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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Now We Are Supposed to Cheer Government Surveillance?
Now We Are Supposed to Cheer Government Surveillance?
They are wearing us down with shocking headlines and opinions. They come daily these days, with increasingly implausible claims that leave your jaw on the floor. The rest of the text is perfunctory. The headline is the takeaway, and the part designed to demoralize, deconstruct, and disorient. A few weeks ago, the New York Times told us that “As It Turns Out, the Deep State Is Pretty Awesome.” [...]
3 222
Vaccines, autism and an epidemic of official lies
Vaccines, autism and an epidemic of official lies
AUTISM rates have escalated from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s to 1 in 36 today, according to 2024 figures released by the US public health agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As you might expect with such a worrying statistic, the CDC acted promptly and decisively: they renamed April’s ‘Autism Awareness Month’ and are now calling it ‘Autism Acceptance Month’. This has rightly [...]
2 543
Video: They Will Control Everything You Do Very Soon. Whitney Webb
Video: They Will Control Everything You Do Very Soon. Whitney Webb
The World Economic Forum’s plan for global carbon surveillance is nearly complete. Journalist Whitney Webb joins us to talk about how this is all tied together with a digital ID, CBDC’s, and removal of personal property. Read More -  Video: They Will Control Everything You Do Very Soon. Whitney Webb
2 342
Evil Negotiating Tactics
Evil Negotiating Tactics
By James Roguski The negotiations for the “Pandemic Treaty” are on the verge of failing miserably. The bad actors involved are desperate, so they are trying to pull a fast one by using a dark psychology technique. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that has been negotiating the “Pandemic Treaty” has done an absolutely horrible job at reaching consensus. But maybe it is much more [...]
2 213
The Border Crisis is Being Used to Push Digital ID — Whitney Webb Interview
The Border Crisis is Being Used to Push Digital ID — Whitney Webb Interview
2 517
Petrol Car Sale Restrictions Are “Terrible for the U.K.”, Warns Vauxhall Maker
Petrol Car Sale Restrictions Are “Terrible for the U.K.”, Warns Vauxhall Maker
The Net Zero crackdown on combustion engines could force the maker of Vauxhall to scale back its presence in Britain, its boss has warned. Carlos Tavares, Chief Executive of Stellantis, said that a law to limit petrol car sales was “terrible for the U.K.” and would force manufacturers to sell vehicles at a loss. If Ministers did not make urgent changes to the rules, he suggested Stellantis [...]
2 589
Sadiq Khan’s ‘stealth tax’: Londoners paying ‘mayoral precept’ are hit with a 71 per cent increase since Labour chief became mayor, with city families now paying an average of £471 for the levy
Sadiq Khan’s ‘stealth tax’: Londoners paying ‘mayoral precept’ are hit with a 71 per cent increase since Labour chief became mayor, with city families now paying an average of £471 for the levy
Londoners have been hit with a 71 per cent increase in Sadiq Khan's 'stealth tax' since the Labour chief became mayor. People living in the capital are currently paying £471 towards the Mayoral General Precept, which is an additional charge added to council tax bills to 'support the Mayor's activities', according to The Telegraph. This figure has shot up from an [...]
2 198
Will traffic in Paris be a Chinese headache during the Paris 2024 Olympics? Ask for a QR code (digital ID) in May to register and travel around Paris ‘during the Olympic Games’ in 2024!
Will traffic in Paris be a Chinese headache during the Paris 2024 Olympics? Ask for a QR code (digital ID) in May to register and travel around Paris ‘during the Olympic Games’ in 2024!
You thought you were done with filling out permits and QR codes, like in the days of confinement? No way! On Monday April 8, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin gave an exclusive interview to Le Parisien Parisien. In this interview, the statesman revealed that local residents will have to register on a dedicated platform, if they hope to gain access to certain perimeters of Paris. A sine [...]
2 243
CBDCs: “Financial inclusion” means the inclusion of all transactions not people
CBDCs: “Financial inclusion” means the inclusion of all transactions not people
To try to make central bank digital currencies sound benign, proponents repeatedly use the word “financial inclusion.”  They are trying to convince us that the world needs CBDCs so that those who are “unbanked” can participate in the digital economy without requiring a bank account. This is, of course, absurd, David McGrogan writes.  “People who are financially excluded are in that position [...]
2 318
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift’s “Fortnight”
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift’s “Fortnight”
The least one can say is that Taylor Swift characterized the first half of 2024. And that’s an understatement. In the past months, this already insanely popular singer turned into some kind of untouchable icon as she transcended her status as a celebrity to reach mass media sainthood. Indeed, Taylor simply cannot do any wrong. Even if she’s churning out music that’s arguably mediocre, news [...]
2 474
ITV News presenter Rageh Omaar is ‘receiving medical care’ after becoming ‘unwell’ live on air and worrying viewers when he stumbled with his words and struggled to read bulletins – as programme is pulled from ITV+1
ITV News presenter Rageh Omaar is ‘receiving medical care’ after becoming ‘unwell’ live on air and worrying viewers when he stumbled with his words and struggled to read bulletins – as programme is pulled from ITV+1
An ITV News presenter is 'receiving medical care' after he became 'unwell' while live on air. Rageh Omaar, 56, the ITV News International Affairs Editor was presenting the News at Ten show this evening when he suddenly began stumbling over his words and struggling to read the news bulletins. Although it is still unclear what exactly happened, ITV News have confirmed that [...]
4 207
The Politics of Ritual Abuse – Article by Richard Willett
The Politics of Ritual Abuse – Article by Richard Willett
Whilst conducting some recent research for a forthcoming documentary I am set to present on the ancient origins of Satanic abuse, I came across the McMartin Day Care Case. Whilst the argument continues as too wether these crimes actually happened or not, and all parties were quitted. This case does show how Satanic Ritual Abuse cases can be used and weaponised for political purposes. This [...]
3 226
These are the rules: Freedom of speech, not reach, and don’t lead a flotilla to deliver aid to Gaza. Nelson Mandela grandson’s X account suspended. Who really controls Musk? Three guesses, but you’ll only need one
These are the rules: Freedom of speech, not reach, and don’t lead a flotilla to deliver aid to Gaza. Nelson Mandela grandson’s X account suspended. Who really controls Musk? Three guesses, but you’ll only need one
X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, suspended an account owned by the grandson of former South African President Nelson Mandela on Friday. It is currently unclear why the social media platform, owned by Elon Musk, banned Zwelivelile Mandla Mandela, a member of the National Assembly of South Africa. The company has issued no statement regarding its decision to restrict the South African [...]
3 076
The lady Cathy O’Brien says is an ‘MKUltra’ mind control victim … Britney Spears, 41, stunningly settles legal battle with dad Jamie, 71, leading HER to foot his $2M bills while getting NOTHING
The lady Cathy O’Brien says is an ‘MKUltra’ mind control victim … Britney Spears, 41, stunningly settles legal battle with dad Jamie, 71, leading HER to foot his $2M bills while getting NOTHING
Britney Spears has shockingly settled her years-long legal battle with dad Jamie Spears and will end up footing his over $2million legal bills while getting nothing in the process. The 41-year-old pop star  - who recently showed off her sculpted physique - quietly  resolved her legal battle with her 71-year-old father according to TMZ Friday and the singer is said to be furious over the [...]
2 672
First of all ‘alien’ technology would hardly need your 6,000 (and growing) AI Cloud-creating satellites to ‘manoeuvre around them’; and second, ‘aliens’ are coming and going from another dimension and not other planets, or, at least, not the visible light frequency band of other planets. But you know that, right? So why this nonsense?
Показати повністю ...
First of all ‘alien’ technology would hardly need your 6,000 (and growing) AI Cloud-creating satellites to ‘manoeuvre around them’; and second, ‘aliens’ are coming and going from another dimension and not other planets, or, at least, not the visible light frequency band of other planets. But you know that, right? So why this nonsense?
"I get asked a lot about aliens and I usually say I am one" — Elon Musk — DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) April 27, 2024
2 707
Confirmation of what I have said all along – ‘Covid’ was a hoax and there has never been a ‘Covid’ virus
Confirmation of what I have said all along – ‘Covid’ was a hoax and there has never been a ‘Covid’ virus
If one did exist, and especially if it was a 'bioweapon from the Wuhan lab', why would they have to go to such lengths to scam the 'cases' with a PCR test not testing for the 'virus'; scam the deaths by putting 'Covid' on the death certificates of those who died of any other cause within 28 days of testing positive with a test not testing for the [...]
3 290
Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs
Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs
Millions of people in Burkina Faso have been displaced due to ongoing and escalating violence.  In a move to address the humanitarian crisis, ECOWAS is ramping up efforts to collect data. It’s unclear what data ECOWAS is collecting but what is clear is that the humanitarian crisis has provided an opportunity for the UN to roll out its biometrics and digital ID agenda to refugees and displaced [...]
3 020
The Sinister Web Untangled: CIA & Rockefeller’s Secret Agenda Revealed in the Shocking 2025 Depopulation Report by Deagel
The Sinister Web Untangled: CIA & Rockefeller’s Secret Agenda Revealed in the Shocking 2025 Depopulation Report by Deagel
In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025. We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant [...]
2 883
The Green Agenda Will Lead to Civil War
The Green Agenda Will Lead to Civil War
Chris Stark, the outgoing Chief Executive of the U.K. Climate Change Committee (CCC), is demob-happy. In a number of interviews, the highly-paid civil servant has criticised the Prime Minister for seemingly faltering in his commitment to Net Zero. This unguarded criticism is unusual in itself, unwittingly highlighting, rather than seeking to resolve, the increasing tensions between green [...]
2 689
A.V. Dicey Did Not Foresee the Gender Recognition Act
A.V. Dicey Did Not Foresee the Gender Recognition Act
The Gender Recognition Act of 2004 states that, after receiving a certificate of ‘gender recognition’ by the state, [a] person’s gender becomes for all purposes the acquired gender (so that, if the acquired gender is the male gender, the person’s sex becomes that of a man and, if it is the female gender, the person’s sex becomes that of a woman).  Contrast this with one of the most [...]
2 755
500,000 Illegals Caught on Arizona Ranch
500,000 Illegals Caught on Arizona Ranch
Reporters with immigration news outlet Border Hawk recently toured an Arizona ranch where half a million illegal aliens have been apprehended in the past 30 years. John Ladd’s 16,000-acre property on the outskirts of Bisbee, AZ, shares 10 miles of border with Mexico, making it prime territory for illegal entries by smugglers, cartel operatives, and migrants. Every day, Ladd searches his ranch [...]
2 912
The Walk – EP 103 – When does a railway become a canal? – Rowsley to Bakewell, Derbyshire
The Walk – EP 103 – When does a railway become a canal? – Rowsley to Bakewell, Derbyshire
3 405
Russell … why do you need a religion to connect with the Infinite that we all are? Why not just do it without all the middlemen, ritual and belief system baggage?
Russell … why do you need a religion to connect with the Infinite that we all are? Why not just do it without all the middlemen, ritual and belief system baggage?
You don't need any of that to become what you already are, but, like humanity in general, have been manipulated to forget. You are an expression of the Infinite as we all are, but mainstream religion tells you that statement is blasphemy. We can't be an expression of 'God', we have to be subordinate 'little people' who must be 'God-fearing'. Why?  To [...]
3 385
Humza Yousaf’s SNP Coalition with Greens Collapses
Humza Yousaf’s SNP Coalition with Greens Collapses
Humza Yousaf’s coalition with the Scottish Greens has collapsed after he decided to scrap their power-sharing agreement. It came after Green members demanded a vote on the agreement following the Scottish Government scrapping its Net Zero climate change target last week. The Telegraph has more. The First Minister ended the SNP’s coalition deal this morning before Scottish Green members had [...]
3 459
Red Carpet Premiere—No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat the Bugs?
Red Carpet Premiere—No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat the Bugs?
3 394
Cashless Society: WEF Boasts That 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting CBDCs
Cashless Society: WEF Boasts That 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting CBDCs
By Tyler Durden Whatever happened to the WEF?  One minute they were everywhere in the media and now they have all but disappeared from public discourse.  After the pandemic agenda was defeated and the plan to exploit public fear to create a perpetual medical autocracy was exposed, Klaus Schwab and his merry band of globalists slithered back into the woodwork.  To be sure, we’ll be seeing them [...]
3 383
Classified With Paul Wallis: The Invasion or Revelation of Eden?, Out now on
Classified With Paul Wallis: The Invasion or Revelation of Eden, Out now on
This week Rich discuss' the 2023 congressional hearing concerning UAP and "Non Human Biologics" with the author of the fantastic "Eden" series Paul Wallis. Rich asks wether this could be part of a narrative to pitch these beings as our ancestor, creators and therefore new controllers? CLASSIFIED: THE DISCLOSURE OR REVELATION OF EDEN? with Paul Wallis of @5thkindTv [...]
3 360
The French State is Now Little More Than a Smuggling Gang
The French State is Now Little More Than a Smuggling Gang
If the events of yesterday show anything it is that France doesn’t want to stop the boats and the French state is now little more than a smuggling gang, says Patrick O’Flynn in the Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt. Amid all the hand-wringing about the latest deaths of migrants in the Channel, you should keep one essential point in mind: France doesn’t want to stop the boats. How, you might ask, [...]
3 564
Latest blood analysis of Pfizer fake vaccinated – the ‘things’ and ‘reptile things’
Latest blood analysis of Pfizer fake vaccinated – the ‘things’ and ‘reptile things’
Self-replicating synthetic 'things', including 'reptile' things, in the blood of a Pfizer fake vaccinated and PCR tested patient. Subtitles by La Quinta Columna. — David Icke (@davidicke) April 25, 2024
3 449
Pokemon GO blasted for ERASING women
Pokemon GO blasted for ERASING women
3 184
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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