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The Comms Before The Storm. 
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    DAN COMMS: We Are Ready To Unleash Hell Dan posted a black and white photo (= comms) of Trump from the 'Hello Georgia' rally at 11:42pm = 2342 => Q2342 Anons ready? Additionally, by posting at 11:42 => 42:11 => Q4211 We are ready to unleash hell.
    56 847
    DAN COMMS: Soros Is Targeted Dan dropped ominous 'George Soros Arrest' comms connecting HELLO ... Georgia to HELLO GEORGE. By posting at 5:50, Dan connects to Q550, which is a photo of Soros (and NoName). 5:5? WOW HELLO = 113 => 11.3, connecting to Q15 11.3 - Podesta indicted ... PS, Soros is targeted. Additionally, by posting at 5:50 => 550 = RUSSIA HAS ISSUED ARREST WARRANT FOR GEORGE SOROS, confirming the 'news' on 3-26-22 that Russia issued an arrest warrant for Soros.
    DAN COMMS: Iran Is Next Dan significantly changed his 'following' count from 986 to 947 -> Q947 Iran next []. No coincidences. Q
    DAN COMMS: Podesta Indictment & Arrest Is Immiment Dan once again connected to the remaining Q watch set during his weekend 11.3 Tweet Storm (see previous Dan 'watch' decode & ). At 10:57pm, Dan posted a vid of a dog panicking while watching SCOOBY-DOO = 113 => 11.3. Wind the clock to find potential Q drop connections -> 10:57, 22:57, 34:57 => Q3457 The watch worth remembering (originally posted in Q3231 & Q3232 on March 27, 2019). To confirm the connection to the watch with the time of 4:49, 10:57pm = 22:57 => (2 + 2) 4:57. The vid is 8 seconds (457 - 8) = 449 = the time on the watch. To solve Dan's full message, connect the main phrase from Dan's previous messages (see PART 1 ), IT'S TIME TO WIN BACK AMERICA = 243 = MARCH TWENTY SEVENTH (the date the watch was posted) = 11.3 ARREST OF JOHN PODESTA = On 3 year delta of watch set = On March 27th 20_22 at 4:49. Is Dan baiting The Cabal to make a move, or will Podesta's public indictment & arrest finally occur and confirm 11.3?
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    26 236
    DAN COMMS: 11.3 (Podesta Indicted & Arrested) Will Soon Verify As 1st Marker Dan dropped a barrage of 113 comms in his weekend Tweet Storm. #1 was a 1:56 clip of Trump coming on stage (1:56 => 156 = PROOF TO BEGIN 11.3). #2 was a picture series of Trump's speech, emphasizing IT'S TIME TO WIN BACK AMERICA = 243 = PODESTA INDICTED & ARRESTED 1 1 . 3, and WIN BACK AMERICA = 113 => 11.3. #3 was a vid of a SOARING EAGLE = 113 => 11.3. Anons asked Dan to post an eagle before 'Storm Tweet'. #4 is a vid of a dog panicking while watching SCOOBY-DOO = 113 => 11.3 (this post decoded in depth HERE). #5 is Trump's silhouette in front of the flag at 11:41 => 141 = 11.3 JOHN PODESTA. #6 is a vid of A PLANE TAKE OFF = 113 => 11.3. #7 is a vid of a LION HUNT = 113 => 11.3. The 7 posts are ELEVEN HOURS AND FORTY NINE MINUTES APART = 446 = My Fellow Americans, The Storm Is Upon Us = 11.3 upon John Podesta's Arrest Announcement. Cont to PART 2 (), where Dan put's 'Podesta' & The Cabal on notice.
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    DAN COMMS: Shall we play another 'Q Proof' game? Dan once again connects to the 'watch set' by again posting a 15 second video at precisely at 8:30am, just like he did on 3-6-22 (decode ). By posting at 8:30am (wind the clock to find potential Q drop connections) 8:30, 20:30, 32:30 => Q3230 Shall we play another 'Q Proof' game? Q3230 shows how Q uses 'watches' to foretell future events. Q then posted 3231 & 3232, a watch set with 4:49 on the 19th, and 3:05 on the 27th. Just like before, Dan posts another 15 sec vid => Q15 11.3 Podesta indicted [marker 1] 11.6 Huma indicted [marker 2]. The video Dan shares is from 3-11-22 => Q15's 11.3. The watch set was posted on March 27, 2019. What a 3 year delta that would be. The question is, is one watch a date & one a time? Or are each separate events (i.e. Podesta and then Huma)? After posting this, Dan followed up with yet another 15 second video of sheep celebrating (link ) set to the song "SKIP TO THE GOOD PART" = 219 = STORM IS UPON US.
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    34 003
    DAN COMMS: Be The Autists, It's About Trump's 'BREAK' Dan sent comms to Anons last night at 9:27pm, connecting to Q's post about Dan (wind the clock to find potentially relevant Q drops) => 927, 2127, 3327, 4527 => Q4527 3 seconds. Dan is to blame. Q4527 was showing a 0 delta between Trump & Q (a 'Qproof'), and Q blamed Dan for posting Trump's tweet 3 seconds 'late'. Q4526, reposted in Q4527 You have been selected to help serve your Country. Dan 9:27 post is a video of an AUTISTIC boy, #52, who wins a basketball game with a barrage of 3 pointers. The boy makes his final shot at the 1:42 mark => 142 = PODESTA AND HUMA INDICTED. The full video is 2:10 => 210 = PODESTA AND HUMA INDICTED. To fully solve, connect to Q314 Be the autists we know you are. It's about the BREAK. 314 = OVER PRESIDENT TRUMPS 'BREAK' (i.e. that is when it all goes down). For the final layer of confirmation, the Autistic Boy wears #52 => 502 = BE THE AUTISTS WE KNOW YOU ARE. IT'S ABOUT THE BREAK.
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    1 063
    DAN COMMS: The Beginning Of The End Is Here Dan posted F-16 'Thunderbirds' flying in formation at 5:51pm => Q551 THE BEGINNING OF THE END> To confirm the connection to Q551, 5:51 => 5 + 51 = 56 = THE END. Also, 5:51 => 155 = BEWARE IDES OF MARCH = FALSE FLAG WARNING. In the background of the F/Users/opf/Desktop/The Beginning Of The End Is Here.jpeg-16 video is the song SWEET EMOTION = 163 = PUBLIC ARRESTS = ATTACK FROM THE SKY. Dan implies there are FF warnings due to imminent public arrests. Additionally, Dan elaborates on the message via 551 being encoded into Q34's words: 551 = THAT SHALL SAFEGUARD THE PUBLIC FROM THE PRIMARY FALLOUT = 551 = TO OCCUR 1 1 . 3 UPON THE ARREST ANNOUNCEMENT OF MR. PODESTA. For more Q34 confirmation, 5:51pm => 1751 = On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta. Q = 1751.
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    63 504
    DAN COMMS: Podesta's & Huma's [Public] Indictments Are Coming Dan's video of the ocean from Mar-A-Lago was about the remaining WATCH set. Dan posted at 8:30am (wind the clock to find potential Q drop connections 8:30, 20:30, 32:30 => Q3230 Shall we play another 'Q Proof' game? The connection to the WATCH game is confirmed via WATCH the water. Q3230 is inviting us to play the 'date game'. It shows how Q uses 'watches' to foretell future events. Q then posted 3231 & 3232, a watch set with 4:49 on the 19th, and 3:05 on the 27th. Dan's video of the water is 15 secs, connecting to Q15 11.3 Podesta indicted [marker 1] 11.6 Huma indicted [marker 2], confirming the connection to the watch set. Additionally, MARKER [1] SET Q + MARKER [2] SET Q = 257 = JOHN PODESTA'S INDICTMENT = John Podesta Indicted March 19 = PODESTA INDICTED AND THEN HUMA. Q posted these watches on March 27, 2019. The second watch date is the 27th, and it is implied that may be Huma's 'public' indictment on the 3 year delta.
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    40 834
    TRUMP COMMS: 34 and 0 = Q34 & Q0, The First Indictments & Arrests Are Coming Soon Trump's statement about his endorsements being 34 and 0 connects to Q0 Hillary Clinton will be arrested..., and Q34 ...the primary fallout slated to occur upon the arrest announcement... But Trump implies that the 'first arrest' will be more than just HRC because 34 = BIDEN and 0 => O(bama), connecting to my previous Obama & Biden First Arrests decode . The capital letters of Trump's statement: GDDAPT TEINISSD RINO I = 216 = FIRST PUBLIC ARREST, confirming the connection to Q0 & Q34. Add the numbers from the statement (33 + 0 + 34 + 0 = 67) + 216 (capital letters) = 283 = FIRST INDICTMENTS UNSEALED = Indictment Of Hillary, Obama, Biden = They Will Be Arrested First = Military Is The Only Way. Trump's message correlates with Mr Pool's recent PREPARE FOR ZERO-DAY 11.4 (decode ). It is quite likely Durham indicts HRC, Obama & Biden at the same time, triggering The Cabal's cyber-power attacks [attempts].
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    34 736
    MR POOL COMMS: Prepare For Zero-Day Cyber-Power Attacks [11.4] At 10:14 last night (11.4), Mr Pool posted armed soldiers in a cyber matrix (i.e. cyber attack). Q told us cyber-power attacks will be attempted on Zero-Day [11.4 - Law Of War]. To confirm this intent, at 11:45pm, Mr Pool posted: PREPARE, directly connecting to Q4587 "Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4." Also at 10:14, Mr Pool posted a LIGHTHOUSE with the light on during a storm, representing the power (grid) aspect of the cyber-power attacks; and connecting to Q64 "Should the lights go out please know we are in control." Also, LIGHTHOUSE = 124 = SHUTDOWN = Russia Blamed. 11.4 is likely Durham's BIG INDICTMENTS made public. The Cabal will counter with cyber-power attacks, and likely blame Russia. However, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming = 316 => 3.16. It is not just a catch-phrase. Q4944, Are you ready to finish what we started? 'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase. Q
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    43 938
    DAN COMMS: We Never Left, It's Time To Return Publicly Dan dropped an explosive CPAC comm series that leads to Q2677 We never left. It's time to return publicly. As I showed in Part 1 , Trump's CPAC speech was the real SOTU address. But Dan tells us much more. He posted 5 messages, starting at 8:13pm & culminating at 12:36am, connecting to Q36 There is simply no other way than to use the military. The third post begins "My fellow Americans" and the capital letter value of the quote is 305 = PRESIDENT TRUMP NEVER LEFT. In the fifth post, Dan uses hashtag BehindScenes = 107 = NEVER LEFT. The total delta between 8:13pm & 12:36am is 4 hours & 23 minutes. 423 = DONALD TRUMP IS THE NINETEENTH PRESIDENT = The United States Republic Was Restored. To solve the full message, take the delta of 423, and add the video durations in the series (0:35 & 0: 20) = 478 = WE NEVER LEFT. IT'S TIME TO RETURN PUBLICLY. Q
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    24 635
    DAN COMMS: Trump's 2022 SOTU Address & Trump Is Still The President Dan directly confirmed that Trump's address at CPAC was the 2022 State Of The Union Address from the real President (like last year at CPAC 2021). The capital letters + numbers of Dan's post = 243 = TRUMP DID NOT LEAVE OFFICE = NEVER LEFT AND NEVER CONCEDED = IS STILL THE PRESIDENT. The numbers of Dan's post can also be decoded as 20 + 22 + 20 + 22 (rather than indidivually), which when combined with the capital letters = 315 = PRESIDENT TRUMP NEVER CONCEDED = DJT's State Of The Union Address = Biden Fake State Of The Union In March. Since FDR in 1934, the SOTU has been in late January or February. This is why Trump made the real SOTU at CPAC in February (just like in 2021), prior to Biden's fake address this March 1.
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    58 101
    DAN + TRUMP COMMS: Obama & Biden Will Soon Be Arrest Publicly Dan posted a yellow 'bat signal' with Trump's image at 7:27pm. And at 9:12pm, 105 minutes later, Trump responded with a blue 'bat signal' of his SOMBRERO = 105 = WE ARE READY. To solve what Trump is ready for, 'wind the clock' to find potentially related Q drops: 9:12 => 912, 2112, 3312, 4512, and Q4512 is the Sedition & Treason mug shots of Obama & Biden. To confirm this message is about Obama & Biden, Trump's timestamp of 9:12 => 219 = FIRST ARREST OBAMA & BIDEN. Additionally, I AM THE NIGHT = 114 = THE ARREST = THE BEGINNING. With this understanding, it is now possible to solve why Dan posted at 7:27 because 727 = Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Guilty Of Sedition & Treason = 727 = Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Will Soon Be Arrested In Public.
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    228 224
    4 461
    DAN COMMS: President Trump Reinstatement & 1st Arrests Imminent Dan's President's Day message was loaded with Trump Reinstatement & Arrests comms. Dan posted at 3:11 with a 25 second video, connecting to Q25 Proof to begin 11.3 (11.3 => 3.11 => March 11). Q311 What was the USSS codename for Hussein? This implied Renegade Indictment. Proof did begin on 11.3 with Durham's indictment of Danchenko on 11.3 (decode ), but Dan implies the BIG EVENTS kick-off on 3.11. 311 = PROOF TO BEGIN FRIDAY, MARCH ELEVEN = Donald J Trump Reinstatement = Indictments Unsealed & Arrests. The capital letter value of Dan's post = 272 = REINSTATEMENT OF TRUMP = USSS CODENAME FOR HUSSEIN (connecting to Q311) = Hillary Clinton's Arrest. The capital letter value (272) + (4 + 5) = 281 = TRUMP REINSTATEMENT DAY. And the capital letter value (272) + 45 = 317 = FISAGATE INDICTMENTS AND ARRESTS. It appears Dan is giving possible scenarios of what could occur on 3.11. It seems 3.11 will reverse 11.3 (Cabal Insurrection).
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    42 489
    MR POOL COMMS: Storm Tweet's Coming Mr Pool posted a "W" at 4:46pm yesterday before deleting it. 446 = MY FELLOW AMERICANS, THE STORM IS UPON US. The "W" confirms the connection to The Storm Tweet because W => VV => 5 5 => Q55 "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." "W" also connects to Q1034 We are in control W But why did Mr Pool delete this Tweet? DELETED = 55, giving another layer of confirmation that Q55 is the intended comm from Mr Pool. Additionally, "This Tweet has been deleted" = 238 = STORM TWEET'S COMING = After Queen Elizabeth Death.
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    69 898
    1 036
    TRUMP COMMS: Obama Gave The Orders To Spy On Trump Trump's statement about who gave the ORDERS to Hillary's "plumbers" to spy on Trump confirms Obama ordered corrupt FBI Agents to do so. PLUMBERS = 106 = AGENTS IN FBI = Came From Obama = To Andy McCabe = Orders McCabe. This connects to Q2732 (a link to article about McCabe) The orders came from the highest office in the land. Q The capital letters of Trump's statement: WCHC WWWHMMCI = 152 = THE ORDER BY OBAMA = PRESIDENT B. H. OBAMA = Obama Spy Order. The capital letters of Trump's statement (152) + "plumbers" (106) = 258 = BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA GAVE ORDER = It Was President Barack H Obama. This is why Hillary + Obama (the current versions of them) are the most likely first BIG "public" indictments & arrests (treasonous espionage).
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    45 472
    TRUMP COMMS: The First BIG Indictments & Arrests Are Coming Soon Trump's first Truth Social post is loaded with Marker [9] comms: "Get Ready! Your favorite President will see you soon!" = 579 = First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. The capital letters of Trump's message: GRYP = 66 = MARKER. Trump posted this at 5:04pm => 5 + 0 + 4 = 9 => MARKER [9], which confirms the connection to 'first indictment'. Additionally, 66 = OBAMA & BIDEN, and 66 flipped => 99 = EVERGREEN. Trump's message also tells us who the first BIG indictments will likely be (and why): "Get" = 32 = OBAMA, and "Get Ready" = 85 = HILLARY. And, "Your favorite President will see you soon" = 494 = They spied on the President Of The United States = The first indictment [unseal] will send a shock wave = Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, The First Indictments. To confirm these comms are intentional, Trump posted this on Twitter at 5:04pm connecting to Q504 WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD. LEARN OUR COMMS. Q
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    114 792
    1 296
    MR POOL COMMS: Storm Warning - The Great Crash Is Coming Mr Pool posted the newest cover of The Economist at 5:52pm, connecting to Q552 Storm Coming. Warning. The Economist cover shows a rollercoaster above the clouds with the phrase: "When the ride ends" = 161 = GREAT CRASH COMING, and "What would happen if the markets crashed?" = 380 = A GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS AND CURRENCY CRASH. The capital letters of the upper headlines are: UMIXJB = 79 = CRASHING = Prepare.
    119 788
    1 531
    DAN COMMS: Durham Is Coming For 'The Lovers' Who Discussed Assissinating President Trump Dan posted a video of neighbors 'turning on each other' with their snowblowers. Dan posted at 6:00am, connecting to Q600 about the text messages between Lisa Page & Peter Strzok discussing the 'insurance policy'. 600 = THE LOVERS PLANNED TO ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP. Dan's video duation of 28 seconds => 28 = LP (Lisa Page). And 28 => 82 = LP and PS (Peter Strzok). To further confirm the solution path, Dan posts an INFLATION gif of fire burning money, and links an article with 'inflation soared 7.5% over past 12 months'. INFLATION + 7 + 5 + 12 = 124 = THE LOVERS = PETER AND LISA. For final confirmation, the delta between Dan's posts was 2:46 => 246 = THE LOVERS QUARRELLING (connecting to the snowblower quarrel video) and 246 = Lovers Gave Each Other Up = Indict The Lovers Next. This confirms John Solomon's reports that Durham is after FBI agents for his next indictments.
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    36 417
    TRUMP COMMS: Watermelon-Head Means Execution By Firing Squad, Adam Schiff Has Been Executed Trump posted a video excerpt where he says: Adam Schiff, I call him (respectfull) WATERMELON HEAD. To solve, WATERMELON = 126 = A FIRING SQUAD = A BULLET TO HEAD, and WATERMELON HEAD = 144 = SENTENCE OF DEATH. Trump encoded far more into this comm: I CALL HIM WATERMELON HEAD = 211 = ADAM SCHIFF HAS BEEN EXECUTED = DIED BY A BULLET TO HIS HEAD = Crimes Against Children. The word RESPECTFULLY = 162 = SENTENCED TO DEATH. And the full phrase: "I call him (respectfully) Watermelon Head" = 373 = ADAM SCHIFF WAS FOUND GUILTY AND EXECUTED. Additionally, posting at 9:33pm brings Q933 It was not his choice. And 9:33 => 339 = SENTENCED TO DEATH FROM FIRING SQUAD = Schiff Sentenced To A Firing Squad Death. Not only is a watermelon frequently used for target practice, Trump paints quite the visceral picture of Schiff's firing squad execution by the US Military.
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    78 770
    1 727
    DAN COMMS: Durham FisaGate Declas Is Coming, Indictments & Arrests Coming, The EAS Is Coming Dan dropped an explosive series of comms last night leading to his final post at 11:20pm => 2320, which connects to Q2320 Presidential Alert - Emergency Alert System (EAS). To confirm the intentional connection, Dan posted four Tweets over 58 minutes (58 = THE EAS). To solve the full message, Dan's first post was at 10:22 => 122 = OBAMA ARRESTED. And 10+22 = 32 = OBAMA = JAIL. The next post was a 'dancing Trump' video at 10:38 => 138 = IT'S HAPPENING = ABOUT TO DECLAS. At 10:48 => 148 = JUSTICE COMING, and 10+48 = 58 = THE EAS. Dan's full phrase: NEVER bow to the WOKE MOB = 256 = JOHN DURHAM INDICTS OBAMA & BIDEN. Dan confirms the solution path in his final posting at 11:20 => 112 = JOHN DURHAM = FISAGATE DECLAS. Dan is telling us, FULL FISAGATE DECLAS is coming, as are indictments & arrests. The EAS is ready to go as a countermeasure to Cabal Zero-Day attempts to stop the revelations.
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    123 954
    2 524
    TRUMP CONFIRMS: Jeff Zucker Has Been Arrested Trump uses blunt and direct comms to confirm yesterday's decode () that Jeff Zucker has been arrested. The capital letters of Trump's statement about the real reason Zucker 'is out' are JZCNNFNYTZH = 166 = JEFF ZUCKER IN JAIL. Trump went on to highlight that Zucker 'is out' because CNN's rating are down 90% (90 = ARRESTED). Trump posted this confirmation at 10:35 => 135 = GUANTANAMO BAY. And 10:35 => TEN THIRTY FIVE = 181 = AWAITING TRIBUNAL. For final confirmation, the capital letters of the statement: JZCNNFNYTZH + 90% = 256 = ZUCKER AT GITMO CONFIRMED = Charged w/ Sedition & Treason. How much more clear can President Trump make it?
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    43 964
    TRUMP COMMS: Jeff Zucker Indicted & Arrested, In Custody At Gitmo, Awaiting Tribunal Trump revealed the real reason Jeff Zucker was 'terminated' via the capital letters of his statement = 269 = JEFF ZUCKER INDICTED & ARRESTED = Charges Of Sedition & Treason = Taken Into Custody Feb 1st = Zucker Was Arrested At CNN. Trump posted his statement about Zucker at 12:20, and 12 + 20 = 32 = JAIL. Q32 not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents. And 12:20 => 122 = CUFFED AT CNN HQ. Trump's reposting the violin meme foreshadowed this news: MY NEXT PIECE IS CALLED = 204 = MILITARY TRIBUNAL, and NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING = 307 = JEFF ZUCKER IS IN JAIL AT GITMO BAY. Trump posted this meme at 6:37pm => 18:37 => 18 + 37 = 55 = IN JAIL = GTMO (official abbreviation for Guantanamo Bay). Q2219 Sexual misconduct is the 'public shelter' to accept resignation. Q2803 Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.
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    58 497
    1 169
    TRUMP TEXAS RALLY DECODED [pt 2]: 11.3 Was On Jan 17 - A New Declaration Of Independence Continuing from Pt 1 , Trump said I ENDED THE ENDLESS WARS = 213 = OCCUPATION ENDED JAN 17 '22, which connects 11.3 to the George News posts about Jan 17 being 'historic'. Did you notice George News posted Where were you on Jan 17, 2022? at 11:03pm => 11.3? At 11:04pm => 11.4 (Law of War 11.4 Legal Justice), George News says WEIGHT AND SEA = 116 = WE HAVE WON = WE FREED AMERICA = The End Of D + China. Trump clarifies with TIME TO MOVE ON = 166 = CHINA VIRUS IS DEAD (ie End of Foreign Occupation). IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON = 214 = D + CHINA - 11.3 - END OF OCCUPATION. And of course the key phrase: DECLARE INDEPENDENCE FROM EVERY LAST COVID MANDATE = 436 = End Of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations. In conclusion, Trump says OUR COUNTRY WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN = 333 (echoing all his 3's during the rally) and 333 = ENDED CHINA OCCUPATION JANUARY 17, 20 22 = A New Declaration Of Independence On 1-17-22.
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    93 642
    1 385
    TRUMP TEXAS RALLY DECODED [pt 1]: 11.3 - End Of Occupation - Jan 17 This rally was all about the historic victory over D + China. Trump encoded 11.3 into every aspect. The key phrase was: DECLARE INDEPENDENCE FROM EVERY LAST COVID MANDATE = 436 = End Of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations (title of 11.3) = The President Trump Rally In Conroe, TX. Trump entered 35 min 'late' & 35 = CHINA. He started speaking 38 min 'late' & 38 = AN END. Trump repeated the number THREE over & over to connect to 11.3 & THREE = 56 = THE END. Trump said the stolen election WAS AN INVASION = 161 = END OF OCCUPATION. He went on to say FOREIGN INVASION = 177 = OCCUPATION HAS ENDED. He told the story of THE SNAKE = 83 = END OF D + CHINA. The total run time of the rally broadcast (incl. 'wait time') was 2:00:42. 200 = D + CHINA - END OF OCCUPATION & 2:00:42 => 242 = THE FOREIGN INVASION ENDED = Where were you on Jan 17 (from George News). Cont to Pt 2 as Trump confirms Jan 17 was the date Occupation Ended.
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    41 480
    12 618
    Dan posted a loud and clear Marker 9 (First Indictment/Unseal) decode . Q4512 implies the first arrest(s) will be Obama and/or Biden.
    DAN COMMS: Marker [9] - Barack Obama The First Arrest Dan posted a gif from 2020 of LSU #9 smoking a cigar (victory), which connects to Q3717 Marker [9]. First indictment. First arrest. Dan confirms the connection to MARKER 9 by posting at 6:21pm => 6 + 2 + 1 = 9. 6:21pm => SIX TWENTY ONE PM = 222 = BARACK OBAMA THE 1ST ARREST. For further confirmation, 6:21 backwards is 126 = SMOKING CIGAR (the gif Dan posts) = AN INDICTMENT = BARACK ARRESTED.
    138 619
    2 340
    DAN COMMS: Ukraine Is Blackmailing Biden To Send More Troops President Zelinksy of Ukraine appears to be using his blackmail files on Resident Biden’s criminal activity in Ukraine into leveraging U.S. military protection against Russia. Remember how Trump refers to his calls with President Zelinksky as PERFECT = 73 = CHILDREN (i.e. Zelinsky was telling Trump, in code, about the evidence he has implicating Biden & other high level U.S. officials in trafficking children from Ukraine). Dan's capital letters MZRTT = 97 = TRAFFICKER, and the entire phrase of Dan's post = 455 = Joseph Biden's Trafficking Of Children From Ukraine. By posting at 11:30am => ELEVEN THIRTY AM = 177 = TRAFFICKING CHILDREN = UKRAINE BIDEN BLACKMAIL. And RELEASE THE TRANSCRIPT = 236 = UKRAINE BLACKMAIL ON JOE BIDEN = Send Us More Troops = Or We Will Release It All. Q4822 If Biden became POTUS would Ukraine own & control the White House?
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    58 668
    1 066
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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