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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    BREAKING: The top Election Administrator in Maryland Linda Lamone has resigned the day after declining to comment on an OMG News investigation
    15 252
    March 30, 2023 Election Integrity Update - EXPOSED: RICO Election Crimes in Washington State - Part 2 This article is a follow-up to my March 20 article EXPOSED: RICO ELECTION CRIMES IN WASHINGTON STATE. After publication I received several emails from interested citizens who tried my suggestion to see how large scale and serious the election fraud is in our state:
    4 119
    BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers Potential MASSIVE Money Laundering into Political Campaigns


    2 319
    SPECIAL TWITTER SPACE AUDIO PODCAST ON ELECTIONS Saturday, March 11 5:00-8:00 P.M. CST (check your time zone) Featuring Dr. Douglas Frank, Dr. Walter Daugherity, and Lori Gallagher, plus other guests; hosted by Zak Paine. Go to now to set a reminder for Saturday.
    3 354
    https://frankspeech.com/video/fake-voters-and-fake-donors-data-exposing-steal Fake Voters and Fake Donors: Data Is Exposing the Steal
    Fake Voters and Fake Donors: Data Is Exposing the Steal
    15 219
    This is huge:
    Corruption of the Secretary of State (SOS), Maggie Toulouse Oliver, continues to be exposed as the legislature pushes laws to cover up election corruption.
    3 032
    There exist just four plausible pathways to victory in 2024, with their differing assignments, difficulties, and probabilities. Inside why we can't allow Texas, North Carolina, and Alaska to be "Georgia'd", and why the Peach State is the most important "swing state" in the nation. Thank you for reading and supporting my work.
    Four Pathways to Save America
    Topic: Elections
    2 285
    Never give up and never give in! We are winning! You have to believe it to see it!
    2 961
    Blockchain, Good. Blockchain Voting, Bad.
    The Non-technical Case Against Blockchain Voting
    3 888
    We need more than term limits. We need laws that say you cannot spend more than 12 years ( or pick your own term) in an elected office that is funded by American taxpayers. Lifelong politicians should longer be a career path.
    3 504
    What we understand so far about the criminal activity that exists within US politics and why election fraud is necessary to allow their money laundering & racketeering crimes to go unpunished.
    5 247
    3 874
    Great interview of John Thaler, with Gail Golec
    We Have the Receipts on Judges RICO Violations and more... #MaRICOpa #AZTruth
    This is a whole new level of corruption exposed by attorney John Thaler of Harris Thayer Law Firm, author of The Report to the Governor. This is a deep dive and exposure of the findings and we name, n
    3 568
    EXCLUSIVE: Brannon Howse Interviews Attorney John Thaler On Claim Politicians In U.S. Corrupted By Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme And Election Theft
    3 275
    This os well worth watching - but - if you don't havw time for it all, please watch Jacqueline Breger's report, starting at 6:42:00. Understand the methods of money laundering she is describing. This is so important and will become more so very soon, I believe.
    Arizona Legislation Joint Election Hearing Coverage - Thur 11:00 AM ET -
    Badlands Coverage of the Arizona Legislation Joint Election Hearing _ β€’ Free Gold/Silver Consultation https://kirkelliottphd.com/badlands/ β€’ Firman Power Equipment https://firmanpowerequipment.com 17%
    4 243
    After the Florida SOEs complained about our first 'Bad Address Report" saying the voters will have a good mailing if the residential address was bad, we thought we would do them a favor and run that analysis on the entire state. BAD NEWS! They still have 408,848 Active Voter with NO DELIVERABLE ADDRESS on our voter rolls.
    400,000 Questionable Addresses Remain on Florida Voter Rolls, Watchdog Group Says
    A private, not-for-profit, conservative organization of political and social reformers has obtained evidence they say shows that Florida’s ...
    3 146
    SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS - Tune in at 9:30am EST February 14th for the court hearing on getting CVRs in South Carolina. Go to scsafeelectionsgroup . substack . com / p / hot-news (remove the spaces) for the Webex link information. (You don't need the Webex appβ€”you can use your browser to watch as a "Webinar" instead.). My declaration is attached.

    Daugherity-Affidavit-Version 4-signed.pdf

    3 706
    This is the "root of the tree" of election fraud. A 1978 NIST publication that eventually gave birth to the FEC standards, HAVA and EAC. It is the source of all the problems we have today and guess what? Nothing has changed since the data was gathered in 1974 and finalized for publication in 1978. We still have not figured out how to use computers to tally votes....yet it continues. Go to the summary findings if you don't want to read the whole document. The list of problems in 1974 will sound very familiar. They never even questioned IF we SHOULD be using computers. It is a forgone conclusion. 1978....mark it down...A turning point for the worst.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 448
    All good questions. And all I can say is that if you have a truly unpopular candidate, the voting machines cannot make votes appear out of thin air or the cover up is impossible. Here is a "childish" example to try to get my point across. Billy and Mary are running for 2nd grade class president, and there are 20 children in the class. Now, Billy is the charmer in the class and at any given recess has at least 12 of the other kids hanging with him. Mary, on the other hand, eats bugs and has Tourrette's syndrome. The teacher likes Mary better because he also eats bugs and wants to make a move on Mary's hot mother. So he decides to cheat the election. (Let's call him Leslie Dominion III). He has a problem however. Even a 11-9 win for Mary is going to cause a class disruption because that means that some of Billy's besties voted for the bug eater who regularly calls them doodie-heads? No, the only way to do this is to bribe the principal to add 10 more kids to the class. Funny that they never show up, but maybe they are still afraid of Covid, who knows. But they are on the class roster and get their name called during roll each morning. And what do you know, bug eating, expletive spewing Mary ekes out a 16-14 win. Sucks to be Billy, but the class has spoken. After the election, all 10 of the added students are found to have cooties and are transferred to the other local school for kids who don't play well with others. And that, my friends, is as childish an example as I can come up with.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    3 198
    🚨FRA CALL TO ACTION🚨 Tell your REP to VOTE NO! on FL leaving the elector college. Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee is reviewing HB 53 (2023), which is an Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote. THIS IS A VERY BAD IDEA! PLEASE CALL & EMAIL OUR REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVES AND LET THEM KNOW THAT OUR FOUNDING FATHERS INTENTIONALLY CAME UP WITH ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM THAT GIVES SMALLER STATES A VOICE AND A NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE SYSTEM WOULD DISENFRANCHISE STATES WITH SMALL POPULATION. THEREFORE, VOTE NO ON HB 53 (2023). Juan Alfonso Fernandez-Barquin @ (850) 717-5118 Rick Roth @ (850) 717-5094 Mike Beltran @ (850) 717-5070 Michael A. "Mike" Caruso @ (850) 717-5087 Philip Wayne "Griff" Griffitts, Jr. @ (850) 717-5006 Jeff Holcomb @ (850) 717-5053 Berny Jacques @ (850) 717-5059 Sam H. Killebrew @ (850) 717-5048 Juan Carlos Porras @ (850) 717-5119 Alex Rizo @ (850) 717-5112 Tyler I. Sirois @ (850) 717-5031 Chase Tramont @ (850) 717-5030 Taylor Michael Yarkosky @ (850) 717-5025
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee
    2 446
    The correct link for Dr. D's information above is: for news article.
    Dr. D. Presents
    Chicago area election contest - see https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/daily-southtown/ct-sta-will-county-clerk-election-fraud-lawsuit-st-0201-20230131-m4zksjuiozcxfb4dnnf4gbd4ya-story.html for details.
    5 036
    ILLINOIS NEWS - Will County clerk candidate Gretchen Fritz discovered her opponent received more votes than the governor (unlikely), and is contesting her loss based on evidence of algorithms at work. See t . me/gyu9e7hguh7shheruuiu2374hioofh8h/54 for news article.
    3 121
    Who can explain why getting rid of the electoral college is a stupid idea? And why should we look at electoral college type structures WITHIN the states instrad?
    4 162
    🚨FLORIDA WANTS TO DROP ELECTORAL COLLEGE🚨 Not only are Florida Politicians totally ignoring OUR election integrity they are currently debating dropping any state soverignty and just going along with a national popular vote for President. So we can just surrender our state to the election fraud happening all around the country. HB 53 - Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
    HB 53 (2023) - Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote | Florida House of Representatives
    3 392
    The Ghouls At Pfizer Don't Know When To Stop
    Their latest tweet couldn't have been designed to be more offensive... One way or another, Pfizer will not survive this.
    5 939
    GOP DocuSign Letter
    Dear Senators: Free and fair elections are an essential foundation of our constitutional republic. Unfortunately, after the disputed 2020 election, confidence in the integrity of elections has reached an all-time low. According to The Rasmussen Report dated August 8, 2022, 62% of all voters w...
    5 321
    Our Nebraska Patriots are showing how this getting involved to straighten stuff out business is done!! The new NE legislation should be reviewed by everyone - and then steal their ideas!!
    4 971
    PREPARE NOW SUBMIT COMMENTS SEVERAL DAYS BEFORE THE HEARINGS MUST BE SUBMITTED THE PREVIOUS DAY BY 11:30 TO BE RECORDED Did you know that the Legislature keeps a record of written testimonies in SUPPORT or OPPOSITION to a bill? And your testimony is counted and accounted for. It is a very quick process, less than 10 minutes, and can be very POWERFUL!! Here are instructions on how to submit your written testimony! Thank you Stephanie Johnson for THIS IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION!!
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 375
    🧨🧨🧨ARIZONA NEWS: The first Arizona Senate Election Committee hearing will be livestreamed at 2:00 P.M. MST Monday, January 23rd. Wendy Rogers is chairman of this committee and Sonny Borrelli is a member. Here's the link to find the livestream: tinyurl dot com slash AZ-Election-Committee
    3 690
    πŸ“¬CASS CERTIFICATIONπŸ“¬ As the old adage says... "Garbage in. Garbage Out." The first step in getting our voter rolls clean is getting the addresses standardized and clean. You won't be able to check if someone died, moved or if all the voters live at the same address without this important step of standardization. E-Commerce companies do this every day and the tools are already online and accessible in most cases for free. Using the post office's CASS Certifified Addresses will do the following: -Allow us to accurately check the NCOA without an expensive middle man like ERIC. -Allow us to accurately check for duplicate registrants and eliminte clerical issues. -SAVE MILLIONS IN ROLL MAINTENANCE, PRINTING & MAILING COSTS EACH YEAR since this qualifies for cheaper postage...and keeping that as taxpayers instead of giving that to printers. -ELIMINATE UNDELIVERABLE MAIL BALLOTS & cut off the supply to ballot harvesters. -SAVE THE PLANET by reducing the waste on printing & mailing undeliverable ballots.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...

    Florida Patriots Audit ERIC Voter Rolls.mp4

    4 331
    Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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