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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Touted as a "miracle cure", the injections were the "safe and effective" way to end the pandemic. But how many lives did they really save? PANDA's inquiry into the drivers of excess deaths continues:
1 912
Jeremy Nell and Nick Hudson discuss the International Covid Summit III at the European Parliament, including their observations about the state of Europe in this TNT Radio Interview.
Nick Hudson on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell - 27 May 2023 | TNT Radio
GUEST OVERVIEW: Nick Hudson is an actuary with broad international experience in finance, who has settled into a career as a private equity investor. He is a man of wide-ranging interests—an avid reader of canonical literature, a classical music aficionado, and an enthusiastic amateur ornithologist. He has been invited to speak on various topics including epistemology, corporate governance, investment management, and more recently, the pandemic.
1 513
It was sold as essential to pregnant and lactating mothers without sufficient prior testing. Investigative journalist Sonia Elijah reviews what EMA and Pfizer have found since roll out of the Covid injection began in this vulnerable group. Don't miss this on Rumble:
2 938
It was sold as essential to pregnant and lactating mothers without sufficient prior testing. Investigative journalist Sonia Elijah reviews what EMA and Pfizer have found since roll out of the Covid injection began in this vulnerable group. Don't miss this on Rumble:
EMA Periodic Safety Update Report & Pfizer’s pregnancy & lactation review | Sonia Elijah
16 May 2023 | Investigative journalist and former BBC researcher, Sonia Elijah presents her reports focusing on pregnancy and lactation adverse events from indirect exposure to the Pfizer/BNT vaccine.
"Among 20 health outcomes that were monitored in near real time, a safety signal was identified for only myocarditis or pericarditis. Consistent with other published reports, these results provide additional evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are safe in children." How do authors claim the genetic vaccine is safe for children while identifying a serious signal with heart inflammation? We have known that myocarditis following mRNA Covid immunization stood out among children, especially boys for YEARS! Those of us raising awareness on this issue were deplatformed and silenced. Too little, too late FDA! In adults with classic myocarditis, the Mayo Clinic estimates 50% mortality rate over 5 years.
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Safety of the BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccine in Children Aged 5 to 17 Years
This cohort study analyzes data from 3 commercial claims databases to conduct near–real-time monitoring of health outcomes following BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in the US pediatric population aged 5 to 17 years.
2 344
“We still have questions regarding the roll out of Remdesivir - it was perhaps every bit as important as any vaccine that has been trialed or used” ~ Mark Kulacz Watch PANDA's on Rumble:
The history of the Gilead developed antiviral Remdesivir | Mark Kulacz
7 March 2023 | For anyone involved in researching the Covid-19 pandemic origin and response, and to improve policies, this presentation by Mark Kulacz reviews available evidence on Remdesivir and will
2 082
An article containing demonstrably incorrect assumptions on Covid vaccines was published in The Lancet. With this letter, PANDA demands a retraction of the article, whilst also illustrating the problems:
2 909
Dr David Bell joins James Corbett for a conversation hosted by Dr Meryl Nass for CHD.
The Myth of Pandemic Preparedness With James Corbett + Dr. David Bell
Where did the global biosecurity agenda come from? Where is it going, what was it intended to do? Was it hijacked, or was it always nefarious? How then do th...
3 123
Universities Alliance South Africa vs UFS - Legal Update 18 May 2023 With the Univerty of the Free State (UFS) having now missed two deadlines for the submission of its Answering Affidavit, Universities Alliance South Africa has taken additional measures to prevent further stalling and ensure that the matter is heard in Court.
2 838
Symbols have long been used to organize mass followings, agitate emotions, alter perceptions and integrate populations into programmes. Prof Daniel Broudy and Valerie Kyrie examine the history of the symbol as an organizing material principle of social control:
2 605
" might be tempted to think the pandemic nightmare is finally over...But for those of us who maintained that the real nightmare was not the virus itself, but rather the governments’ dystopian response to it in the name of “public health”, there is little to celebrate." Thomas Fazi and Toby Green's thought-provoking article on how increasing corporate power is not a solution to curtail government power.
The false lesson of lockdown scepticism
Increasing corporate power will end in disaster
6 582
Those who took the mRNA vaccines, including pregnant women, did so based on trust in health authorities. Their alternative was being thrown out of employment for not agreeing to be injected. However a recent report contains previously suppressed information that raises serious safety concerns for pregnancies. Alex Kriel from the Thinking Coalition and Dr David Bell share more:
Are vaccines safe in pregnancy, and Pfizer’s hidden data
Those who took the mRNA vaccines, especially pregnant women, did so based on trust in health authorities. However a recent report contains previously suppressed information that raises serious concerns.
3 952
Courageous and highly informed - a top doctor speaks out on the destruction of medical ethics and complicity of the . Tragic but true. Covid: The destruction of medical ethics and trust in the medical profession - The Conservative Woman
Covid: The destruction of medical ethics and trust in the medical profession - The Conservative Woman
3 166
Did the Covid case and death numbers on the ship add up to a “novel deadly virus” that required “shutting down the world”? Dr Todd Kenyon connects early 2020's defining events as part of our ongoing inquiry into the drivers of excess deaths: Part 1 of the series can be read at
3 598
Did the Covid case and death numbers on the ship add up to a “novel deadly virus” that required “shutting down the world”? Dr Todd Kenyon connects early 2020's defining events as part of our ongoing inquiry into the drivers of excess deaths: Part 1 of the series can be read at
Uncensored ethical and philosophical debate is no longer welcome at the very institutions that claim to teach young minds critical thought. Watch Dr Julie Ponesse speak about her : This video is part of PANDA's Deafening Silencing series illustrating the crude censorship methods employed by the mainstream press and large tech corporations, which have enabled and supported the equally crude propaganda our societies are flooded with. See more interviews at
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The Deafening Silencing of Dr Julie Ponesse
#censorship #propaganda #criticalthinking Only if we expose what’s going on and break down all of the infrastructure under these institutions that are so corrupt, will we have a chance of being able to build them back up again.” ~ Dr Julie Ponesse Ethics and philosophy Professor, Julie Ponesse, was fired from her university position in 2021 for not complying with the institution’s vaccine mandate. Dr Ponesse explains the vilification and exclusion she experienced - from the very academics who were influential in her choice of academic philosophy as a career path, as well as the Canadian media - for asking ethics questions about the mandate that led to her termination. Uncensored ethical and philosophical debate is no longer welcome at the very institutions that claim to teach young minds critical thought. “If we don’t have freedom over our body, we have no freedom at all” ~ Dr Julie Ponesse Deafening Silencing is a series documenting the widespread and indiscreet use of direct censorship, de-platforming, smearing, coercing and other attempts to silence individuals questioning the official narrative on the pandemic event and the associated public health measures. The crude censorship methods employed by the mainstream press and large tech corporations enable and support the equally crude propaganda our societies are flooded with. Watch interviews with more silenced voices at Interviewed by Heike Brunner
3 725
🔥PANDA TWITTER SPACE Challenging the Covid Narrative at the European Parliament Sunday, May 7 | 7pm UK | 8pm CET Join hosts Nick Hudson, Dr Kat Lindley and guests as they discuss the opinions, the revelations and the findings from the recent . 👉
7 089
📣 What can you do to raise your concerns with your MP regarding the proposed WHO pandemic treaty? This template letter is intended to stimulate discussion within parliaments on key issues.
4 158
"We as doctors have become used to following guidelines, saying things that we know not to be the case because that has been handed down from on high" ~ Dr Simon Fox Politics playing medicine is a very dangerous game.
Doctors must take back control
Has fear of GMC retribution crushed proper clinical practice?
2 703
WHO aims to expand an international bureaucracy for health emergencies with an additional annual budget World Bank estimates at 3x the WHO’s current budget. This is backed by major sponsors who will benefit from the proposed responses. However, it will mainly be funded by taxpayers. Your legislators should reject these proposals. Dr David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh explain why.
2 715
WHO aims to expand an international bureaucracy for health emergencies with an additional annual budget World Bank estimates at 3x the WHO’s current budget. This is backed by major sponsors who will benefit from the proposed responses. However, it will mainly be funded by taxpayers. Your legislators should reject these proposals. Dr David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh explain why.
Why legislators should reject WHO’s proposals for pandemics - PANDA
Democracies and sane societies are built on rationalism and honesty. They may not always exhibit this, but these values must underpin major decisions. Without them, neither democracy nor justice are sustainable.
🔥 Covid Summit III at the European Parliament Join Nick Hudson and many others who will unite to testify in the European Parliament all day on 3rd May 2023 WATCH HERE : Sessions start at 9AM Europe I 8AM SA/UK I 4AM CET
3 247
Nick Hudson on The Alan Miller Show - 22 April 2023 | TNT Radio
GUEST OVERVIEW: Nick Hudson is an actuary with broad international experience in finance, who has settled into a career as a private equity investor; Nick is best known for being the chairman of Pandemics, Data and Analytics (PANDA), which is a multi-disciplinary team of professions who have done some amazing work revealing the truth about the damage of lockdowns.
3 763
🔥 PANDA TWITTER SPACE: Financial Control & Oppression of CBDCs Sun 23 Apr 7 pm UK | 8 pm CET Join host Nick Hudson, guests Jeffrey Tucker, George Cooper and more! Set your reminder🚨👇🏻 * You don't need a Twitter account to listen in
3 928
In this highly anticipated presentation, PANDA's Dr David Bell provides an overview of the new World Health Organization emergency powers. Critical viewing to understand the situation. Watch on YouTube: or Rumble:
The WHO Proposals for Pandemic Preparedness and Response | Dr David Bell
#worldhealthorganization #pandemic #government Dr David Bell presents on the proposed new World Health Organization emergency powers and looks at what they mean and what they don't mean. Dr Bell is a clinical and public health physician, with a PhD in malaria epidemiology and modelling of interventions. He has held advisory and reviewer posts for the WHO, The Global Fund, the Wellcome Trust, and the European Commission, amongst others. His research and operational experience includes the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia, and East and Southern Africa. David has worked as Director of the Global Health Technologies Portfolio at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund; and as a Programme Head for Malaria and Acute Febrile Disease at the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) in Geneva; and also as a coordinator introducing malarial diagnostics and scale-up with the WHO. David has over 90 peer-reviewed publications and is an internationally requested reviewer and speaker. He is a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians (UK) as well as a member of PANDA's executive committee. The Covid event has revealed that it was about more than just public health and the political, economic and societal aspects of the response are of far greater significance than the virus itself. There remains a continued drive toward the transformation of our societies in ways that threaten democracy and our existing ways of life. Open Society Sessions aim to examine the political, societal and economic dimensions of our recent experience and analyse developments in the future. Support our work:
24 100
Cancel culture in science: Prof Tim Noakes shares his story - having his thriving career threatened and, most importantly, what he's learnt in the wake of it all. Watch in PANDA's Open Society session: YouTube: Rumble:
How the Authorities Cancel Scientists: A Personal Experience | Prof Tim Noakes
#censorship #science #politics Prof Tim Noakes spent his academic career at the University of Cape Town (UCT) from 1969 to 2014 earning the MBChB, MD and DSc degrees; the Order of Mapungubwe (Silver) from the State President of South Africa and the Lifetime Achievement Award of the National Research Foundation. A recent analysis has found that he is the third most-cited medical researcher in South Africa; the second highest from UCT. He is also the world's third most-cited living Sports Scientist. However none of this was sufficient to protect him in 2014 from being “cancelled” by the UCT Medical Faculty with support from the then UCT Vice-Chancellor. His crime was that he dared to present the evidence that the dietary advice promoted by that institution and essential all medical faculties around the world, contributes to the global obesity/diabetes pandemic and that the first step in reversing these pandemics would be to tell this truth to the public. With strong support from UCT (and three other prominent South African Universities), also in 2014, the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) charged Noakes with unprofessional conduct for a single seven-word Tweet on social media. The case was heard over 28 days stretched out over 4 years ending in June 2018; Noakes and his team of 3 expert witnesses delivered more than 7000 pages of scientific evidence during 12 days of testimony under oath with cross-examination. The decision of the original HPCSA committee as well as the committee appointed to hear the Appeal of the Prosecution against the original finding (unfavorable for the HPCSA), concluded that Noakes was innocent of all charges. The final count was 13 decisions in favor of Noakes; zero for the HPCSA. In this presentation, Prof Noakes shares the full story of his case and explains how he experienced the "cancel culture" that threatened his stellar career. You can follow him on Twitter at @ProfTimNoakes The Covid event has revealed that it was about more than just public health and the political, economic and societal aspects of the response are of far greater significance than the virus itself. There remains a continued drive toward the transformation of our societies in ways that threaten democracy and our existing ways of life. Open Society Sessions aim to examine the political, societal and economic dimensions of our recent experience and analyse developments in the future. Support our work:
5 151
Dr David Thunder reviews some of the main threats posed to equal citizenship by trust in those typically considered qualified experts in this session. He also explores how these threats might be reduced at individual and institutional levels and suggests some damage limitation strategies. Watch on YouTube: Watch on Rumble:
Equal Citizens, Unequal Knowledge | Dr David Thunder
#politics #society #equality There is a fundamental tension between reliance on expert knowledge and equal citizenship in a constitutional democracy. On the one hand, it is generally understood that in a democratic society, citizens are equal and independent co-deliberators in the public sphere, meaning that no citizen’s evidence or reasons should be downgraded in public deliberation just because he has less access to power or money. If one citizen’s reasons or evidence are given more weight, it should be because their reasons are more persuasive, or their evidence is of a higher quality, or because they have proven themselves to be more qualified or knowledgeable about a subject than other citizens. If these conditions have been met, then giving more weight to the arguments or reasons of one citizen than another may be publicly justified and not inherently offensive to civic equality. However, in practice this is not how public deliberation functions, for a number of reasons. First, people often use proxies like credentials and reputation to demonstrate their superior qualifications, and reputation or credentials may not be a reliable marker of superior knowledge. So the guy with the Harvard Ph.D may be gaining an unfair or inappropriate advantage in public debate even though his knowledge is no better for the purpose at hand than the next person’s. Second, people who are smart and well trained in a field of knowledge may be quite adept at dazzling the public with a display of erudition or “expertise” that conceals the weaknesses in their position or distort the data, giving rise to a relationship of intellectual domination or manipulation that is inconsistent with equal citizenship. Third, those with impressive credentials may be co-opted in a selective or one-sided way by politicians to legitimate their policy preferences, with no regard to opposing experts. Fourth, the danger of manipulation is only exacerbated in a world of intense specialisation, in which policymakers and ordinary citizens often have neither the time nor the energy to master the knowledge required to evaluate the plausibility of expert opinion. The purpose of this presentation by research fellow Dr David Thunder from the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Navarra in Spain, will be simply to review some of the main threats posed to equal citizenship by reliance on those conventionally considered to be qualified experts; and to explore some ways these threats might be mitigated both at the individual and institutional levels. David will not be offering any pat answers, but will be suggesting some damage limitation strategies. His hope is that the presentation will open up a conversation about how to better manage the risks knowledge hierarchies pose to freedom and equality of citizens as co-participants in a self-governing society. The Covid event has revealed that it was about more than just public health and the political, economic and societal aspects of the response are of far greater significance than the virus itself. There remains a continued drive toward the transformation of our societies in ways that threaten democracy and our existing ways of life. Open Society Sessions aim to examine the political, societal and economic dimensions of our recent experience and analyse developments in the future. See more of David's work at Watch more Open Society Sessions: Support our work:
3 281
PANDA's new series aims to unpack how and why the official Covid narrative is riddled with flaws to the point of complete absurdity. Join us on this journey! Or catch it on PANDA's Substack:
Inquiry into the Drivers of Excess Deaths 2020-2023: Part 1 - PANDA
Many believe that they have a good idea about what happened during the last three years. In this series, we intend to demonstrate that every aspect of this narrative is inaccurate, starting with the purported success of the vaccines in saving lives.
7 425
🆕 Judith Brown: The Truth About the Fact-Checkers Watch: Speaking at on Monday, April 3, Judith Brown (🇬🇧) presented her research into the disinformation industry, specifically fact-checking, and then answered questions from our live audience. Judith is a retired nurse educated to doctorate level. She first became interested in media issues while working in Africa and the Middle East. Her firsthand experiences were far different than what she was led to believe by the media and politicians. Inspired by that deception, Judith began researching the influence behind media with a focus on the war in Yemen. She is a member of and has been researching the disinformation industry, specifically fact-checking, for the last two years. Please do watch and share: Find this video on Rumble, YouTube, and Bitchute. 🌐 SOURCE | 🌳 LINKTREE Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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3 091
🔥PANDA TWITTER SPACE: Smoke & Mirrors of the PCR Tests - Sunday 2 April 7pm UK, 2pm EDT Join us in our next discussion👇🏻
4 141
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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