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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Hit the sack ☆ I'm tired, I'm going to hit the sack Break a leg! ☆ You have an exam tomorrow. Break a leg! Let's call it a day ☆ We're all tired, Let's call it a day. Being under the weather ☆ I've been feeling under the weather this week. Spill the beans ☆ Don't spill the beans. It's supposed to be a secret. See eye to eye ☆ Don't see eye to eye with my mother on many things. A piece of cake ☆ My last exam was a piece of cake. The last straw ☆ Making me work late on Friday was the last straw. Cost an arm and a leg ☆ The show is excellent, but the tickets cost an arm and a leg. When pigs fly ☆ I will go on a date with you when pigs fly. 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
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    9 036
    🟣 Sail close to the wind 🟣Meaning   To act just within the limits of what’s legal or socially acceptable, to push boundaries. 🟣Example 🟣 “They fired their accountant because he sailed too close to the wind.”
    8 918
    💧 water down  1) Dilute or make weaker by adding water. 2) Make less severe  😬If you water down the medicine it will be easier to take. 🙃 He watered down his remarks so as not  to offend anyone. 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
    7 484
    L Mira: 🤔I need to think it over !!! 👴🏾 I'm here to talk to you about your new purchase order. 👳🏿What seems to be the problem ? 👴🏾 As you know, there is a global shortage of plastic raw materials. We have tried our best to offer the best price for you. However, our supplier insists on increasing MOQ to 1,000 dozen or they will have problem processing your order. 👳🏿 1,000 dozen ? That's a large order. I don't think we can accept this. 👴🏾 Please understand that we offer you the very best price. And, we are willing to separate the whole batch into three shipments to benefit your company. 👳🏿 Hmm. Sounds fair. But I need to think it over. I'll let you know by this Friday. 👴🏾 Thanks. I'm looking forward to your favourable reply.   🤔Explanation :   Think it over - To consider an idea or plan carefully before making a decision   🤔Example : I'll think it over and give you an answer next week. 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
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    7 524
    🍓Filled him in !!! 👨🏻Sam  I've prepared five cartons of our catalogues and fliers ready for the show. 👩🏽Michelle I believe you've made sure that four lines of products are printed on the catalogues and fliers, right ? 👨🏻Sam Of course. You can count on me ! 👩🏽Michelle Thank you, Sam. By the way, when is the application deadline ? Max said he'd like to send out the form as soon as possible. 👨🏻Sam   The deadline is this Friday. I've filled him in on the product lines and exhibition cost as well. He can send the application form anytime now if you okay it. 👨🏻Michelle Good. Tell him to proceed immediately. Let me know if he needs copies of my I.D. 👨🏻Sam  Oh, one more thing, the fair attendants should wear the badge. And our banners and signs can only be displayed in and around our own booth, not in aisles.   🍓Explanation :   Fill sb in - To give someone extra or missing information 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
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    6 412
    🍓Filled him in !!! 👨🏻Sam  I've prepared five cartons of our catalogues and fliers ready for the show. 👩🏽Michelle I believe you've made sure that four lines of products are printed on the catalogues and fliers, right ? 👨🏻Sam Of course. You can count on me ! 👩🏽Michelle Thank you, Sam. By the way, when is the application deadline ? Max said he'd like to send out the form as soon as possible. 👨🏻Sam   The deadline is this Friday. I've filled him in on the product lines and exhibition cost as well. He can send the application form anytime now if you okay it. 👨🏻Michelle Good. Tell him to proceed immediately. Let me know if he needs copies of my I.D. 👨🏻Sam  Oh, one more thing, the fair attendants should wear the badge. And our banners and signs can only be displayed in and around our own booth, not in aisles.   🍓Explanation :   Fill sb in - To give someone extra or missing information   🍓Example : I filled her in on the latest gossip.
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    📌Textpectation What does textpectation mean? 📌Expectation of waiting for a text Textpectation is the expectation of waiting for a text. It is a slang term that describes the expectant feeling of waiting for a person to text you back. The feeling often occurs when there is a pressing matter and an immediate response is needed. Textpectation may also arise when you're flirting with someone over the phone. 📌Example "The textpectation is killing me, I'm calling him! No don't do it, that's exactly what he wants. " 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
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    1 725
    Happy New Year 🍻🎊🎊🎉 #2023
    2 703

    The items … display in this museum were obtained … mosques, Turkish bathsX fountains and caravanserais dating back to the Ottoman period.

    On/ from
    In/ by
    For/ out of
    Within/ of
    Анонімне голосування
    5 907

    Since 1997, the government has more than doubled its spending … defense … biological weapons and chemical weapons.

    For/ with
    Of/ to
    On/ against
    In/ from
    Анонімне голосування
    5 526

    Unfortunately, … current productivity growth looks impressive, the rise in profits over the coming years is likely to prove disappointing.

    Just as
    Even though
    Анонімне голосування
    4 537

    The biggest accounting issue raised … the energy company is … accounting standards.

    By/ over
    To/ to
    For/ under
    Through/ within
    Анонімне голосування
    4 117

    Crying which stars, … birth, is an alarm system that attracts the parent and it can be switched off … parental attention.

    With/ for
    At/ by
    For/ with
    From/ on
    Анонімне голосування
    3 256

    Infectious diseases are those which are caused … an invasion of the body … organisms from outside.

    by/ by
    through/ with
    over/ through
    in/ without
    Анонімне голосування

    … wins will be expected to take the rest of us for a meal.

    Анонімне голосування

    Several members of the research team haven’t handed in their reports yet, and I must admit I haven’t … .

    as well
    Анонімне голосування

    He’s certainly going to recommend that the changes in the structure of the company be introduced step by step, and … .

    so I am
    so am I
    so do I
    I do, too
    Анонімне голосування

    Choose the correct one:

    Can we agree on a date?
    Can we agreed to a date?
    Анонімне голосування

    Choose the correct one

    Can we agree on a date?
    Can we agreed to a date?
    Анонімне голосування
    💎 little slice of heaven 💎Meaning :   Something or someone that a person loves so much that they have the feeling they can't live without it. 💎Example : Listening to her playing the piano is a slice of heaven. Staying in on a cold winter night and watching TV is a slice of heaven for me. 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
    1 351
    🐐goat 💦Definition: Someone who is blamed when things go wrong. 💦Example : ✍Sarah made Michael the goat for the broken lamp. ✍The goalie was the goat in the 1-0 soccer match. 💦Etymology: 'Goat' is short for 'scapegoat', which is a person or thing that is given all blame or responsibility for a negative event. ✍ A 'goat' is the opposite of a hero. 💦Synonyms : fall guy, patsy 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
    1 888
    ⭕️Idiom of the day : Look/feel like death warmed up ⭕️Meaning : to look or feel very ill. ⭕️Example : He shouldn't be working when he's so ill - he looks like death warmed up! #Health_Sickness #Idiom 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
    1 751
    ❄️ah ✨expressing pleasure 👩🏻Ah, that feels good ✨expressing realization 👴🏻Ah, now I understand. ✨expressing resignation 👨🏼Ah well, it can't be helped. ✨expressing surprise 🧕Ah! I've won! ❄️alas ✨expressing grief or pity 🤦🏻‍♂Alas, she's dead now. ❄️dear ✨expressing pity 🤦🏽‍♀Oh dear! Does it hurt? ✨expressing surprise 👱🏻‍♂Dear me! That's a surprise! ❄️eh! ✨asking for repetition 👱🏻‍♀It's hot today. 👨🏼Eh? 👱🏻‍♀I said it's hot today. ✨expressing enquiry 🧔🏻What do you think of that, eh? ✨expressing surprise 🧒🏽Eh! Really?Let's go. ❄️er! ✨expressing hesitation 👳🏼‍♂Lima is the capital ❄️God! ✨expressing anger, surprise, worry [some people may consider this offensive] 🧕God, what a negative attitude you have. ❄️hello, hullo! ✨expressing greeting 👴🏻Hello John. How are you today? ✨expressing surprise 👩🏻🏎Hello! My car's gone! ❄️hey! ✨calling attention 👵🏼Hey! look at that! ✨expressing surprise, joy etc 👨🏼Hey! What a good idea! ❄️hi ✨expressing greeting 🕵🏻‍♀Hi! What's new? ❄️hmm ✨expressing hesitation, doubt or disagreement. 👨🏻‍🍳Hmm. I'm not so sure. ❄️Oh! ✨expressing surprise 👩🏼‍⚖Oh! You're here! ✨expressing pain 👩🏼‍✈️Oh! I've got a toothache. ✨expressing pleading 👨🏼‍🏭Oh, please say "yes"! ❄️Ouch! ✨expressing pain 👨‍🚀Ouch! That hurts! ❄️uh! ✨expressing hesitation 👩🏻‍🎨Uh...I don't know the answer to that. ❄️uh-huh! ✨expressing agreement 👨🏽‍🔬Shall we go? Uh-huh. ❄️um, umm! ✨expressing hesitation 👨🏼‍✈️85 divided by 5 ❄️well! ✨expressing surprise 👨🏼‍⚖Well I never!introducing a remark. I👨‍🎨Well, what did he say? ❄️Wow! ✨expressing amazement. 👨🏽‍💼🚙Wow! What a cool car you've got. #interjections 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
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    1 500
    ❌ A fast shower 🚿 ✅ A quick shower ❌ Respond the door 🚪 ✅ Answer the door ❌ Strong rain 🌧 ✅ Heavy rain ❌ Celebrate a party 🎉 ✅ Throw a party ❌ Ask for a wish 🤞🏻 ✅ Make a wish ❌ Strong taste 😑 ✅ Big taste ❌ Lost the time ⏳ ✅ Waste time ❌ Nice dreams 🛌 ✅ Sweet dreams 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
    1 490
    Knit one's brows🎅🏿 🎅🏿As you might have noticed, Mr. Singh is in deep thought. You can tell because he is knitting his brows. Brows are one's forehead or eyebrows, and to knit one's brows is to wrinkle them while thinking. 🎅🏿 "I'm knitting my brows trying to solve a problem," Mr. Singh said. 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
    1 493
    🎃 yada yada yada 🎃Definition : A phrase that means "and so forth" or "on and on;" it usually refers to something that is a minor detail or boring and repetitive. 🎃Example: 1) Our history teacher told us about the Civil War, the shoelace tax of 1876, the election of 1880, yadda yadda yadda.  2) Jenna told me every single detail about her trip -how big her room was, where she sat on the plane, yadda yadda yadda. 🎃Etymology : This phrase comes from Yiddish, and became popular in the 1990's after it was featured on the popular TV show "Seinfeld." 🎃Synonyms : blah blah blah 👉 👊 👊 🅰️♈️L🅰️®
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    1 579


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