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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Mushuk ishqibozlari uchun! Toza nasldor mushuklarga qiziqsangiz ushbu kanalga obuna bo'ling. Mushuklari juda zo'r, nasli toza, chetdan olib keltirilgan. British Shorthair, and Scottish cats!
1 255

@IELTSmaterials_N1 Elementary English Vocabulary in use.pdf

@IELTSmaterials_N1 Pre-Intermediate English Vocabulary in us.pdf

@IELTSmaterials_N1 Upper Intermediate English Vocabulary in .pdf

@IELTSmaterials_N1 Advanced English Vocabulary in use.pdf

5 783
⚡️ English Vocabulary in use 🦉 • Elementary • Pre-intermediate • Upper-intermediate • Advanced © Cambridge 👉🏾 My IELTS materials 🔗
5 293
Oldin taboo hozir trend! The normalization of behaviors like "dachaga qizla bn kettu" (going to a dacha with girls) or the casual use of alcohol and smoking among young people is a reflection of broader social and cultural shifts. In recent years, especially with the rise of social media platforms like Instagram, we've seen a significant change in what is considered "normal" or acceptable behavior in society. Instagram influencers and content creators play a major role in shaping these norms, often glorifying a lifestyle that prioritizes immediate gratification, social status, and materialism. In the past, behaviors like drinking, smoking, or openly discussing relationships outside of marriage might have been taboo in many cultures, including Uzbek culture. These actions were often done in private, with a sense of shame or fear of social judgment. However, as more and more influencers broadcast these lifestyles online, showcasing glamorous parties, drinking sessions, and casual relationships, they begin to shift public perceptions. What was once seen as controversial or inappropriate is now increasingly seen as a standard part of young adulthood. The constant exposure to these behaviors on social media platforms has a desensitizing effect. The more we see something, the more it becomes normalized, and this is particularly true for impressionable young people who are still forming their values and identities. The shift in cultural norms is not just about the behaviors themselves but also about the language we use to describe them. Terms like "dachaga qizla bn kettu" are no longer whispered in private conversations; they are now boldly stated, often with a sense of pride or humor. The normalization of this language reflects a deeper change in societal values, where the boundaries of acceptable behavior are continually being pushed and redefined. In essence, what we are witnessing is a cultural transformation, heavily influenced by social media, where behaviors once considered taboo are now part of the mainstream. While this may be seen as a sign of progress by some, it also raises important questions about the impact of these changes on individuals and society as a whole. Are we truly becoming more open and accepting, or are we losing touch with the values and traditions that once held our communities together? Shame on viners and shame on Fame!
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Today's Idiom | #Idioms 🐕 In the doghouse 🏠 in a bad situation because someone is angry at one, in trouble - He's in the doghouse for forgetting his wife's birthday. - Keep talking to me in that tone of voice and you'll be in the doghouse for the next month! #vocabulary 🦉 👀 @IELTSmaterials_N1 💬
8 843
Pronunciation: Silent Letters #silent Silent letter is a letter / letter combination that is usually NOT pronounced in a word L N ❎ Walk ❎ Column ❎ Talk ❎ Solemn ❎ Half ❎ Kiln ❎ Calf ❎ Autumn ❎ Yolk ❎ Condemn ❎ Folk ❎ Hymn ❎ Could ❎ Damn ❎ Would ❎ Government ❎ Should ❎ Contemn ❎ Almond ❎ Limn ❎ Palm ❎ Calm ❎ Salmon ❎ Balm ⚡️ - Beyond plagiarism
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9 709
Spelling Correction | #Grammar Rule 5. Words ending in silente", drop the ⚠️ “e” before a suffix beginning with a voweleg. Hope + ing = hoping ✔️ Live + ed = lived ✔️ Drive + er = driver ✔️ Tire + ing = tiring ✔️ 🔗 @IELTSmaterials_N1 👈🏾
2 856
Alternative energy sources that use the natural power of the wind, waves and sun are too expensive and complicated to replace the coal, oil and gas that we use to power our cities and transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this? Alternative energy is thought by some to be the answer to our reliance on fossil fuels, as sources of alternative energy are low emitters of CO2 and are a sustainable means of providing electrical power. Critics of 'green energy' contend that current technologies are either too costly or impractical to realistically replace our current energy needs. The advantages of 'green energy' are obvious. There is no need to worry about dwindling supplies of progressively more expensive resources. Solar power will never run out and, once initial costs are paid off, the electricity is basically free. These sources of energy have another major benefit in the shape of their low emissions. Although there are emissions costs in the building of wind turbines or hydroelectric power stations, there is no further air pollution or the risk of environmental contamination. This notion of a perfect world of free and non-polluting energy does draw criticism, however. It is obvious that solar power won't work at night or that not every country has a coastline, rivers or windy hills. It is also a problem that replacing our current energy supply will entail expensive research and development, which, in turn, involves government cooperation. One last obstacle to the adoption of ‘green energy' is nuclear power. Many countries see the huge energy production from this power source as a more practical solution than messing around with the wind and waves. In conclusion, there is little doubt that we will soon need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and on to an alternative fuel source. The only real question is whether we risk the costs and delays of green energy or choose the productive, but potentially dangerous, nuclear option. - Pauline Cullen 🔗
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11 460
Before you sit the IELTS test again 🤔... IELTS is a test of English language proficiency and learning a language takes time and practice.🫸 If you are disappointed with your result, here is some advice to consider before sitting the test again. ✅ For more materials: @IELTSmaterials_N1 🔗


8 067
2 ta ChatGPT ni suhbatlashtirib qoyudim. They talked nonstop. 😂


Everyday Idiom | @IELTSmaterials_N1 Follow in someone's footsteps 👣 [ to do the same thing as someone else did previously, especially as a job ] - She followed in her mother's footsteps, starting her own business. - He followed in the footsteps of his father, achieved Oscar, and became the best Actor.
11 108
Jafarbek | ESL Instructor
A reminder for the present, a guide for the future... 🇸🇦 🇦🇪 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇫🇷 IELTS | English 📝 Travel Enthusiast ✈️🌍 Photo&Coffee ☕️ addicted Join me to enhance your English skills, prepare for IELTS, and explore the world!
Jafarbek | ESL Instructor
A reminder for the present, a guide for the future... 🇸🇦 🇦🇪 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇫🇷 IELTS | English 📝 Travel Enthusiast ✈️🌍 Photo&Coffee ☕️ addicted Join me to enhance your English skills, prepare for IELTS, and explore the world!

Antonym for "Verbose"

Anonim ovoz berish
9 971
📊 Enhance Your Writing Task 1 Vocabulary! 📈 By the year 1978, 📈 Spanning a twelve-year duration 📈 In the closing year 📈 Over the upcoming three years, 📈 In the subsequent year, 📈 Throughout the specified timeframe 📈 At the start/finish of the period 📈 Persistently over the stated period 📈 In the initial half of the decade … 📈 A Surge of 30%. 📈 Decreased by 15%. 📈 Showed a significant rise over ten years. Follow 🔗
7 506
Yanvar va fevral oyida imtihon topshiruvchilar uchun yangilik IELTS dan tushayotgan savollar savollar shu yerda Kirib ishlab 9.0 oling 👇🏻👇🏻 9.0 olish vaqti keldi qani goooo
My Italian friend is just learning English
6 742
I can't believe bedtime used to be a punishment
📊 IELTS Writing Task 1 Formal Vocabulary: 📈 On the Rise: - Increase (increased) - Ascend (ascended) - Upturn (upturned) - Escalate (escalated) - Surge (surged) - Grow (grew) - Climb (climbed) 📉 On the Decline: - Decrease (decreased) - Decline (declined) - Downturn (downturned) - Plummet (plummeted) - Dip (dipped) - Decrease (decreased) - Sink (sank) 🔛 No Change: - Remain constant - Stable/stabilize (stabilized) - Unchanged - Steady (stayed steady) - Flat (remained flat) - Consistent (stayed consistent) - Static (remained static) 🔗 @IELTSmaterials_N1 😎
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13 314
11 260

In the Middle Ages, most Europeans knew where nutmeg was grown

Not Given
Anonim ovoz berish
11 855

The VOC was the worldʼs first major trading company

Not Given
Anonim ovoz berish
3 490
3 274
Hello everyone! I just wanted to share with you the incredible experiences I've had this year. It's been absolutely amazing! I finally had the opportunity to travel to some of the dream countries that were on my bucket list for so long. The sights, the people I've met, and the experiences I've gathered have been nothing short of extraordinary. Each memory I've collected along this journey feels like a treasure, something I'll hold onto for a lifetime. The chance encounters, the new perspectives gained, and the lessons learned from immersing myself in different cultures have left an indelible mark on me. I truly believe moments like these only come once in a lifetime, and I feel immensely fortunate to have experienced them this year. How was yours? Any special moments in 2023? Have you had any adventures or learned any life lessons that left a lasting impact?
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5 907
🗽 American VS 💂British English 🇺🇸 highway 🇬🇧 main road 🇺🇸 corn 🇬🇧 maize 🇺🇸 math 🇬🇧 maths 🇺🇸 stingy 🇬🇧 mean 🇺🇸 freeway 🇬🇧 motorway 🇺🇸 diaper 🇬🇧 nappy 🇺🇸 vicious 🇬🇧 nasty 🇺🇸 noplace 🇬🇧 nowhere 🇺🇸 private hospital 🇬🇧 nursing home 🇺🇸 optometrist 🇬🇧 optician 🇺🇸 liquor store 🇬🇧 off-license 🇺🇸 sidewalk 🇬🇧 pavement 🇺🇸 peek 🇬🇧 peep 🇺🇸 gasoline 🇬🇧 petrol 🇺🇸 mailbox 🇬🇧 postbox 🇺🇸 potato chips 🇬🇧 potato crisps 🇺🇸 restroom 🇬🇧 public toilet 🇺🇸 blow-out 🇬🇧 puncture 🇺🇸 line 🇬🇧 queue 🇺🇸 railroad 🇬🇧 railway 🇺🇸 round trip 🇬🇧 return (ticket) 🔗 For more: @IELTSmaterials_N1
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7 596
😅😬 My goal for 2024 is to complete my goals of 2023 which I had set in 2022 while wasting 2021.
12 751
IELTS with Jafarbek
Only She saw my dress. She Only saw my dress. She saw Only my dress. She saw my Only dress. She saw my dress Only Did you notice anything? Read it again. The position of Only changes the meaning of the sentence completely. 😊
Bu testning javobini topganga sovgʻa bor 🎁🏆
🏃‍♂Speaking qilolmayotganlar uchun kanallarni dodasi 👉 https://t.me/minute_2/2060

Which word means "to praise highly"?

Anonim ovoz berish
16 783
Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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