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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Edustack o'quv markazi sizlarni quyidagi fanlar bo'yicha chegirma asosida kurslarga taklif qiladi: 🎯Matematika ( Prezident, Al-xorazmiy maktablari, umumiy matematika, olimpiadalar, universitet imtihonlariga tayyorlov) 🎯 Ingliz tili ( General English, IELTS, CEFR, DTM imtihonlariga tayyorlov) 🎯 Arab tili ( grammatika, At Tanal, CEFR) Shoshiling, o'rinlar soni cheklangan
    ⚡️🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔥 Koplab o'quvchilarga 😍
    IELTS 8 
    olishiga yordam bergan 10 yildan ortiq tajribaga ega magistrlik darajasini 🇺🇸 Amerikaning Webster universitetida o'qigan oliy toifali xalqaro ingliz tili o'qituvchisini Telegram kanallarini sizga qoldiraman BEPUL band 8+ essay , speaking samples , IELTS ga oid materiallar aynan shu kanaldan topasiz 🤩 Eng zo'ri kino , musiqa , inglizcha kitoblar tahlili orqali ham tilni ôrgatib borarkanla 🤩 Tez obuna bo'ling bunaqa kanallarni topish qiyin ‼️ Instagram :
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    O'quvchilarimda IELTS 7+💥 🇺🇸USA magistr 👩‍🏫Oliy toifali xalqaro o'qituvchi 1000+ o'quvchi, 10+yillik tajriba Kurslar bo'yicha @Shokhista_Umidovna_admin Results/ opinions @results_shokhista_umidovna @Shokhista_Umidovna
    #Common_mistakes Both vs neither ⛔️Wrong: Both of them did not pass the test. ✅Right: Neither of them passed the test. ⛔️Wrong: I invited both of them; both did not come. ✅Right: I invited both of them; neither came. 🔎🔎🔎In negative clauses, we use ‘neither’ not both. - **Follow to continue improving your English.**
    📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢 ASSALOMU ALAYKUM AZIZLAR! 🫥MULTI LEVEL EXAMGA TAYYORGARLIK UCHUN ONLINE KURS. 🫥Bizda keyingi guruhga start berilmoqda. 💥💥DARSLAR IYUN OYIGA TOPSHIRUVCHILAR UCHUN. 💥💥Darsda qatnashish uchun sizning darajangiz A2 yoki B1 bo'lishi kerak . Sababi biz B2 uchun o'qitamiz. 💥💥DARSLAR O'Z ICHIGA OLADI: 🖲Listening 💻Speaking 📖Reading 🖌Writing 🖌 Starts on: 3-May. ⏰ 5 times a week 🕰 Lesson time : Dars vaqti kelishiladi. 💻 Darslar telegram live stream orqali olib borilib, o'tilgan darslar yozib qolinadi. Bu sizga qaytib darslarni eshitish imkonini beradi. 💵 Fee : 140000 sum Darslar 2 ta tajribali ustozlar tomonidan olib boriladi . Tutor 1 -Mrs Sobirova C1 (104)Daraja testi Tutor 2- S.Qurbonova B2(62)Multi level NAMUNA DARSLAR👇👇👇https://t.me/+TENbmoTJYCdkYzgy ASOSIY KANAL LINKI https://t.me/B2C1LEARNERS https://t.me/B2C1LEARNERS ESLATMA (Bu yerda bepul darslar bo'ladi👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆) https://t.me/B2C1LEARNERS FOR CONTACT👇👇👇👇 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 👨‍💻@Shokirjonovnaaaaaa
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    Never give up
    ♦️ 4000 Essential English Words: 📕 Book 2 | Unit 21 📑 Word list (Umumiy) ▪️astronaut - astranavt ▪️awake - uyg'oq ▪️courage - botirlik ▪️float - suv ustida suzmoq ▪️grant - bermoq ▪️gravity - gravitatsiya ▪️jewel - qimmatbaho tosh ▪️miner - konchi ▪️mineral - mineral ▪️participate - ishtirok etmoq ▪️permission - ruxsat ▪️pour - quymoq ▪️presence - bor bo'lish ▪️raw - xom, pishmagan ▪️sattelite - sun'iy yo'ldosh ▪️scale - kattalik ▪️skip - o'tkazib yubormoq ▪️stretch - cho'zmoq ▪️telescope - teleskop ▪️underground - yer ostida - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    1 010
    📆 Are you taking an IELTS exam in 2023 but have not registered yet for the test? If yes, this post is for YOU 🤩. Register to IELTS British Council with us and claim wonderful gifts such as ✅Free MOCK IELTS in Tashkent ✅Free IELTS Marathon for any IELTS skill. ✅Masterclass on each section in Tashkent ... and more. ❗️The main requirement is to take the IELTS test in 2023 but finish registration until June 30. If you have registered already, then find a friend, and we give gifts to both of you. For more info: contact or 71 200 38 33 Join for free lessons.
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    #vocab_day 📹 Do you know these words? | Advanced English vocabulary ▪️Apprehensive ▪️Feasible ▪️Exemplary ▪️Crucial - Follow to continue improving your English.

    Do you know these words? | Advanced English vocabulary.mp4

    1 211
    💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥                ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️                  ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️                      ⚡️⚡️ DIQQAT!!! BIZDA MULTI LEVEL B2  IMTIHONIGA TAYYORGARLIK BO'YICHA ONLINE KURS. Darslar 2 kishi tomonidan olib boriladi. 👩‍🏫Mrs.Shokirjonovna (Multi level 62 ball) VA Oliy toifali ustoz 🧑‍🏫 Mrs.   Sobirova (Daraja testi 104,35 ball yani C1 ) VA Oliy toifali ustoz. 👩‍💻Darslar quyidagicha tashkillanadi: 🗄Multi level formati, u haqida umumiy tushuncha VA exam muhiti 📗Reading 🖋Writing 🖲Listening 👭Speaking ⏱4 ta ko'nikma bo'yicha full darslar 🎎Speaking o'rgatiladi. 🖋🖋Writing tekshiriladi. ✅Practice uchun har bir skill dan QO'SHIMCHA materiallar VA ularni ishlab borilishi nazoratga olinadi . ✅Har bir skill darsi ohirida mock test Eslatma 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 Joylar Soni chegaralangan. Kerakli o'quvchi qabul qilinadi holos. Sababi har bir vazifani nazoratga olib, sifatga ishlash uchun. 📣A1 levelidan B1 leveligacha bo'lgan talabgorlar kursga qabul qilinadi.Darajasi B2 bo'lib , C1 uchun harakat qilayotganlar bo'lsa , ularni ham qabul qilamiz . Chunki ko'rsatmalarimizga amal qilsangiz C1 olishingizga sababchi bo'lamiz .Darslar davomida , ishlash tehnikalarini o'rganasiz. DARSLAR HAFTADA 5 KUN. 1-APREL SANASIDA BOSHLANADI . 💲Kurs narxi 60 ming so'm. Bilaman nima uchun juda arzon deb o'ylayabsiz, yoki dars sifatsizmikan deyishingiz ham mumkin.Sababi kanalimiz yangi ochilgan . Qolaversa ulug' oydamiz .Darsga kirsangiz guvoh bo'lasizki qimmat kurslardan farqi bo'lmaydi. Barcha ko'nikmalar bo'yicha darslarni quyida ko'ring. 🖲Listening DEMO lesson bilan ➡️ da tanishing 📗Reading VA Writing DEMO lessonlar bilan ➡️ da tanishing 📞Kursga yozilish uchun➡️ ga murojat qiling. ASOSIY KANALIMIZGA KIRISH UCHUN👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆
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    #EnglishGrammar #ForLearners 🇺🇸🎁📚📚📚📚📚📚🎁🇬🇧 @General_English_New_dictionary - Follow to continue improving your English.


    1 656
    🔰Useful idioms about Health 🔸alive and kicking: to continue being well and healthy. E: My grandma is almost 90 but she's still alive and kicking. 🔸to break a habit: to stop doing something that is a habit, especially something bad or harmful. E: I was a drug addict, but a managed to break this habit. 🔸to black out: to lose consciousness. E: I blacked out before my final exam, because I was too worried about it. 🔸to be under the weather: to feel ill. E: Mary won't be at work todays, she's a bit under the weather. 🔸to phone in sick: to call your superior to inform him/her that you are sick and won't be at work for some time. E: I had to phone in sick last week, because I caught a flu. 🔸sick as a dog = to be at death’s door: very sick. E: John caught a flu a few days ago and now he's sick as a dog. 🔸white as a sheet: can be sad about a very pale person. E: John looks sick. Look at him! He's white as a sheet. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    1 910
    #6Minute English 🎧 How can I help the environment? - Follow to continue improving your English.


    1 415
    ❗️IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko’rayotganlar diqqatiga! ❓Muammoyingiz IELTS Reading-mi… ☑️40 daqiqada 40/40ta ishlash mumkinligini o’z Webinarlarida ko’p marotaba ko’rsatgan va yetarlicha 8.0+ Reading natijalar chiqargan UzSchool jamoasidan ERTAGA ajoyob Webinar sizlarni kutmoqda! 🚀Kanalga kirib Webinargacha Task 2 Writing 9.0 va Reading 40daqiqada 40/40ta darslari bilan tanishing!
    How to practice English fluency alone! - Follow to continue improving your English.


    Bir vaqtni o'zida ham o'qib, ham ishlashni istaysizmi ❓ 🤩 Agar ingliz tili darajangiz Intermedia yoki undan yuqori bo'lsa, siz uchun ajoyib imkoniyat Agar logistika sohasiga qiziqsangiz sizni YAKSHANBA kuni bo'ladigan "3 oyda $1000 maoshgacha ko'rarilish" nomli BEPUL vebinarga taklif etamiz Vebinarda siz: 🔻 - Qanday qilib logsitika sohasini qisqa muddatda o'rganish - 5ta va undan ortiq Truck'larni boshqarish - Brokerdan yuklarni qimmatroqga olib, ko'proq foyda qilish uslublarini va yana ko'plab qimmatli ma'lumotlarni tekinga bilib olasiz. ⏰ Vebinar vaqti: 19-Fevral, soat 19:00 Vebinarda qatnashish uchun quyidagi link orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting 👇
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    ✅How to use tag questions - Follow to continue improving your English.


    1 470
    "Important” in other words ✅essentialcriticalconsequentialmeaningfulmomentoussignificantinfluentialcrucialsubstantialmajormonumentalpivotal Antonyms for “Important”? ✅unimportantinsignificantmeaninglessunsubstantialnonessentialuselessunnecessaryminor - Follow to continue improving your English.
    3 119
    📕 Book 2 | Unit 22 📑 Word list 🟧 alarm [əˈlɑːrm] n. — signalizatsiya 🔺>> An alarm is something that warns people of danger. >> An alarm odamlarni xafvdan ogohlantiradigan narsa. — When the students heard the fire alarm, they left the building. — O'quvchilar yong'in signalizatsiyasini eshitib binoni tark etishdi. 🟧 apart [əˈpɑːrt] adv. — alohida ▪️>> When people or things are apart, they are not close together. >> Qachonki odamlar yoki narsalar apart bo'lsa, ular bir-biriga yaqin emas. — The couple decided to live apart from each other. — Haligi juftlik bir-biridan alohida yashashga qaror qilishdi. 🟧 arrest [əˈrest] v. — hibsga olmoq ▪️>> To arrest someone means to catch them for doing something bad. >> Birortasini arrest qilish uni biror yomon qilgan ishi uchun ushlashni anglatadi. — The man was arrested for breaking the law. — Haligi kishi qonunni buzganligi uchun hibsga olindi. 🟧 award [əˈwɔːrd] n. — mukofot, sovrin ▪️>> An award is a prize someone gets for doing something well. >> An award birortasi biror yaxshi ish qilganligi uchun oladigan sovg'a. — He got an award for having the best grades in class. — U sinfda eng yaxshi natijalarga ega bo'lganligi sababli mukofot oldi. 🟧 breed [briːd] n. — zot, nasl ▪️>> A breed is a group of animals within a species. >> A breed bu bir tur tarkibidagi hayvonlar guruhi. — I like small dog breeds, such as terriers. — Menga kichik it zotlari yoqadi, masalan teriyerlar. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    6 023
    ♦️ 4000 Essential English Words: 📕 Book 2 | Unit 21 📑 Word list (Umumiy) ▪️astronaut - astranavt ▪️awake - uyg'oq ▪️courage - botirlik ▪️float - suv ustida suzmoq ▪️grant - bermoq ▪️gravity - gravitatsiya ▪️jewel - qimmatbaho tosh ▪️miner - konchi ▪️mineral - mineral ▪️participate - ishtirok etmoq ▪️permission - ruxsat ▪️pour - quymoq ▪️presence - bor bo'lish ▪️raw - xom, pishmagan ▪️sattelite - sun'iy yo'ldosh ▪️scale - kattalik ▪️skip - o'tkazib yubormoq ▪️stretch - cho'zmoq ▪️telescope - teleskop ▪️underground - yer ostida - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    6 286
    📕 Book 2 | Unit 21 📑 Word list 🟧 scale [skeɪl] n. — kattalik, ko'lam ▪️>> The scale of something is its size, especially when it is very large. >> The scale biror katta narsaning hajmi. — I was surprised by the scale of the buildings in the downtown area. — Shahar markazidagi binolarning hajmi meni hayron qoldirdi. 🟧 skip [skɪp] v. — bajarmaslik, qilmaslik ▪️>> To skip something is to not do it. >> Biror narsani skip qilish uni qilmaslik degani. — He skipped work to get more sleep. — U ko'proq uxlash uchun ishni bajarmadi. 🟧 stretch [stretʃ] v. — cho'zmoq ▪️>> To stretch is to make your arms or legs reach out. >> To stretch qo'llaringizni yoki oyoqlaringizni cho'zish. — She stretched her body before exercising. — U mashq qilishdan oldin tanasini cho'zdi. 🟧 telescope [tɛləskoʊp] n. — teleskop ▪️>> A telescope is a tool people use to look at the stars. >> A telescope odamlar yulduzlarni kuzatish uchun ishlatadigan asbob. — With a telescope, you can see the moon and stars easily. — Siz teleskop bilan oy va yulduzlarni osongina ko'ra olasiz. 🟧 underground [ʌndəgraʊnd] adv. — yer ostida ▪️>> When something is underground, it is below the surface of the Earth. >> Qachonki biror narsa underground bo'lsa, u Yer yuzasidan pastda bo'ladi. — Subway trains travel underground. — Metro poyezdlari er osti bo'ylab sayohat qiladi. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    4 985
    📕 Book 2 | Unit 21 📑 Word list 🟧 permission [pə:rmɪʃən] n. — ruxsat ▪️>> Permission means the act of allowing the doing of something. >> Permission biror narsa qilish uchun ruxsat berishni anglatadi. — I have permission to drive my mom’s car. — Men onamning mashinasini minishga ruxsatim bor. 🟧 pour [pɔːr] — quymoq ▪️>> To pour a liquid means to make it come out of a container. >> Suyuqlikni pour qilish uni idishdan chiqarib yuborish degani. — I poured some milk into my sister’s cup. — Men opamning krujkasiga ozgina sut quydim. 🟧 presence [prɛzəns] n. — bor bo'lish, mavjudlik ▪️>> Someone or something’s presence is the fact they are there. >> Birortasi yoki biror narsaning presence'i ular o'sha yerdaligining fakti hisoblanadi. — The presence of dark clouds meant it would rain. — Qorong'i bulutlarning mavjudligi yomg'ir yog'ishini anglatardi. 🟧 raw [rɔː] adj. — xom, pishmagan ▪️>> If a material is raw, it is natural and has not been processed. >> Agar material raw bo'lsa, u tabiiy va qayta ishlanmagan bo'ladi. — The company dumped raw sewage into the river. — Kompaniya daryo suviga oqova suvlarni tashlab yubordi. 🟧 satellite [sætəlaɪt] n. — sun'iy yo'ldosh ▪️>> A satellite is something that is sent into space to get information. >> A satellite ma'lumot olish uchun fazoga jo'natiladigan narsa. — The satellite was traveling around the earth. — Haligi sun'iy yo'ldosh Yer shari atrofida aylanayotgan edi. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    3 709
    📕 Book 2 | Unit 21 📑 Word list 🟧 gravity [grӕvəti] n. — gravitatsiya ▪️>> Gravity is the force that makes things fall to Earth. >> Gravity Yerga tortuvchi kuch. — There is no gravity in space. — Fazoda gravitatsiya yo'q. 🟧 jewel [dʒuːəl] n. — qimmatbaho tosh ▪️>> A jewel is a beautiful stone that is worth a lot of money. >> A jewel ko'p pulga arziydigan ajoyib tosh. — A diamond is one of the most expensive jewels in the world. — Olmos - dunyodagi eng qimmatbaho toshlardan biri. 🟧 miner [maɪnər] n. — konchi, shaxtyor ▪️>> A miner is a person who works in a mine. >> A miner konda ishlaydigan shaxs. — The miner was looking for gold. — Haligi konchi oltin qidirayotgan edi. 🟧 mineral [mɪnərəl] n. — mineral ▪️>> A mineral is a type of substance found in the Earth. >> A mineral Yerdan topiladigan modda turi. — Rocks are made up of different kinds of minerals. — Qoyalar har xil mineral turlaridan tashkil topgan. 🟧 participate [pɑ:rtɪsəpeɪt] v. — ishtirok etmoq ▪️>> To participate is to take part in something. >> To participate biror narsada ishtirok etmoq degani. — The students participated in the school play. — O'quvchilar maktab o'yinida ishtirok etishdi. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    3 366
    📕 Book 2 | Unit 21 📑 Word list 🟧 astronaut [æstrənɔːt] n. — astronavt ▪️>> An astronaut is a person that goes into outer space. >> An astronaut fazoga chiqadigan shaxs. — The astronaut was walking on the moon. — Haligi astronavt oyda yurgan edi. 🟧 awake [əˈweɪk] adj. — uyg'oq ▪️>> When you are awake, you are not asleep. >> Qachonki siz awake bo'lsangiz, siz uxlamayotgan bo'lasiz. — Sometimes I lay awake in bed because I am not tired. — Ba'zida charchamaganim uchun yotoqda uxlamasdan yotaman. 🟧 courage [kə:rɪdʒ] n. — dovyuraklik, botirlik ▪️>> When you have courage, you are not afraid. >> Qachonki sizda courage bo'lsa, siz qo'rqmaysiz. — The man had the courage to touch the lion. — Haligi kishida sherga teginish uchun dovyuraklik bor edi. 🟧 float [fləʊt] v. — suv ustida suzmoq ▪️>> To float is to move on top of water without sinking. >> To float cho'kmasdan suv ustida harakatlanish. — The boy’s toy boat floated in the pool. — Haligi bolaning o'yinchoq kemasi hovuz ustida suzdi. 🟧 grant [grænt] v. — bermoq ▪️>> To grant something is to allow someone to have it. >> Biror narsani grant qilish uni olishga ruxsat berish degani. — The teacher granted us a break after studying hard all day. — O'qituvchi kun bo'yi qattiq o'qiganimizdan so'ng bizga dam berdi. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    3 345
    ENGLISH FOOD IDIOMS PART 1/2 ✅Apples And Oranges: used when trying to compare two things that are very different Example: He bought a new car, it was a Mercedes. He used to drive a Fiat. It was like comparing apples with oranges. They were two totally different cars. ✅A Banana Skin: when something is likely to cause you to halt or to slip up Example:His business was doing well. However, the bank was not prepared to lend any more money. This was the banana skin on which his business would slip. ✅To Go Nuts: to get very upset or to go mad  Example:The car driver did not see him parked on the street and crashed into him. He went nuts when he saw all the damage. ✅A Couch Potato: someone who sits at home all day on the sofa watching TV Example:He had not been out with his friends for many months. His wife told him to stop being a couch potato and take her to the restaurant. ✅Not To Put All Eggs In One Basket: to spread your risks Example:David wanted to invest his money in an oil company. His adviser told him to invest in a number of different companies and spread his risk. He told him it was not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. ✅As Cool As A Cucumber: to stay very calm and relaxed, especially when everyone else around you is nervous or stressed Example:He stayed as cool as a cucumber during his driving test and passed it the first time. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    5 187
    ⚜Common Collocations with “GO“⚜ ✓GO 🏡 I go home 🛒 I go shopping 🤯 I go crazy ✓GO TO 💼 I go to work 🌎 I go to France 🛏 I go to bed ✓GO ON ✈️ I go on holiday 🚗 I go on a ride 🚃 I go on a train ✓GO TO THE 🥳 I go to the party 📚 I go to the library 🎬 I go to the show - Follow to continue improving your English.
    5 539
    #Grammar 👨‍🎓 Tag Questions 🧑‍🎓 ☝️The two basic rules about tag questions are: ⭕️ If the statement is negative, the tag must be positive. If the statement is positive the tag must be negative. ⭕️ The tense of the tag is determined by the tense of the auxiliary/modal verb of the statement that precedes it. 📝 Examples 💧You haven't seen this film, have you? 🩸 She's a doctor, isn't she? 💧He isn't here, is he? 🩸 I don't need to finish this today, do I? 💧 Jenni eats cheese, doesn't she? 🩸 The bus stop's over there, isn't it? 💧 They could hear me, couldn't they? 🩸 I'm never on time, am I? - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    5 Basic Types of Adverbs 2(examples) ❇️Adverbs of Time 🔹I haven’t been going to the gym lately. 🔹We recently bought a new car. ❇️Adverbs of Place 🔹We went into the cave, and there were bats everywhere! 🔹One day when my dad wasn’t paying attention to where he was going, he walked into a wall. ❇️Adverbs of Manner 🔹 I politely opened the door for my grandmother as she stepped out of the car. 🔹A fat orange and white cat rested lazily on the sofa. ❇️Adverbs of Degree 🔹Can I come to the movies too? 🔹Aren’t you hungry? You’ve hardly touched your dinner. ❇️Adverbs of Frequency 🔹I rarely eat fast food these days. 🔹Tom usually takes his dog for a walk before breakfast. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    Sizda IELTS yoki TOPIK sertifikat bormi - ENG ZO’R TANLOV SIZDA! 👨‍🎓Bakalavr va Magistratura dasturi uchun barcha universitetlarda BAHORGI 2023 qabuli OCHILDI, eng muhimi firma to'lovi natijadan keyin to'lanadi! ✅ Vodiy Education Korea universitetlarining rasmiy hamkori ✅ 100% gacha chegirmalar KDB bankshot va ota ona yillik daromad talab etilmaydigan universitetlar ✅Joylar soni cheklangan 🔗 ! qonuniy va ikki tomonlama yuridik shartnoma asosida amalga oshiriladi. 📞Murojaat uchun: 998937057879 |
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    #Grammar 👨‍🎓 Tag Questions 🧑‍🎓 ☝️The two basic rules about tag questions are: ⭕️ If the statement is negative, the tag must be positive. If the statement is positive the tag must be negative. ⭕️ The tense of the tag is determined by the tense of the auxiliary/modal verb of the statement that precedes it. 📝 Examples 💧You haven't seen this film, have you? 🩸 She's a doctor, isn't she? 💧He isn't here, is he? 🩸 I don't need to finish this today, do I? 💧 Jenni eats cheese, doesn't she? 🩸 The bus stop's over there, isn't it? 💧 They could hear me, couldn't they? 🩸 I'm never on time, am I? 👉👈
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    😍Til o`rganish vaqtingizni 10 barobariga qisqartirishni xohlaysizmi❓ Bizda siz uchun yechim bor.✅ 📈Statistikaga nazar soladigan bo`lsak, yangi so`zlarni eslab qolish til o`rganuvchining 90% vaqtini oladi. 🇬🇧IELTSdan 7 ball olish uchun o`rtacha 5.000ta, ingliz tilida bemalol suhbat qura olish uchun 2.500ta so`z boyligiga ega bo`lishingiz lozim. 😮Til o`rganuvchi o`rtacha kuniga 20-30taga yaqin so`z yodlay oladi. 😬Bu degani, 5.000ta so`zni yodlab olish uchun kamida 8.5 oy vaqt kerak bo`ladi. 👏Bizning qo`llanmamiz orqali 1.5 oyda 7.000ta so`z yodlab qola olasiz. Ishonmaysizmi❓ ✔️Quyida berilgan faylni o`qib chiqing va sinab ko`ring. Bunga o`zingiz amin bo`lasiz. 😍Shunday qilib, 1.5 oyda 90% muammoingiz hal bo`ladi. Qolgan 10%ini istalgan uslubingizda o`rganib, to`ldirib olishingiz mumkin. Murojaat uchun: 998908255763 telegram:
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    🍲🥘☕️7 Meals of the Day 🍳breakfast The first meal of the day. Usually around 6am-9am. 🥞brunch A meal eaten in the late morning, instead of BReakfast and lUNCH. (informal) ☕️elevenses A snack (for example, biscuits and coffee). Around 11am. (BrE, informal) 🥗lunch A meal in the middle of the day. Usually around noon or 1pm. 🥪tea A light afternoon meal of sandwiches, cakes etc, with a drink of tea. Around 4pm. It is also sometimes called afternoon tea (mainly BrE). The word tea can also refer to a cooked evening meal, around 6pm (BrE). 🍕supper A light or informal evening meal. Around 6pm-7pm. 🥘dinner The main meal of the day, eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. Usually when people say "dinner", they mean an evening meal, around 7pm-9pm. - Follow to continue improving your English.
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    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
    Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio