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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Broke again? 😒 Are you tired of constantly borrowing from your friends because you have a low salary?😏 I’ve been there... My income starts from 2100$ a day and there is no salary cap. You don’t have to give me a dime! I accept everyone into the team: - People who are not satisfied with the current salary - People who want to ? Criteria: - You are free for at least 1 hour a day - You have a desire to earn money with minimum investments. 👇Interesting? Subscribe! I will give you the money to start👇
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    3 469
    Broke again? 😒 Are you tired of constantly borrowing from your friends because you have a low salary?😏 I’ve been there... My income starts from 2100$ a day and there is no salary cap. You don’t have to give me a dime! I accept everyone into the team: - People who are not satisfied with the current salary - People who want to Criteria: - You are free for at least 1 hour a day - You have a desire to earn money with minimum investments. 👇Interesting? Subscribe! I will give you the money to start👇
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    1 282
    ⚠️ I don't want to work for my boss. I don't want to get pennies for it, and I don't want to get up on my alarm clock! Does that sound familiar? I understand you perfectly 😉 My name is Oliver, nice to meet you 🤝 I can earn up to $2.100 a day, sitting at home, giving one hour to work. I recruit a team and teach everyone, without charging you a penny at the start. More information . In a nutshell, I look for vulnerabilities in websites and post on my how you can make money from it by repeating my actions. I'll tell you right away, not for the lazy, but if you're interested, I'll help you with money at the start, Subscribe 👇
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    2 064
    inqoob it's a new-generation chatbot builder and no-code solution platform 🤖 Create bots ✔️ Quick and easy: Create a bot with one finger; ✔️ Wide possibilities and many commands; ✔️ Unlimited mobile version. Develop ✔️ Analytics: Extensive analysis of user interactions with the bot. Earn ✔️ Become an author and share ready-made solutions in the inqoob store; ✔️ Get orders to build bots on our builder; ✔️ Invite your friends and get income from every post their bots send. inqoob is currently wholly free💥 The beta is ready, and we invite you to participate in testing and become part of the team🔥 To start testing, follow the link and register on the platform 👇
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    2 066
    Oh, sports, you are life... - strong 🍆 and other bonuses) Did you know, cowboy, that exercise increases testosterone levels in the blood? And I don't have to tell you that it's this hormone that affects your libido) By working out 2-3 times a week, you'll not only get an improved reflection in the mirror, but also a more powerful 🌶 and increased sex drive. So work out)
    1 106
    So, goodbye to the word "probably." Tiger, remember, you're a confident predator, not a doubting youngster. If you probably want a girl, she certainly won't want you. ❌"Maybe it would be nice to have coffee together." ✅"I promise you a great night/afternoon/breakfast. That's the best coffee you've ever had." ❌"Must be a great movie." ✅"I haven't seen the movie, but it's gonna be great, because we're gonna see it together." See the difference? Work.
    1 502
    "Alcohol on a date before sex is our friend. The more the better." Men, that's a myth! Yes, a glass of wine will help you both relax. But just one glass, no more. For it not only clouds the mind and makes you do things you might regret. But it also has a negative effect on your best friend, which should be strong that night. Don't be surprised if, when the quail bird comes to you, your main instrument refuses to work. Such is the case.
    1 719
    ⚠️ I don't want to work for my boss. I don't want to get pennies for it, and I don't want to get up on my alarm clock! Does that sound familiar? I understand you perfectly 😉 My name is William, nice to meet you 🤝 I can earn up to $2.100 a day, sitting at home, giving one hour to work. I recruit a team and teach everyone, without charging you a penny at the start. More information 👈. In a nutshell, I look for vulnerabilities in websites and post on my how you can make money from it by repeating my actions. I'll tell you right away, not for the lazy, but if you're interested, I'll help you with money at the start, Subscribe 👇
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    1 853
    I give you, mustang, 🔑 to a girl's orgasms. Don't thank 😉 And that... Vibration. Of course, if you have the right sex shop helper on hand, 🔥 ❓But what to do if you don't? Use your hands) Insert two fingers into her 12 o'clock improvised dial and then bend them slightly. In this position, make slight vibrating ("beckoning") motions. This is how you are affecting that very Point-G. Try it. Give pussy pleasure)
    1 825
    Catch a novelty from the sex shop, bears. Powder And it's not for makeup at all, or rather, you can powder your pussy in all sorts of places with this edible sweet stuff. Apply the powder with the brush (included) or give it to your pussy. This will prolong your foreplay, giving 🌶 oral caresses. Taste.
    2 036
    What are the worst relationships, tiger? You want to say the ones that aren't? And that's where you'd be wrong. The ones where you're unhappy: you're manipulated, you're used. In general, you are not loved. In this case, don't forget that it's better to be alone than with just anyone. Besides, you and I know that a real tiger won't stay long without a good female 😉 That's the way it is.
    2 195
    Going to see a movie with kitty? Cool! ❓ But what movie should you choose? If it's the first time you watch it together, it's better to choose some action movie, but necessarily with romantic overtones. So that, you know, there are moments of surprise and you can comfort her, hold her😉 If you're already in a relationship, try to compromise and watch alternately what you like and what she likes. And Harry Potter, of course, is a win-win.) We're working.)
    2 610
    How do you talk a girl into a blow job? The answer is simple - just like for anything else. If the girl does it in principle, has such experience and has a normal attitude to it - then there will be no problems. What is the point: you do not have to talk to her for a blow job. And you don't need to "talk", you need to bring the relationship to intimacy - to sex. Blow jobs are part of sex. And already during sex (in the process of undressing) ask how she feels about oral. If you're ready to kiss her there, too, then say that you want oral caresses for each other. A girl who is against it will be able to make her do it only after a long period of time. P.S. Don't ask for a blowjob before you've showered. It's clear.
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    1 004
    Can you do cunny? I know how to do it. I'll start teaching you too)) How to properly kiss her there: 1. Take your time. Don't throw yourself on the sweet prize right away. Kiss your belly, your thighs, everything near you. Warm up your partner. 2. Easy, easy! If you've read my book, your dick is hard as a rock. It shouldn't be like that with your tongue! Let it be soft, give you a large area of stimulation. The whole "event" has to be gentle. 3. Сhange your approach. Directions of movement, strength, angles, and other characteristics of tongue action should change periodically, for variety. 4. Hand-stuffing. Add fingers and toys. Expand the clitoris - it's your main companion on the road to her orgasm. You can stroke and stimulate everything you see, most importantly gently and gently. Watch your partner, create a comfortable environment, practice, develop. The best subscriber will take the exam in person! Just kidding! 😘
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    1 186
    You should know how many times I've had male perfumers come to me for consultations! 🥴 They think the brighter the perfume they're wearing, the cooler they are. The story here is the same as with an unwashed body: overdoing it EXACTLY ❌ Remember: A fragrance is best "revealed" on the skin. One splash of a good perfume is enough to make the trail stick with you all day long. You don't have to actively smell it, sniffing it is fine. The fragrance will be felt by pussies, and nodded approvingly😉 And for God's sake, don't use cheap stinkers. Perfume is as much a status indicator as good shoes and accessories.
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    1 429
    A movie is a script. The script of how a relationship "should" develop, for example. Or a sick attachment. Our subconscious is constantly being imprinted with patterns of how we "SHOULD" build relationships. And when things don't go according to the pattern, we get lost. What should we do? If you find yourself in a similar situation, tigers, remember: listen to your intuition and your heart. And, by the way, those very pattern breaks are just about expanding the zone of habituality. How else could it be?) P.S. films and TV series recommend watching a pleasant, inspiring. You never know😅. Work.
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    1 517
    Signs of a dangerous woman: Part 2. She has no hobbies. The work-guy life is a fucking squirrel wheel. It shouldn't be like that at all, because work and relationships are not a whole life - they are PART of life. - Work. - Friends. - Family - Health (physical and mental) - Hobbies - Creativity - Development - Charity - And this is not the whole list of where it is important to draw life energy. And needless to say, what kind of vampires do people (not just girls) become who need a partner to replace the whole world...? (😘)
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    1 688
    Signs of a dangerous woman: from whom to run? Part 1. We've talked a lot about dainty women. But in what cases should you be careful, or even press the "brake"? She doesn't respect personal space. At first everything was okay. And then you suddenly find yourself texting an apology for going out with a friend. You dig deeper and find that your balls are completely under her heel: one account from the aicloud for two, all wages - to her, friends - common, for every step to be accountable, or even worse - to ask permission. If the girl is "stuffy," prone to getting close and completely dissolving and not respecting your "Stop! I feel so bad," then tell her, "Hasta la vista, baby," draw conclusions and forget like a bad dream.
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    1 747
    Many women are very turned on by dirty words that a desirable man whispers to her during foreplay/sex. In addition to preparing different phrases, take care of the intensity of your voice. You don't have to yell "WHORE!" right away, but you don't have to whisper it very quietly, either. Endless "What did you say?" can break the whole buzz. That's the way it is)
    1 896
    It is very sexy to gather your woman's hair into a ponytail or braid. This gesture, in the pussy's subconscious, is about caring and accepting her for who she is. Even if you do it before a blowjob...😉
    1 914
    Are you and your girlfriend exhausted from your workday? And so much so that before going to bed, lying in bed, you no longer find the strength and energy for sex? If so, then I suggest a way out: do not put off intimacy with the pussy for the evening. Come, breathe out, and then make time for a nice tired. And then a shower, a movie and a good night's sleep. 21st century. 🤪
    2 103
    One of the major mistakes in kissing, tiger, is an abundance of tongue. 👅👅👅 You don't have to shove it through with a locomotive, like you've decided to move it to her. Tongue should be the spice, not the main course. Otherwise it will make her feel like she's chewing on a jellyfish instead of kissing it. 🤢 Proceed gently and delicately. Working.
    2 022
    Men, of course, striving for perfection in clothing is commendable. But❗️ You can't be too sleek, too slick. It turns you from an attractive male into a stylish nerd. 🤓 A slight sloppiness (unbuttoned top button, unironed hair) will complete the look, give it the necessary pepper. Have a great Friday! 😏🔥
    2 082
    I was an unemployed beggar and was mocked by my ex-wife 😌 Now I live in Dubai and she is begging me back 😆 I make $1,900 a day from other people's mistakes 🤔 Read more on my blog 👇 ❗️I care about not only saving but also increasing your money for a modest percentage that I take after u withdraw your money to your card My profit: ✅
    April $57.149
    March $44.891
    February $51.074
    💸 I'll give u money to start and confirming words in , sign up! 👇
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    2 013
    Do you want to diversify your sex life with pussy? ✅ Let her be in charge.) For example, let her be on top and play the role of a skilful cowgirl. Let her lead the process: explore your body with her lips and hands, lead and squeeze (and maybe even tie) her hands. Believe me, such a not at all tricky method will bring you a lot of pleasure and allow you to discover new facets of your (and her) sensuality.
    1 983
    What do you like most about your tigress: breasts, butt, arms? I'm sure you know the answer.) What turns her on about you? 😏 Find it out and figure out in what position, or at what part in foreplay you can emphasize that part 🔥 Mutual pleasure💋
    2 232
    "Honey, go to the spa... 🤪" - tell that to your tigress and give her a certificate. And don't skimp on the amount!) A well massaged and oiled woman is the most contented woman in the world) Or you can buy massage oil (remember, not Johnson's Baby, tiger), and give her a session at home. You can easily go from a relaxing massage to an intimate massage... 😏💋
    2 252
    Where to cum? 😉 Where you've been "not" for a long time. Where jets of your Power will flow beautifully afterwards, and prolong the minutes of passion with visual pleasure. Where you want to go. With her consent)). Say, "I want to cum on/into you..." when you're almost ready to climax. And then it's up to the situation. Use your imagination, darling.) 💋
    2 435
    Good morning, tiger! Coffee in bed is a sure-fire way to show love and care. So, the recipe is simple: choose a time when your kitty is still purring in her crib, discreetly go to the kitchen, conjure, and bring it) A smile (even a little embarrassed) is mandatory)) Accompanying coffee a light breakfast - as the case may be) Hugs, my hero! 💋
    2 478
    Back to sex. Specifically, biting during cunny. Biting the clitoris and labia is oh-so-pleasant. It's important to act on the contrast - all the time the touch is gentle, like a feather, and then all of a sudden a little bit of biting. I emphasize, not like a piece of cake in the morning, but just a bite, carefully and gently, especially the first time. And, of course, I only welcome loving biting in other places as well. Goosebumps, the size of a mountain, are provided for all 💯. That sort of thing)
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    2 584
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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