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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Everyone is welcome on Gab, but we are making an intentional effort to foster a community of people who share our Christian and American values and way of life. Adults primarily between the ages of 30-65 who primarily live in rural or slightly suburban areas. They think for themselves and aren’t easily offended. These are our people. This demographic is growing because we are actually getting married, having kids/grandkids and people are fleeing the zoo that is modern American cities and taking refuge in rural and hybrid suburban areas around rural communities. This will be the stronghold that rises from the ashes of the American empire to rebuild anew and Gab will be the technology that connects them.
Показати повністю ...
4 518
44 "I can’t help but think how this story is a creation story battle royale, one creation narrative out to vex another. Even more to the point, it could be argued that one creation story has set out to vanquish all the creation stories. Adam and Eve are surely casualties of this IMF/EU plan, but I can’t imagine traditional Kikuyu priests are happy about Leakey’s evolution monument being built over the dying narrative of Gikuyu and Mumbi, the world’s first humans, who a god created to live at the foot of Mt. Kenya? What about the Maya and their Jaguar mother tale? What about the Norse tale of Odin making the earth out of the flesh and bones of a giant named Ymir? Can any of these tales survive Turkana Boy? And that leads me to the rest of this article which is all about the world that actually accepted the Light People creation story: That’d be our world. Modernity. Let’s take a walk through history, before returning to Richard Leakey’s rumble in the jungle."
Показати повністю ...
Evolution: The Greatest Story Ever Told?
How evolution evolved from the minds of men... by John Heers, First Things Foundation In this edition of Heavy Things Done Lightly, the plan is…
4 560
Based, true, and Biblical.


9 960


6 231
This is great
The Coming Far Right Backlash
Get 25% off Blinkist premium and enjoy 2 memberships for the price of 1! Start your 7-day free trial by clicking here: Instagram: Rudyard William Lynch (@rudyardwlynch) • Instagram photos ... › rudyardwlynch Twitter: Patreon, First 200 pages of cultural history of America and 400 of history of the new world alongside exclusive maps: › whatifalthist Check out Pearl:
5 283
Gab existing normalized and mainstreamed so many things and shifted the Overton Window dramatically. Remember 2015? Could you ever imagine seeing some of the conversations happening daily now even once outside of /pol/ back then? Now they happen daily all over Normiebook.
5 228
And guess what: we no longer care what you call us or what you think of us. We care what God calls us and what God thinks of us: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light”
5 409
There is not one other group of people that they call hateful, racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, and anti-semitic all at the same time: Christians. Other groups get one label or the other, but not the full slate of every “ism” in their arsenal. That’s how much they fear the Gospel.
5 116
5 904
“There are no liberals or conservative e-celebs on Gab, just normal people posting normal things in groups and based anons posting political takes that everyone is thinking but is too afraid to say out loud.” Yes, and that is what makes it the best community on the internet.
5 311
If you play by the rules they will change them. Like the rigged 2020 election. Or the hate speech law that Ron DeSantis just signed while in Israel. If rules aren’t followed by our enemies and are radically changed by our enemies to favor them then rules cease to have meaning. Act accordingly.
9 634
12 209
Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Pass A "Hate Crime" Bill For Florida. In Israel
Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Pass A "Hate Crime" Bill For Florida. In Israel.
Watch my full podcast
12 999
Fr. James Altman: "we should crush like the vermin that they are—and they are—every filthy school board member or teacher who tries to shove their mentally ill tranny freak show down the throats of our precious children."


8 079
And fake malware-driven traffic lol
4 994
Turns out Rumble is a giant house of cards built on Big Tech servers with Big Tech ads on Big Tech app stores.
5 006
Full report:
4 977
This thread on Rumble is insane. A huge house of cards.
5 569
Wow this is crazy “Rumble has overstated its user base between 66 percent and 108 percent. 37 percent of Rumble site traffic in March 2023 was driven by malware.”
Rumble – a Partner of Trump’s Truth Social – Relies on Malware To Drive Site Traffic, According to Culper Research
Trump-linked entities are facing increased scrutiny from short-sellers, with Rumble becoming the latest target of Culper Research’s attack
5 319
Rumble – a Partner of Trump’s Truth Social – Relies on Malware To Drive Site Traffic, According to Culper Research
Trump-linked entities are facing increased scrutiny from short-sellers, with Rumble becoming the latest target of Culper Research’s attack
Twitter is complying with more government demands under Elon Musk
Twitter is complying with more government demands under Elon Musk
The company has not refused a single request since Musk took ownership, according to self-reported data.
4 694
Important Read: Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida
Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida
This week Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida made a trip to Israel to sign HB 269, a bill that makes it a felony with up…
10 802
Here’s Ron DeSantis making a trip to Israel to sign anti-1A legislation for the US state of Florida. If you pass out “offensive” pamphlets in Florida now it’s a felony with up to 5 years in prison. MADNESS!
28 009


11 650
JUST IN - Court bans Telegram messaging app in Brazil, phone operators and app stores must remove the app immediately, the local newspaper Globo reports. The platform allegedly refused to handover customer data.
Telegram não entrega dados completos à PF sobre neonazistas, e Justiça determina suspensão da plataforma no país
Segundo a PF, as empresas de telefonia e lojas de aplicativo devem tirar aplicativo do ar imediatamente.
3 256
The Christian Duty To Produce “Cultural Christianity”
The Christian Duty To Produce “Cultural Christianity”
by Pastor Andrew Isker One of the most commonly held ideas within conservative evangelicalism is that “cultural Christianity is bad because it produces nominal Christians.”…
5 327
It’s Time To Burn The Ships Of Traditional Media
It’s Time To Burn The Ships Of Traditional Media
In 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived in the New World with a mission to conquer the Aztec Empire. He arrived with a small…
15 109
“Christian Nationalist social media platform” is an upgrade from what they usually call us lol
5 578
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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