofit Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International gained access to a leaked list of more than 50,000 phone numbers. They suspected it contained numbers selected for potential surveillance with Pegasus. The Pegasus Project reporting consortium — which was led by Forbidden Stories and included 16 other media organizations, FRONTLINE among them — found that the spyware had been used on journalists, human rights activists, the wife and fiancée of the murdered Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi, and others. Over two nights, this docuseries reveals the inside story of an investigation that prompted probes by governments and institutions around the world and sparked calls for an international treaty to govern the largely unregulated spyware industry. NSO, which has disputed some of the Pegasus Project’s reporting, says that its technology was not associated in any way with Khashoggi’s murder and that it sells Pegasus to vetted governments for “the sole purpose of preventing and investigating terror and serious crime.” Surveillance technologies like Pegasus are “a military weapon used against civilians, and the civilians, they don’t have any mechanism to help them in seeking justice,” says Laurent Richard, founder of Forbidden Stories and Forbidden Films and one of the producers of the films. Part two of “Global Spyware Scandal: Exposing Pegasus” premieres Tues., Jan. 10, 2023. Learn more: #Documentary #Spyware #Surveillance Find FRONTLINE on the PBS App, where more than 300 of our documentaries are available to watch any time: Subscribe on YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: “Global Spyware Scandal: Exposing Pegasus” is a FRONTLINE production with Forbidden Films. It is a film by Anne Poiret and Arthur Bouvart. The director is Anne Poiret. The producers are Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud. The senior producers are Eamonn Matthews and Dan Edge. The editor-in-chief and executive producer of FRONTLINE is Raney Aronson-Rath. FRONTLINE is produced at GBH in Boston and is broadcast nationwide on PBS. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Additional support for FRONTLINE is provided by the Abrams Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Park Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund, with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Laura DeBonis. CHAPTERS: Prologue - 00:00 Spyware That Turns Phones Into Surveillance Devices - 00:49 What Pegasus Spyware Does - 03:15 The Pegasus Project Begins - 09:57 Jamal Khashoggi’s Wife and Fiancée’s Phones Targeted With Pegasus - 13:38 Prominent Mexican Journalist On Being a Pegasus Spyware Target - 25:26 An Investigative Journalist Finds Out Her Phone Was Infected by Pegasus Spyware - 35:16 Pegasus Spyware: “A Military Weapon Used Against Civilians” - 50:26 Credits - 51:54
2 963
2 424
1) Viewed as an Act of War 2) All involved put on trial by our Military 3) Not happening 4) 1 and 2
2 318
If a foreign government is using homes purchased on US soil as a base of operation to target (harm or kill Americans); what should the consequences be to that Nation/Nation State Backed Organization?
2 226
Interesting timing.. 3/2/2020 10 days later US is on a lockdown.... what exactly was in these files that showed the Vatican controlled by Germany during WWII? BTW... little known fact, the Vatican was taken over in 1870 as France was being walloped in Prussian War... right before the Organic Act of DC.... Perhaps WWII was planned in the 1870's??
Vatican opens archives on Pope Pius XII - Vatican News
The Holy See opens its archives on the pontificate of Pius XII, offering researchers the opportunity to shed light on a dark period in world history.
2 757
Vatican opens archives on Pope Pius XII - Vatican News
The Holy See opens its archives on the pontificate of Pius XII, offering researchers the opportunity to shed light on a dark period in world history.
2 306
6 Live at 7:45 PM CST 7/21/2024
Catechism 7/21/2024 7:45 PM CSt
2 466
1 Live at 7:45 PM CST Catechism
Catechism at 7:45 PM CST
2 715
0 Live at 7:45 PM CST 7/16/2024
Catechism at 7:45 PM CST
2 339
1 973
I heard about this organization that was about to launch... It encourages "secrecy" to make one feel special It attracts quasi successful members of society (so that it can steal their intellectual property / ideas after they let their guard own from being in this "secret society") Members expose themselves to a series of "unfortunate" events without even knowing it if the the "take" is too good to pass up for the "higher - Ups") They operate/coordinate with domestic/foreign intel agencies to help make our Nation "safe" (for those stealing IP via corporate espionage and silencing anyone who might expose their fraud) They like aprons as "servicing" other members is also a little secret that isn't to be discussed with DIRE CONSEQUENCES... ahem.... They create clone "other" identities of people more successful then them so that when they "pass" or "disappear" they might be able to "fill" that void with the help of clerks and judges... why not, right? A Foreign Government provides the cover/damage control if they are "exposed" for their activities.... Do you want to join? It will be very profitable if you do.....
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2 064
6 Live at 7:45 PM CST 7/14/2024
Catechism 7:45 PM 7/14/2024
1 888
0 Live at 7:55 PM CST 7/9/2024
Catechism at 7:45 PM CST
2 740
0 Live at 7:45 PM CST 7/7/2024 - Catechism
Catechism 7/7/2024 at 7:45 PM CST
2 477
0 Live at 7:45 PM CST 7/4/2024
Catechism at 7:45 PM CST
2 528
0 Live at 7:45 PM CST Catechism
Catechism at 7:45 PM CST
2 890
1 Live at 7:45 PM CST Catechism
Catechism at 7:45 PM CST
2 239
0 Live at 7:45 PM CST Catechism
Catechism at 7:45
2 110
Do not buy into the lies..The Vast Majority..SUPER MAJORITY of public servants in the .@FBI are Honest, Hard working and True Americans.. Secret Societies with their Secret Oaths and Secret Schemes..not so much..often they project what they are onto others
JFK Secret Societies Speech - April 27, 1961 (FULL)
This is "The President and the Press" speech given by President John F. Kennedy to the American Newspaper Publishers Association at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in NYC. With the way this pandemic popped up and the onslaught of misinformation, he could've easily given this speech just yesterday.
2 157
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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