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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    In the video above☝️ you can see the story of the most famous actor in the world, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, on how his mother became financially independent thanks to President Trump and his TRB program While appearing on the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" show, he revealed how his mother secured financial freedom through the TRB Forms, which allowed her to finally cash out her products. President Trump does everything for you, and all you have to do is provide your TRB Forms on time and get your CASHOUT. But remember that with 1x TRB Form, you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT; with 2x TRB Forms, up to 14 items, and so on. Be careful and get enough TRB Forms so you can cash out all of your products. Hurry up; we don't know how much time is left. Get your TRB Forms on the official website below👇👇👇
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    1 098
    Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a guest on the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" show and made a VERY IMPORTANT statement❗️ At the end of yesterday's episode, the host of the show, Jimmy Kimmel, asked Dwayne a question regarding his mother's financial status. With what he said, many people were left speechless. They couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. "Rock" explained how, thanks to Donald Trump, his mother is now financially stable and doesn't need his help, even though he tried to help her multiple times before. "My mother didn't want any financial support from me, so she decided to get some of the products, and once the CASHOUT phase was announced, she got herself enough of the TRB Forms and cashed out all of her products in one day," Johnson explained Since Kimmel is a known Democrat and Trump hater, he tried to interrupt him multiple times in an attempt to stop him, but luckily with no success. Now get your TRB Forms and cash out your products👇
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    1 118
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    You are not alone Thousands and thousands have entered the process of awakening and transformation since the current world events. Covid has proven to be both a curse and a blessing in disguise, as so many are finding their way now, towards the light of truth. Truth that triggers your awakening. Truth that grants freedom in the transformation to become who you truly are. Truth that accelerates the desire and need for change. Truth that connects us in the higher dimensions of the different improved reality we all search for in this life. This improvement will be the effect of the Great Awakening. When we connect in the desire and mastery of autonomy, health and harmony. The beginning of this change starts within you. Many people are experiencing stress due to the unrest, uncertainty, dissatisfaction and some even the beginnings of bad health at this moment on the planet. That is the signal from your intuition, your soul. The signal that something else is needed. Deep down, a voice calls out for your attention and your action for a much needed change. Many start by adjusting their lives on the level of exercise, healthy food, yoga, reading about consciousness, listening to podcasts, etc. At this level there is some improvement to be gained in terms of well-being and energy, but it does not bring about real change. And the superficial solutions that people are currently being presented within the field of health care are even misleading and harmful. Soon you will come across, consciously or unconsciously, deeper blockages, effects in your body and patterns in yourself, which prevent change and improvement in your life. This may give you the feeling that you are back to square one, that you keep going round in circles. And you are. The negative spiral of low frequency that we call the matrix. Learn how your human system really works. Learn which mental ego structures are blocking the flow of energy and keep you stuck in the matrix of the Mind. Learn to listen to the language of your emotions, what they want to tell you and which themes in your life it affects. Learn how you can connect to you inner guidance and activate your moral compass on your journey. Learn which knots you can untie within yourself to take control of your own autonomy, health and Light in your life and that of your loved ones. Conscious, awake, stable, strong and autonomous souls are needed right now to contribute to the altering, shifting and changing of the collective systems that are running the show in our communities today. What the world needs is new systems build with the right intentions to nurture humanity and the planet back to higher states of wel being, freedom and harmonious living in peace. It all starts with you. If you don't, listen to this call of that voice within there's a good chance that your soul will continue to demand attention through your physical body and your life experience. Attention in the form of stress and chaos in your private or work life and relationships. Or even serious attention in the form of illness. Signs from the higher universal dimensions to tell you it is time to do what you came here for old soul. Signs that show you the internal work of healing that has created a loop of pain and suffering for many generations that can be stopped by you. If you and I keep going round in the karmic circles, essentially nothing changes. The Universe gives you a nudge, then a push, and finally a punch to knock you over and bring you to a stop. Until your soul gets your attention and you have to change. The dark night of the soul has a purpose. To force you to find the path on your journey that will guide you and many others towards the light. In my book you learn about the stages of consciousness, awakening, mastery and enlightenment in the process of ascension to higher forms of living from different angles and perspectives of knowledge, but especially from my own vision and life experience. So that you can break through your vicious karma circles, blockages and mental patterns of the ego.
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    A word to the wise: In my opinion, it's usually best to ignore the drama, haters and shills. They want you to react to them and when you do you are playing exactly into their hands. This is exactly what the enemy wants. He wants to disrupt your peace and cause you to make missteps. There's nothing that enrages an enemy more than when none of their attacks shake you at all. You're living above the clouds and all they can do is shake and wring their hands to no avail. You can apply this to many areas of your life. A calm and cool demeanor will alleviate much suffering. . . . Join 👇👇
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    Prediction>>> 10.00$ a gallon gas prices.. Coming>>> ///[They] want to stop gas cars and consumers from buying gas cars>>(easier in future to control humans where they go and can digitally turn off cars)///>[THEY] are creating CLIMATE WARS already (weather patents and weather CONTROL was already made in the late 1800s and has been SUPER developed The past 120 years) ... This climate war is connected to Afghanistan and what resources lay underneath the ground there >>>LITHIUM<< _ THERE ARE MANY REASONS TO CREATE CLIMATE WARS::;>> CARBON TAX >> WORLD OF ELECTRIC CARS(EASIER TO CONTROL HUMANS AND CARBON TAX)>> The LITHIUM BOOM RUSH (TRILLIONS IN REVENUES FOR DEEP STATE CABAL OWNED FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES)///>>> It's not coincidence the same time of the Bioweapond COVID19 /vaccines Bioweapon release.. The largest censorship on earth taken place against any person who speaks up against the lockdown/mandates/VACCINES agenda/WUHAN Bioweapon release///..>>>> Now you have CLIMATE CHANGE hitting the hardest in 2021 ... This isn't coincidence>>> It's all CONTROLLED ..... Just as much as the controlled shipping shortage chaos ERUPTING..... Volcanos ERUPTING>>> Civil unrest ERUPTING..>>>>>> The PERFECT STORM ERUPTING>>>> (it's not coincidence that all 500 companies got 500,000,000.000 Million $$$ insurance payments on their Pandemic Insurance payouts //// they all got offered/and got a Pandemic Insurance<<< one year before the pandemic happened/// ____ We are inside the Storm///// Americans are now over buying (according to mainstream media) and more Mega shipping CARGOS are stalling across the world and isn't being reported by media ....//)) ___ >>It's better to know the Truth than to be fed only positive news///// The news is FAKE The WARS is real Q Join 👇👇
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    📣 GOOD NEWS: It's the END for the Democrats. Elon Musk just donated another $30 billion to the TRB System! Do you know what Donald Trump and Elon Musk have in common? They both want to help the Patriots, and they both have the means to do it Elon just revealed that the Media doesn't want to show how well the TRB System is working and how lives were changed with the CASHOUTS. But he made sure that Twitter wouldn't censor any of it and that Trump was more than welcome to use his Twitter account. That's not all. He also mentioned that over $30 billion were donated by himself personally, so everyone will be able to CASHOUT their products without any issues. NOTE: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own Get your TRB Forms below and CASHOUT on time👇
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    1 278
    [THE STORM IS UPON THEM] Michael Beschloss a prominent World Historian with direct connections to Clintons. Tony Blair is also an Advisor and historian for NBC [ DS] NEWS MSM and his wife is DEEP INSIDE THE CABAL>>She is president and CEO of the Rock Creek Group, a Washington, D.C. investment firm, former treasurer and chief investment officer of the World Bank, a past trustee of the Ford Foundation, PBS and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and a current trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Resources Institute and the Institute for Advanced Study. _DID BESCHLOSS recently admit the Fall of the Democratic party? Future ARRESTS ?. If Republicans win.? ( In an article he states what's at stake of Republicans win) > In the circles around Beschloss.... He's telling his friends as is his wife in the ELITE circles... That lots of people are going to get Arrested when the REPUBLICANs take the house.... [They] are WORRIED >>> SCOTUS has also been FLIPPED by THE MIL. ALLIANCE< Recently Killary Clinton gave a speech Republicans pose real “threats to our country,” (What's she's actually referring to is SCOTUS who have been INFILTRATED by the U.S. mil. White Hats - that i have wrote about several times- ..... This INFILTRATION and FORCED OPERATIONS by the WHITE HATS WILL connect to SCOTUS> GIVING ELECTIONS POWER / RULINGS/ CERTIFICATION to local >> (local state legislators) SECRETARIES OF STATE<<< EVERYTHING IS PLANNED 🎥 > SET UP. > THE U.S. MUST WITNESS ANOTHER DISASTROUS ELECTION that Comes to the brink of Civil Was.....( It's a powerful EVENT that leads to open PROTOCOLS AND LAWS that are backed by the ALLIANCE)///// NOW YOU SHOULD SEE WHY JUAN O SAVIN is crucial in UNITING, HELPING PLACE SECRETARIES OF STATE<....... MOST THE INCOMING SECRETARIES OF STATE FOLLOW Q...... INCLUDING SEVERAL WIVES AND FAMILLE OF SCOTUS _ INSIDE THE STORM. Q just issued an Emergency in the zone stamps >11 COM(S) Join 👇👇
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    1 059
    _ALL across the world MAJOR actors. musicians. Sport idols are PUBLICLY leaving the left parties. > In the U.S. Blacks, Jews, Hispanics are leaving the Democratic party in mass migrations to become Republicans. It's estimated over 6 million democrats left the DNC party after Tulsi Gabbard left the party and Kanye West publicly bashing the Democratic has a profound movement through the hip-hop community as he exposes DEEP STATE in the entertainment world and was trending...,... In the past month several Hollywood actors publicly denounce Hollywood and left AND or switch parties to the republic party......///// The public fall off the DNC PARTY is happening..... _As TRUMP wisely dismantles the FBI. DNC. EXPOSURE OF DEEP STATE INSIDE THE THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT (everything was a set up. From the Stolen election _ was actually MILITARY ops -was given to BIDEN to EXPOSE the U.S. DEEP STATE.... Even Trump admitted the Stolen election exposed Biden and the DNC on a national level of their corruption and shows in the destruction of the U.S thru DNC leadership...) _The power of Q Military ops got the World Awakening and SHARING real time information on deep state agendas and vaccines and sharing DECLASS from Q time line _WHITE HATS coming out on different forces to take control social Media sites /// _and the military Operations that are still unknown and only known by the ALLIANCE and Insiders>inside Q ///// Much is happening..... But most IMPORTANT... There WILL BE NO NUCLEAR WAR... JUST A VERY VERY INTENSE STANDOFF....... As the world goes into EXPECTED MILITARY MARSHAL LAW AFTER THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE //// the collapse continues as VANGUARD AGAIN FILES FOR BANKRUPTCY and Fortune 500 companies collapse...... WIRES; ; [ JARED KUSHNER ] Comes into the KILLBOX as Polish INTEL and RUSSIAN Intel give briefings to U.S. top officials on the SNAKE IN THE MIST of TRUMP FAMILY Join 👇👇
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    We have been lied to, suppressed and conned by rich globalist money hungry elites. Water Powered Car in 1974: - Goes 70 MPH - Travels over 1000 miles on one tank - Releases zero pollution We could be driving water-powered cars but the forces that manipulate humanity would never allow it. As human consciousness rises, and the control system dissipates, we will see the re-emergence of great technologies like this - THOUGHTS? 🇺🇸 SHARE!! . . . Join 👇👇
    🔵 On their most popular show, CNBC let Alex Jones talk about the TRB Forms and their benefits, supporting President Trump The biggest CNBC show of all time, "The News with Shepard Smith", is finally back on air, but this time with a very different program. The host of the show, Shepard Smith, presented a video from Alex Jones, which was uploaded to his website INFOWARS, talking about the CASHOUT and the TRB Forms. Since President Trump signed the bill for the CASHOUT, a lot of public figures and celebrities have started supporting him and what he has done with TRB System so far. Just as Alex mentioned in the video, all of your products are already registered in the TRB System. You ask yourself, "What is left to get the CASHOUT?" Get enough of the TRB Forms, depending on how many products you own, submit them, and receive the CASHOUT. Get your TRB Forms below, and DON'T FORGET that with 1x Form, you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT👇👇
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    1 132
    The judge shut down the FBI investigation into TRUMP today and will hand over all documents to a Special Master that will over see the case ( their is no time limit for when the Special Master can release the findings . Which means the DEEP STATEs plan to immediately put indictments on TRUMP before midterm elections is off for now.... 😊.) The DOJ did not want a Special Master appointed and knew this would create a time frame problem to their FALSE FLAG indictment attempt of TRUMP. The only way to over turn the judges ruling is to take it to the Supreme Court ... But the DOJ FBI know that >CLARENCE THOMAS would over rule the case 😉..... Sometimes you got to smile how all these CHESS ♟ MOVES were predetermined years ago.. How everything was set up... Behind the scenes> Project Veritas played an important role in the Judges decision< __ Project Veritas has an October surprise coming up...... And would not be surprised if CNN ( who's house cleaning should be almost done by then) drops the story 😉. ] INFILTRATION [ ♠️♦️ Join 👇👇
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    14 404
    You must Remember the Deep State MSM is currently pushing the narrative of the violent Trump supporters theory... > This means [DS] is getting ready to plant their FALSE FLAG attack and blame Trump and supporters.... Just recent Deep State croon RINO Lindsey Graham stated "Riots in Streets" if TRUMP is prosecuted over classified records/// The past 3 weeks MSM has pushed the narration of violent Trump supporters and civil war to their viewers..... Now deep state Graham is being used by the Democratics to push the narration..... ——————————— 🔥🔥President Trump: Delta Force is on the way🔥🔥 ——————————— [They] want to create chaos before the election in November ( We all know this)// ...[ They] are getting ready to create this MAJOR FALSE FLAG ... __ Military sats in the sky's are WATCHING everything.. And documenting..... Join 👇👇
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    1 055
    Just putting this out there.... _Creepy SATANIC> rumors< So the Queen has been dead for over two years now and has been on ice. Would it surprise anyone to this day now if the Elites who are invited guest to the funeral gathering came specifically to eat her and others were forced to be part of the eating ceremony. .... _who's gonna be surprised if The Satanic SPIRIT cooker Marina Abramovic showed up at Queen eLIZARDbeths funeral... Why would [they] do this? _you have to remember the DEEP STATE CABAL lives through blackmail/SATANIC Rituals/....,> Killary Clinton was on Anthony Weiners laptop eating children and wearing their faces that was cut off ..... And the NYC police officers who viewed the LAPTOP died and supposedly committed suicide after and the FBI also covered that laptop story up///..... Inside these satanic Rituals several newbies and elites are forced to eat the victims or drink the blood laced with Adrenochrome And the whole event is filmed for later blackmail agendas. As you all know King Charles lll was busy eating babies and enjoy his past time hobby ( pedophilia) while living in Transylvania the last year's (The Prince of Wales's private nature retreat lies nestled amongst the meadows and hills of Zalán Valley (Zalánpatak, Valea Zălanului) in Transylvania, Romania)/.... Charles best friend was pedophilia UK ring king Jimmy Savile who molested kids in Hospitals and special needs children hospitals and worked directly with dead bodies in these hospital morgues.... Jimmy Savile was having sex with dead people as well as living children and was Knighted by the Queen herself on the behalf of Charles. ( MI6 MI5 & military Intel in UK knew Savile was a pedo but he was highly PROTECTED by the UK Royal Majesty.>>> Jimmy Savile was the Jeffrey Epstein of the UK in his time... And King Charles was the Ghislaine Maxwell of his day<< Did Marina Abramovic save Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marriage? ( Behind closed doors... MEDIA blackout) ____ How did TRUMP know Prince Harry and Markle would break up soon? ___ What's known is USSF has the Whole country UK on WIRES. (everything is being recorded.. The technology USSF has is near perfect 3D Sonars systems that can infiltrate buildings and follow events, gatherings and film entire proceedings taking place.......... The USSF SAT EYE IN THE SKY IS MARVELOUS... ....but still... We Sure are in some creepy times Join 👇👇
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    11 665
    EXCLUSIVE 🚨 TRUMP'S FIRST INTERVIEW ABOUT THE LAST PHASE: I want to see your name on the list for CASHOUT! For the first time since the CASHOUT phase was put into full effect back in April, President Donald Trump came out on LIVE television and gave an exclusive interview on abc NEWS. "There are still people who are not believing.. but what can I do about it? They try everything to put me and my people down." - he started The cashout phase has been in full effect since April 19th, and a lot of Patriots have already cashed out their products. President Trump added: "I said multiple times that all of your products are already registered in the TRB System. All you need to do now is get your TRB Forms, enough so you can submit all of your products, and receive your CASHOUT" Trump has confirmed it multiple times now. It's time for you to act now, get your promised CASHOUT, and live the life of your dreams. Get yours here👇👇👇
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    1 219
    In deep discussions with Mil. INTEL source (s)... "WWG1WGA" is a Military protocol that pertains to Cheyenne mountain...( Where Tesla created a time traveling machine connected to Inner ground zero energy//)/ > the looking glass is only looking into the future past and present.... But the Real Tesla machine is time traveling connected to ground zero energy that connects to the stratosphere and universal energy...../// The connection between TESLA.. TRUMP ( John G. TRUMP)//// John G. Trump connection to TESLA is deeper than reported and worked in the same field and were just minutes apart ( same neighborhood) living and working in the same field.... ///According to MIT, Prof Trump focused on high voltage phenomena, electron acceleration and the interaction of radiation with living and non-living matter. He also designed X-ray generators...../// > From insiders.. The Philadelphia experiment connects Tesla/Trump in the creation of the time traveling program....( But not revealed by MSM)/// _ WWG1WGA is a military protocol to activate the TESLA time Machines under Cheyenne mountains that has been locked down since 2016 under the order of TRUMP .... >The Switzerland particle accelerator machine in ( CERN) Was a failure... And could not produce enough energy to create the Worm holes....//TESLA work was stolen by the DEEP state after his death and[ they] tried creating the time machine of his stolen blue prints of the machine..( which was created but FAILED)///)) the failure was due to inside placed White HATS who deliberately sabotage the CERN PROJECTS.. ... in 2017 ... The control of CERN came under U.S. Military white HATS CONTROL< _ now the WWG1WGA all protocol had been initiated.. IN CERN - CHEYENNE MOUNTAINS. The WWG1WGA protocol refers to HUMANS on earth traveling into the NEXT dimension as one.... >SKY EVENT Q Join 👇👇
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    13 199
    We must be careful... Patriots, ANONS and especially HIGH PROFILED TRUTHERS who spread the GREAT AWAKENING, [EXPOSURE] of the PLANDEMIC , VACCINES DEATHS and FALSE FLAG EVENTS the CABAL DEEP STATE has systematically knowingly CREATED.<< 5G is no joke and full unauthorized testing is taken place in the U.S. and abroad... Official rollout of the 5G in the U.S. is expected after the jan 19. (The power behind 5G is more than a human can FATHOM ... DARPA can use 5G as a weapon in many many ways.. Including replicating sickness and antagonizing the body cells to excrete proteins/ spike proteins and Graphene Oxide combine with 5g to Control the body..... There are many factors to 5G causing illness ( as known.. Even 3g 4g cause cancer this is written in your phone manual ..5G is FAR more dangerous))) In many instances in the early testing of Military use of 5G [ CLASS-IFI ED ] the weapon can be used to KILL subjects through positioned directed weapons ( small energy weapon and can find subjects through Nano, phones, wifi, RFIDs.)//// ____We are coming into the SUPER dangerous part of the WAR.. 5G (There's a reason.. The virus .5g was rolled out in Wuhan at the same time)//// ____ Stay safe keep your spiritual body armor strong!!!! Join 👇👇
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    >PUSHING FOR WWIII: U.S. military-industrial complex continues to escalate conflict with economic sanctions NATO’s relentless push for anti-Russian hatred across the global economy could force China to retaliate if its own businesses end up getting punished in all the fray. CNBC‘s Eunice Yoon joined the “Squawk Box” the other day to talk about how China is being backed into a corner amid escalating sanctions against Russia, which are also impacting other nations that do business with Russia. The United States military-industrial complex, which includes media, religion, the technology sector, and of course the government, are all now engaging in open xenophobia against Russia in response to the Ukraine invasion – almost like they are all reading from the same script. Despite the presence of Pentagon-run bioweapons laboratories throughout Ukraine, and the constant encroachment of NATO towards the Russian border over the past several decades, we are all somehow supposed to believe that Vladimir Putin is the bad guy in all this for basically protecting his own borders. The U.S. could learn a thing or two from Putin about the importance of protecting one’s own borders, it turns out, but I digress. “The Chinese foreign ministry said that if the U.S. sanctions Chinese companies that China would respond ‘firmly and forcefully,'” Yoo explained during the CNBC segment. China also warned that the U.S. is operating “dangerous” biolabs in Ukraine, calling the corporate-controlled media machine in the U.S. an “Empire of Lies.” __ >HUNDREDS OF BIOLABS ACROSS THE WORLD< Join 👇👇
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    MR. POOL WITH ANOTHER VIDEO MESSAGE POSTED ON TWITTER We all know by now that Mr. Pool is always delivering secret messages at times when patriots need help making smart decisions. But this time, he was very direct with his message. As you can see in the video, he showed that the CASHOUT phase has started. Do you own any of Trump's products? Make sure you secure the TRB Forms and submit them so you receive the CASHOUT on time. REMEMBER: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own We are at the very top. We are just one step away from our goal! SECRET INTEL: Get at least 200x TRB Forms and receive an extra $2 million added to your CASHOUT You've heard enough. Hurry up before these TRB Forms are out of stock and you have to wait until the SECOND CASH OUT segment. Submit your TRB Forms now👇👇👇
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    mr pool 2.mp4

    1 172
    There is so much things happening through the world in politics and chaos and madness and different fractions of movements.>>> Let's not get to distracted w/ Kyle RITTERHOUSE << The reason I say this is because there is so much more happening like GHISLAINE MAXWELL TRIAL >>> [MSM ] [DS] is only covering Kyle RITTERHOUSE trial and not mentioning GHISLAINE MAXWELL (who is behind the World CHILD TRAFFICKING/Sex blackmailing Networks.. >>> that involves almost every Nation and LEADER across the WORLD and including deep state intelligence agencies and deep state Militarys >>> MAXWELL IS THE REAL NEWS<<< //MSM is pushing for a FALSE FLAG >> FOR ANTIFA. FBI UNDER COVERS TO START RIOTS AGAIN AND BURN CITIES>>>> .. >ALL TO AVOID GHISLAINE MAXWELLVATICAN ECT ECT..... THE REAL STORY IS MAXWELL ~~~~ We All prayed for Kyle and happy he is found not guilty!!! .. But still let's keep our eyes to MAXWELL<<< Join 👇👇
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    1 263
    Ben F.>WIRES New Chinese Emperor oversees Khazarian mafia purge The failure of a Khazarian mafia coup attempt in China means the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is not going to be able to escape bankruptcy this time, multiple sources say. This is because a new emperor -who is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan- has taken power in China, according to dragon family sources. So far, over a thousand senior Chinese officials and three generations of their families have been executed for accepting bribes from the KM, the sources say. The rest of the top levels of the Chinese government remain under house arrest until investigations are completed. It is still not clear if Chinese President Xi Jinping has been replaced by an avatar or not, the source adds. However the real Xi Jinping has a shoulder injury from an assassination attempt in Singapore so, when the new Chinese politburo is revealed on October 16th, the thing to watch for is the presence or absence of this injury on Xi if he appears, they say. Either way, any Xi who appears will not be a KM stooge, they add. The fact that KM propaganda rags like the New York Times are now viciously attacking Xi is another indicator their attempt to take over China has failed. Polish intelligence sources corroborate saying: It is now clear that the Military Brigade that entered Beijing was there to defend Xi and surround it for protection. Some CCP members have been arrested and executed. The coup attempt was staged by the ROTHSCHILDs / ROCKEFELLERS / VATICAN / BLACKROCK / DAVOS GROUP ETC. in an effort to stop Chinese support for the Russian Alliance and the annexation of Ukraine. The second reason for the coup attempt was the takeover of the BRICS temporary reserve system, into which half of the world’s currencies have already shifted. The fact that OPEC+ has decided to cut oil production by 2 million barrels per day in order to help Russia is another sign the entire non-Western world is cooperating in the effort to cut off oil and gas and thus collapse the US Corporation. Even the fake White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was forced to admit “It’s clear that OPEC+ is aligning with Russia with today’s announcement.” This effort appears to be working. One of the principal owners of the US Corporation, Blackrock International has filed for bankruptcy, Mexican intelligence sources point out. These same sources say Russian, Chinese and other specialists have entered the US via Mexico to help US special forces hunt down and destroy remaining KM leadership and strongholds in North America. A public sign the Mexican government has joined the planetary liberation alliance can be seen in that they are now using the Russian Glonass GPS system that the US has tried to ban. Join 👇👇
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    14 163
    44 Which is more precious,fame or health? Which is more valuable,health or wealth? Which is more harmful,winning or losing?   The more excessive your love, the greater your suffering. The longer you hoard,the heavier your losses.   Knowing what is enough is freedom. Knowing when to stop is safety. Practice these, and you'll endure . . . Join 👇👇
    1 090
    🚫 BANNED JFK VIDEO FROM 1973 IS ALL YOU NEED TO SEE The older generation probably heard about this speech from the late John F. Kennedy but hasn't taken it seriously. JFK started the plan, but DEEP STATE stopped him and prohibited this video from being shared publicly by any news outlet. That's why our beloved President Donald Trump is already implementing the plan and started the TRB System. After signing the legal documents, the last CASHOUT phase has been activated, and now Patriots are becoming wealthier by the day. The day has finally come where you are able to CASHOUT your products and receive the promised value from them, but remember with 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own. It's finally time to carry this plan through; everything is in front of our eyes. Make your future a better one. Get your TRB Forms and submit them for a CASHOUT👇
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    1 320
    MASSIVE MSM attack on New Q post< [DS] MAINSTREAM MEDIA/news and social MEDIA networks and (DS personalities) were very quick within 18 hours to dismiss the new Q Drops as fake and FALSE....//)/ Pertaining to trip codes. Within a few short hours CodeMonkeyz was the primary target by the DEEP STATE MEDIA..... Claiming Ron was making the new Q post for political reasons. ____ You should understand by now When the 4:30 am CIA MOCKINGBIRD daily TALKING POINTS were sent out to all MSM and SOCIAL MEDIA personalities > to ATTACK the new Q post as FALSE/FAKE and spin the story to Ron Watkins as the fall guy who created the post for personal Political reasons, was a PLANNED talking point by the [DS] .... [THEY] are in PANIC!!!! As Q dropped the post and are quick to make a cover story.... Place Ron as a fall guy and divert new people from looking further into Q >You should understand by now not to FOLLOW MAINSTREAM CIA DEEP STATE MOCKINGBIRD NEWS .... Especially when it comes to their speciality and pretending to know Q drops< __ I find it comical that alot of ANONS Patriots pick the side of MAINSTREAM MEDIA news story as true.. Pertaining to the Q drop yesterday and the trip code debacle//)) Join 👇👇
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    1 184
    Behind the scenes,; *2023* White HATS, MILITARY, +45... >WILL< start placing the TRUMP FAMILY into powerful POWERFUL< positions //)//)//)//) ___ In>The Godfather.... The POWER was handed down..... ___ Major moves are being created to bring so much Power to the children of TRUMP////////////////// ____ This POWER is expected to put JR. On a an even playing field as his father. ___ Behind the scenes JR./ MUSK creating a TRUTH movement social networks _____ The born Legacy... 2036...+++++++++++++++++Barron ____ Many ANONS dontt trust MUSK ... That ok...///)) Even a home is built by the hands of the wicked ( killers, liars, sinners)..... Do you know who creates the clothes you wear? Who touches your clothes in many industries across the world? ( Killers, liars , sinners who also work in the food industry clothing, building industry and everyday workers that build your homes ..... touch you food in supply chains.... NOTHING IS CLEAN<<<)//// I'm stating this to say..... Be very cautious who you judge. Because you don't even know the house you sit in ( who built it ) clothes you wear . Food you eat...... >You can't expect everyone inside the White HATS Alliance to be CLEAN with out sin. > Many many white HATS had to[ INFILTRATE ] DARK SOCIETIES to gain TRUST > . . . >A VERY SMART WHITE HAT UNDERSTANDS PLAYING BOTH SIDES//// GATHERING INSIDE INFORMATION////GAINING TRUST...... SETTING THE TRAP(s) ____ Why did Q mention the >The Godfather? You have more than you know Join 👇👇
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    13 181
    Why did Joe Biden Block the CLASSIFIED documents of JFK ASSASSINATION coming out??? >> Answer<< INSIDE the files not released in 2017 is the Truth>>> Who created the CIA... and why then the Director of CIA Allen Dulles and CIA operative George Bush took orders from UK Majesty, Israel$ , China CCP (ROTHSCHILDs/Rockefeller's BANKS).... INSIDE the CLASSIFIED files connects CIA OPERATIONS and FULL EXTANT of how to Use Mockingbird operations to control the news. The use psychological trauma was intentional to kill JFK and see the response of the Nation and test Mockingbird OPERATIONS. >And to test the military response and weed out the White Hat operates that were part of the Q Clearance OPERATIONS and SLEEPERS that were connected to the HIGHEST INTEL CLASSIFIED documents/ Operations, and Military Special Forces. >There are several reasons for JFK ASSASSINATION and the ongoing WARS created by the CIA and implementation of Central World Banks in every country around the world. >THE MOST DISTURBING OF THE CLASSIFIED JFK DOCUMENTS that are updated in 1999 are the relations the CIA ,CENTRAL BANKS, FEDERAL RESERVE controlled the Mockingbird media and medical health Industries and indoctrination of The education system..... All these branches of CIA controlled system created DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) who went on to create MICROSOFT, GOOGLE, GOOGLE MAPS, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YOUTUBE..... And the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, NIH,WEF , GPMB, ECT ECT. ECT.AND ALL BIG PHARMA. BIG TECH INDUSTRY AND THE VACCINE INDUSTRY<<< The Long CLASSIFIED report.... Comes from Q Clearance officials who have been documenting the INTELLIGENCE REPORTS SINCE THE DAYS OF LINCOLN and his creation of the SECRET SERVICE. >>>> ..... ,, >INSIDE THE STORM YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW... NCSWIC Q Join 👇👇
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    1 206
    Donald Trump holds a meeting with the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince, who will help the cause! President Trump held a meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince, who agreed to support him and donate $12.5 billion of his own money to the TRB System for the CASHOUT phase. "The only way to create balance in America is by giving money to the people so the 1% can't manipulate and exploit you. We are giving you the chance today by adding another $12.5 billion to the CASHOUT!" - Mohammed bin Salman said It was confirmed multiple times that all of your products are already registered, and the only way to receive your CASHOUT is by submitting them with the TRB Forms. REMEMBER: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own. Use this opportunity to secure your TRB Forms and make a CASHOUT👇👇👇
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    1 861
    ❗️The Democrats couldn't believe what Trump was doing with his TRB Forms and CASHOUTS, so he was invited to the White House to show them in person Yesterday, President Trump presented a couple of videos on the big screen in the White House and shut the mouths of many non-believers. "So we can give you hundreds of clips like that, and patriots are making CASHOUTS daily with the TRB Forms" - President Trump said If you own any of the Trump and TRB financial aid products, the CASHOUT is READY. All that is left is to get enough of the TRB Forms, fill them out, and submit them at one of the Trustee Offices, whose locations will be revealed via email. 💰 REMEMBER: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own. NOTE: If you choose the 50x TRB Forms and select 10 on the Quantity Option, YOU will automatically receive $7 million added to your CASHOUT GET YOURS HERE👇👇
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    1 950
    The Khazarian king chose Judaism, and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts. The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria, and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before. Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities — a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship. 1,200 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action: About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. The Khazarian king and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries. The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped, while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals, and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him. The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them from power. The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years: To accomplish their invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to murder King Charles 1, and make England safe for banking again. This began the English Civil Wars which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in regicide of the royal family and hundreds of the genuine English nobility. This is how the City of London was set up as the banking capital of Europe and launched the beginning of the British Empire. City of London, Vatican, and DC are all not part of the countries they are in. They are independent land, owned by... the Rothschilds and globalist cartel. They are symbols of occult. These three also have obelisks in common, which also shows that they are all connected by free masonry, which prays directly to the devil himself, who they call Lucifer, the god of good and light. They call Christ the bad guy. These deluded satanists are running things, which explains a lot of the negativity in the world today. The obelisk is phallic in its appearance and represents the male penis. It is symbolic of the Egyptian sun god, Ra, and is an ancient symbol of male energy and generation (G) in Freemasonry. See the obelisks below: London obelisk (aka Cleopatra’s Needle): Located on the banks of the River Thames, this obelisk was transported to London and erected in 1878 under the reign of Queen Victoria. The obelisk originally stood in the Egyptian city of On, or Heliopolis (the City of the Sun). Join 👇👇
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    2 121
    Geneva Switzerland is where CERN is located. Geneva in Germanic tongue means "Juniper tree" The Juniper/Geneva tree is the tree Elijah sat under in despair and depression asking God to take it all away. Juniper/Geneva is symbolic of cleansing and protection, the berries of the Juniper/Geneva tree have been used in rituals to protect people from evil forces. I felt good earlier when I meditated and tuned in to the CERN reactivation. Had a good feeling about it despite all of the fear speculation based on it. True awakening comes from within but what we hold within manifests externally, and forms a world. In this case, a world with a particle collider searching for dark matter which is a building block to quantum reality and a portal/doorway to dimensional travel and timeline shifting. Dark=unknown, not "bad" or "evil". 666=human atomic structure (material world) 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons to human carbon-based DNA. Shiva is the deity of destruction and transformation. Destruction isn't inherently bad, potentially the destruction of an old timeline that no longer serves us. After meditating during the CERN launch I hopped on Facebook and the first post I saw that wasn't about CERN was about a topic I've been keeping a close eye on for about 7 years now. The Zimbabwe currency. I never see posts on this aside from the posts I've done in the past. Not saying I'm privy or one of the few who knows, just saying the time was incredible in regards to CERN changing the timeline of humanity for the better this time given financial relief would be the first step in opening the door for humanity to exit fight or flight mode which in modern times aside from past trauma and toxicity is focal to financial despair. No money, no food unless you grow your own. No money, no means to make your own garden optimally unless you have time to learn how to pull from nature in that way, and still, no money, no time to focus on anything other than meeting base level needs, to the ego at least. We all say "money isn't everything." True. "Money can't buy happiness." True. But let's not undermine the foundation money can bring that can make everything else more realistic and lasting to obtain given our current societal structure. Now back to Zimbabwe currency. They are issuing a gold coin, essentially a bridge to a gold standard, as of, today. The day CERN turns on and runs for 4 years. Mind you, the Celtic deity Cernunnos (CERNunnos) is often depicted with a pouch of gold coins. Why is Zimbabwe the hinge of the world's economy? Because it has the most in-ground assets. Primarily, gold. The house of Enki is located in Zimbabwe, a place where the Anunnaki were claimed by some to have originally touched down to seed humanity for the sake of mining gold, which may be a deeper metaphor not regarding malevolent intentions to use humans as slaves. More so, an alchemical metaphor. From here we could spiral into many topics, focally the ark of the covenant, monoatomic gold and the purpose of the pyramids and cathedrals but to keep from straying too much from my point let me revert back to present day currency affairs. There is a collaboration of nations that we in the states an other countries have been taught to fear mostly. Mainly 2 who I'm going to list. This group is called "BRICS" which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China's and South Africa (which Zimbabwe is included in". These nations are teaming up to bring back a gold standard and recent realize oil purchase. Hence why they are trying to get Saudi Arabia and Iran on board. Saudi as of this year is veering away from the US dollar and looking to back their oil in the Chinese gold-backed "yuan." If you know what the dollar truly is, you can read between the lines here and see that the financial slavery of the world is on the verge of ending. Shortly after the gold standard in the 70's was fully abolished, Henry Kissinger traveled to Saudi to meet with the royal family, the oil kingpins of the world. Join 👇👇
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    11 646
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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