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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Yes, he tried to kill Donald Trump. But we cannot know for sure if he was opposed to Donald Trump. His motives are obscure. His politics a mystery. We will never know. He left us no clues. @MattWalshShow
2 337
Trump is the most relentlessly demonized politician in US history. That has consequences. Those consequences are entirely intentional. The media won’t tone down the rhetoric after this. Why would they? Their rhetoric is having the desired effect. @MattWalshShow
2 664
Now verified hot with a 99 percent audience rating. Still not a single mainstream film critic has reviewed the film. Has there ever been a wide release top 5 box office film to not get a single review by any mainstream news outlet? @MattWalshShow
2 629
Thank you to everyone who supported the film this weekend @MattWalshShow
2 461
Now that I have a favorable mention in the Hollywood Reporter, I expect an Oscar nomination right around the corner @MattWalshShow
2 351
Off to a very strong start. Top three in the box office on opening day, coming in third and easily beating “The Killer’s Game.” That’s a mainstream Hollywood film that opened in a thousand more theaters. Thank you to everyone who supported the film. Let’s keep the momentum going. @MattWalshShow
2 211
99 percent audience score but still zero mainstream film critics have reviewed it. I haven’t seen them this scared to review a movie since my last movie. @MattWalshShow
2 146
If you watched “Am I Racist?” and you love it, please do one thing: tell your friends about it. We need word of mouth for this film to succeed. @MattWalshShow
2 164
We have a tiny fraction of the marketing budget of most theatrical films. We’ve been completely ignored by mainstream film critics to this point. When you’re a low budget film made by people with unapproved political opinions, the obstacles to get into theaters and then have any… @MattWalshShow
2 133
We are punching up in this film and our first film. I’m a community college dropout podcaster going up against academics, PhDs, and so called “experts” in their fields. If they come out looking like total fools in my movies — which they do — what does that tell you? @MattWalshShow
2 341
As reported by @ robbystarbuck, left wing activists are bullying theaters into dropping our film. This theater just issued an apology. The only way to stop the Left from shutting down the film is to support the theaters that are showing it. Tickets here: @MattWalshShow
2 238
Our new film "Am I Racist?" will be released in hundreds of theaters nationwide. It's a provocative film on a very relevant cultural topic. Yet, so far, mainstream film critics have completely ignored it. They also refused to acknowledge the existence of "What Is A Woman?" which… @MattWalshShow
2 447
You might think you already know what's in the Robin DiAngelo scene in "Am I Racist?" if you've read some of the news reports. But trust me, you can't appreciate it until you see it. It lives up to the hype. I promise. @MattWalshShow
2 625
Ep. 1440 - Media Paints Millionaire Athlete As Another Oppressed Victim Of Police @MattWalshShow
2 655
I really appreciate this piece in the Telegraph. Even though Michael Moore is a far left lunatic, I’m flattered by the comparison. He’s a brilliant filmmaker, if also wrong about everything. @MattWalshShow
2 838
Trump's closing statement is his best moment by a million miles. He should have been hammering "why haven't you already done it?" the entire time, relentlessly. @MattWalshShow
2 281
My debate analysis won't make anyone happy. I think Kamala was weak and nervous, especially early. She came off as phony and rehearsed the rest of the way. But Trump missed a lot of opportunities to land a blow, rambled too much, and took the bait repeatedly throughout. I don't… @MattWalshShow
2 368
Kamala accuses Trump of dividing Americans based on race. This is a woman who bailed out BLM rioters and has amplified every race hoax for the last thirty years. Trump should have pointed that out. Some crucial missed opportunities tonight. @MattWalshShow
2 441
Funniest moment in the whole debate was when Kamala walked out and introduced herself to Trump @MattWalshShow
2 508
Kamala on Ukraine: "We need to look out for our friends" How is Ukraine our friend exactly? What have they ever done for us? @MattWalshShow
2 546
Kamala: "If Trump was president, Putin would be sitting in Kiev right now." Obviously bullshit but also who gives a damn? Why should I care who controls Ukraine? @MattWalshShow
2 750
Huge huge huge missed opportunity if Trump does not attack the moderators and call them out for their bias to their faces @MattWalshShow
2 641
Donald Trump needs to directly call out the moderators. The debate isn't against Kamala anymore. It's against them. He needs to hit them explicitly. @MattWalshShow
2 641
Kamala baited Trump by making fun of his rallies. Trump took the bait, got angry, and started rambling. First misstep by Trump in this debate. @MattWalshShow
2 714
Kamala is nervous and shaky. Not a good performance so far. @MattWalshShow
2 744
Our new film “Am I Racist?” has now been expanded to over 1,500 theaters nationwide. We started with about 200 when the movie was announced just a few weeks ago. The response has been tremendous so far. @MattWalshShow
2 616
RIP Tyreek Hill. He suffered a briefly unpleasant interaction with police that was entirely his own fault. I’m devastated. And all he has to comfort him is his $30 million a year salary. This is what black men have to deal with in our country. Outrageous. @MattWalshShow
2 589
A great premier event for “Am I Racist?” last night. Very surreal experience watching myself on the big screen. When we set out to make the film, we knew it be an enormous challenge to pull off. It proved to be even more difficult than I expected. But I’m extremely proud of the… @MattWalshShow
2 393
As we see yet again with the Tyreek Hill situation, the Left’s position is that a black man should be able to say and do literally anything he wants when confronted by police and he can never be held responsible for what happens as a result of his own belligerence @MattWalshShow
2 320
If you’re upset at how Democrat policies are harming household pets, just wait until to you hear what Democrat policies do to human babies @MattWalshShow
2 769
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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