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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    I’m done with Telegram. I’m signing out for good. Unfortunately the channel decreases by around 50 subscribers each day (no matter if I share or not). It’s happened to other channels too. People deem this as a censorship free application but I believe this channel has been compromised by Telegram in some way whereby they delete your subscribers incrementally. There’s no room for growth here, I have very little reach and I don’t see the point in continuing this on at this point. The channel will still remain here so you can view the content, links etc that I’ve placed in here the last few years. For those that want to continue with me you can follow me on Instagram if you’re not already there. Peace and love truth family ✌️
    Показати повністю ...
    5 668


    4 625
    Humanity first always. No matter your race, religion, gender, social status, worldview perception. We are all one and we all have the same goal which is freedom and peace for all. Let’s call out the real enemy at play here and let’s not allow the orchestrated attempts of division to come between us all.
    4 258
    Humanity first always. No matter your race, religion, gender, social status, worldview perception. We are all one and we all have the same goal which is freedom and peace for all. Let’s call out the real enemy at play here and let’s not allow the fault lines of division to come between us all.
    History behind Israel and Palestine. What is happening in Palestine is settler colonialism, military occupation, land theft and ethnic cleansing. A conflict means there is equal footing, which is not the case. There is an active oppressor (Israel) and an oppressed (Palestine). A coloniser (Israel) and a colonised (Palestine). With due diligence and a will to learn and discover you’ll come to realise that Isreal funded Hamas into existence. Hamas doesn’t represent innocent Palestinian people. The creation of Hamas was to paint a picture for the entirety of Palestine. So then the mainstream could use Hamas as a voice for Palestine to tarnish their reputation. They want you divided and at war with one another while they stage false flags with their creation “Hamas”. Israeli Lobbyists run governments worldwide including the United States. The US funds them billions each year and hands them an abundance of weaponry and arms. Cognitive dissonance on this topic is on full display.
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    4 044
    They support Israel because it is U.S. puppet state. It serves as a military base and reinforces U.S. hegimony in the Middle East.
    3 723
    In WW2 Britain asked the U.S to help out in the war efforts. In return the UK would grant the U.S the new state of Israel. This was all agreed upon around WW1 so there was always a plan. Israel serves as Military Base for the U.S in the Middle East, hence the support they enjoy from the U.S. They have the 12th most intelligent Military in the World. They have built Strong alliance across the world. They Invested heavily in Media and modern Ammunition. These are what keep Israel going, especially the massive support from World powers like America, not the biblical Covenant or whatever.
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    3 645
    This Letter Was Written By Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason 👁️ Whoever wrote this letter had the vision to see where this is all going. By manipulating our beliefs and emotions, mankind has been herded into these wars like cattle to the slaughter. Emotions are running at an all-time high today. Best to breathe deep and get centered.


    4 330
    4 307
    You don’t see this side of the story in the mainstream, I wonder why.


    4 481
    Avi Yemeni admits to shooting Palestinians for throwing rocks at the Israeli boarder when he was an IDF soldier. He works for Time to call out the shills.


    4 524
    5 097
    7 495
    Did you know Disney was owned by the British Crown Corporation aka Royal Family? After pushing numerous woke ideologies and promoting pedophilia Governor Ron De Santis tried to strip them of their tax exemption. Until he found out that they are exempt from any government intervention because they only answer to the British Royal Family.


    6 504
    "Israel created Hamas”


    5 720
    Check out this new Netflix propaganda piece that’s coming soon, we all know how they reveal everything through film and television. “Seeking refuge from a cyberattack that grows more terrifying by the minute, forcing everyone to come to terms with their places in a collapsing world.” —Leave the World Behind


    5 380
    “In a war the TRUTH is always the first causality” All wars are bankers wars, every war throughout history was funded by the same secret societies all throughout history. Don’t be fooled by the illusion.
    5 302
    You won’t this see agenda explained in the mainstream media circus.
    David Icke – what’s REALLY happening in Israel
    5 061
    Israel vs Palestine is back again in the mainstream. The truth is they want you to take sides. But they don’t want you to know that the same global cult is orchestrating both sides of this conflict. The state of Israel is a Rothschild creation, they own it and they control it and they want what they deem to be their land back from the Palestinians. This is a biblical, political and oligarchical controlled demolition of Palestine to take back what the satanic cult deem to be their land.


    4 995
    Cow’s on grass is the key to rebuilding air quality and soil fertility. Cows provide for us by completing the cycle of life. Turning sunshine into food of the highest quality and taking the excess carbon out of the air and putting it back into the soil where it is needed. They tell you that cows are the problem, but pesticides are helpful for the ecosystem and humans. Things simply cannot get any more inverted, the truth is being twisted for major corporations to keep a monopoly on food/agriculture production.
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    5 251
    Cows are destroying the planet they said. But not the toxic pesticides and herbicides that are killing millions of people yearly due to eating inorganic food. Cow’s causing climate change is the biggest scam of all.


    They don’t want you to know that your mortgage is a death pledge scam. This documentary rips apart the official narrative we’re sold on mortgages.
    The Great British Mortgage Swindle... [Michael of Bernicia @ The Dignity Alliance]
    On June 28th 2015, Michael of Bernicia gave an incendiary presentation at the Dignity Alliance venue in Ashton-in-Makerfield, which he dubbed The Great British Mortgage Swindle, the title of the coruscating documentary feature film that Michael has spent the last six years co-producing with Michael of Deira. The film is set for its much anticipated release across all media and territories later this summer. During the course of the compelling presentation, Michael deftly describes, dissects and disembowels the nature of The Great British Mortgage Swindle and the seemingly futile quest for justice in her majesty’s courts, which he vehemently condemns as nothing more than a rigged game in favour of the Banksters and their minions, by which the crown house of Rothschild is sweeping up all the land and resources that it hasn’t already stolen from the people. Since the legal professions, the judiciary, the police and politicians of every persuasion are complicit in crimes of institutionalised mortgage fraud, whilst every office of local government is engaged in the ruthless implementation of UN Agenda 21, which seeks to dramatically reduce the population of the Earth by up to 85% [in the name of “sustainable development”], Michael passionately evokes the spirit of his ancestors in a heart-felt plea that the people of Britain unite to put an end to the tyranny which is running rampant, by forming Peace-Keeping Forces and Grand Juries in every community. Do NOT miss this!! Please feel free to download and reshare this vital video. This video was produced by 'Time to Wake Up' video productions. Time to wake up video productions is geared to producing Professional Video productions but NOT at Professional prices.  Everything from Corporate and personal presentations to concerts, recitals and outdoor activities… no job is too small! Hiring professional videographers, equipment and production teams is beyond the reach of most people, groups and businesses… Time to wake up productions is a solution that brings a professional touch at affordable prices. We even offer discounts to community groups and non-profit organisations.
    4 770
    John Todd Ex-Illuminati talking how big record label companies use mainstream music to cast spells on people. Just want to clarify something here, when he is speaking about "master" he is actually referring to master recording, which is actually the original recording of a song. Music is frequency programming. So be careful what you allow around you sonically. Pretty much everything in the mainstream is demonic.


    5 694
    Women’s tampons are loaded with toxic chemicals. If you aren’t using an organic PFA’s free version then you are running the risk of this happening to you.


    4 221
    The average member of society believes fluoride is beneficial to their health. Well that couldn’t be further from the truth. I created my own tooth powder without the nasties. I felt compelled to put something good out into the world to combat the chemical onslaught we face. ⬅️⬅️⬅️


    2 351
    The Dark World Of Celebrity "Yachting" | Have you ever come across an Instagram profile full of photos of luxurious yachts and thought, "How are they affording that lifestyle?". Take a deep dive into the lucrative and controversial world of "yachting," AKA the satanic entertainment industry's biggest open secret.


    4 436
    From the inception of this conscious awakening journey I had always set out to break boundaries. To displace societal limitations, to magnify our awareness & understanding of this existence we call life. I’ve always intended to help others. Especially during times of monumental deceit and lies like the last three to four years. I played my role alongside vast amounts of others worldwide to distinguish the truth between the lies in the mainstream media arena. Now I plan to help people in the field of health. I consistently outlined the fact that we’re being targeted chemically through the means of the endocrine disrupting compounds, BPA and micro-plastics, poisoned water supply, seed oils etc. Check out my new venture below. Where I plan to bring to you the finest natural products created with traditional wisdom and totally void of inorganic harmful chemicals. ⬅️⬅️
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    2 738
    Psychiatry is a pseudoscience. No blood, urine, or chemical imbalance exam can test for the presence of a mental disease or illness. Even x-rays or brain scans can’t show the presence of a “mental disorder.” Yet we dish our psychiatric drugs like skittles to the masses causing obscene amounts of damage that isn’t linked back to these compounds. Speaker - Dr Thomas Ssaz


    6 711
    GLYPHOSATE IN CHILDHOOD VACCINES RESPONSIBLE FOR SURGE IN AUTISM Dr. Stephanie Seneff; Glyphosate is found consistently in live virus vaccines MMR vaccine contained the highest level of glyphosate than any other vaccine Glyphosate which is responsible for the huge increase in autism and Alzheimer’s is now found in our food, water and the air we breathe


    4 598
    The most dystopian thing you’ll see today. Residents in New York City had government authorities driving their neighbourhood’s spraying pesticides into the atmosphere to save them from a virus. This very much resembles communist China.


    4 850
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
    Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio