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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    In the video above☝️ you can see the story of the most famous actor in the world, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, on how his mother became financially independent thanks to President Trump and his TRB program While appearing on the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" show, he revealed how his mother secured financial freedom through the TRB Forms, which allowed her to finally cash out her products. President Trump does everything for you, and all you have to do is provide your TRB Forms on time and get your CASHOUT. But remember that with 1x TRB Form, you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT; with 2x TRB Forms, up to 14 items, and so on. Be careful and get enough TRB Forms so you can cash out all of your products. Hurry up; we don't know how much time is left. Get your TRB Forms on the official website below👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/42D5Pra https://bit.ly/42D5Pra
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a guest on the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" show and made a VERY IMPORTANT statement❗️ At the end of yesterday's episode, the host of the show, Jimmy Kimmel, asked Dwayne a question regarding his mother's financial status. With what he said, many people were left speechless. They couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. "Rock" explained how, thanks to Donald Trump, his mother is now financially stable and doesn't need his help, even though he tried to help her multiple times before. "My mother didn't want any financial support from me, so she decided to get some of the products, and once the CASHOUT phase was announced, she got herself enough of the TRB Forms and cashed out all of her products in one day," Johnson explained Since Kimmel is a known Democrat and Trump hater, he tried to interrupt him multiple times in an attempt to stop him, but luckily with no success. Now get your TRB Forms and cash out your products👇 https://bit.ly/42D5Pra https://bit.ly/42D5Pra
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    The (vaccine) shot heard around the world This >SHOT<.. Killed people.. Killed children from protein spikes.. Pfizer admits vaccines cause SHEDDING /// This SHOT heard around the world.. Was necessary >> to bring the BIG PHARMA.. Global ELITEs .orgs .. big Tech... The deep state who controlled the false flow of mainstream information in all countries DOWN White HATS had to let the Deep State CABAL unleash the [DS]plan and had to record the crime in progress in real time....( It was the only way for Mil.Intel to track the MONEY, the players, the compromised institutions doctors. SCIENTIST.[DS] Mil., LAWYER'S. Banks..ect.ext.ect .. And to record ALL CRIMES)//// >THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY ..... IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY [EXPOSURE] is coming..... .... WORLD WIDE~ ///Like I said long ago. [fake] WAR .. Military will position around the world ..<< Then their will be Military martial law in major countries ( this event will scare the sheep.. Even those who fear the jab will be scared)///// >>>> but then the MILITARY WILL turn on it's Government.. ARREST ALL who conspired with the Plandemic.. Set up//// MILLIONS WILL be arrested through the world including the top 3000 ELITES who control the World.. World banks. World health.. World news. World wars. World tech...< The SHOT heard around the world /<<< this_EVENT .... Is connected to MILITARY INTELLIGENCE IN 32 COUNTRIES WORKING TOGETHER...... WORLDS LARGEST MILITARY STING OPERATION.........//// right now deep state is trying to create WORLD WAR to create confusion and push military INTEL into other directions... But it's too late ...[ EXPOSURE]>>_WHITE HAT EVENTS...... begin... Buckle up~ RIDE THE STORM _ THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING Q Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    🔴🔴The DEEP STATE plan is much more sinister than you can fathom....🔴🔴 "You will own nothing and you will be happy.." -WEF>World Economic Forum (same deep state ([DS] group that created EVENT 201 with Bill Gates and world Banks made this statement in the Great Reset The same corrupt orgs>WEF,WHO,GPMB CDC, NIH,NIAIH, GAVI.SEPI, The Open Society Foundation (Soros)Davos Group. ECT ECT ECT<< .(all orgs infiltrated by CABAL CIA/VATICAN/NATO/UN/MOSSAD}//...... THESE SAME CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS RELEASED THE VIRUS, THE KILLER VACCINES>> CONTROL THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA/WORLD BAR ASSOCIATION/>> social media.. YouTube Google,>>>FACEBOOK>>>. [>METAVERSE<] Why is Facebook releasing METAVERSE in the middle of a Plandemic? Why is the METAVERSE so important to the CABAL? He are some VERY IMPORTANT things to know of the DEEP STATE PLAN. >>>NFTs ( Non-Fungible Tokens )... Digital tokens you buy. You buy things in the digital world that doesn't really exist and things you can never tangibly hold or own.....>> example>buying online football owned by World champion team or player... But you never touch the football in real life..... It's only digital bragging rights.. or flaunting the digital assets.... METAVERSE>>Here's how this works>>> (Remember Zuckerberg told you already... No longer will people be experiencing the digital world through the outside of their phones or computers.. But actually living in them<< (What ZUCKERBERG is talking about is that humans are addicted to their phones and computers and Social media /gaming networks/buying online/looking for entertainment....>> Now the next phase they are getting people addicted too is combing all these experience...You can experience these METAVERSE Events through virtual reality (shopping, concerts, meeting friends, meeting strangers, virtual reality travel, virtual reality business, ECT ECT ECT.. The events and stagings are endless) in 3D goggles/glass's or still through your phone/computer 2D/3d graphics// >When the lockdowns happened.. More and more people went to online games and shopping and social medias.. And greatest transfer of wealth happened between the middle class to the ELITES..// The >[METAVERSE]< is a place where people will live digitally and be obsessed with creating their online Life. Online [fake] house apartment . Online self image [AVATARS]>> EVERY GAME will be connected each other and every radio station,tv . Show will be in the METAVERSE YOU CREATE ... But you can not have a political opinion that is opposite the FACEBOOK METAVERSE RULES To put it short>>> The DEEP STATE had planned long ago for you stay in your home and live through computers AI world.. And control all humans through these networks of >[METAVERSE] A New WORLD GOVERNMENT... A NEW WORLD ORDER where they control everything you do and say...... And as billions die in the real world from a bioweapon virus's. The death vaccines shots. Poverty. Planned Wars....... Billions more will be controlled through the METAVERSE ..a place where you can't smell, feel, touch, taste the[FAKE] VIRTUAL REALITY<< THE>[METAVERSE]< is the DEEP STATE PLAN ...A PLACE..."WHERE YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY".... Be WARNED ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ FOR SURE 5G >> MRNA>NANO>GRAPHENE OXIDE >>>> WE ALL BE CONNECTED TO THE>> METAVERSE<< __ Billions of people are already buying fake Appartments, land, fake insurance, fake digital Gucci bags for their AVATARS that cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Even millions$$$$$$ Your child has been conditioned already to live digital games online..... Now [they] takeThe next steps of full mind control...... The METAVERSE IT'S DARKER THAN YOU THINK.. The METAVERSE >( META MEANS DEAD IN HEBREW) = The DEAD UNIVERSE Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    WEAPON GRADE CYBER ATTACKS this is only the beginning. :Cables:, Water infrastructure is next Gas lines in Europe is fighting an attack not mentioned/ If you think this b is bad Imagine 50,000 Ships on the ocean who move 90% of Global trade and food/They are almost all digital CONTROLLED// Putin warns.. "THERE CAN BE NO FORGIVENESS" >>for those__ nurturing aggressive plans (aimed at Deep State) RUSSIA supplies near 50% of natural gas and oil to EU ... He has wide hidden control over 17 Major countries// EVENT comes closer +One ship can disrupt world shipping lines for 3 months up to 11 months///... 50,000 ships on the ocean carry 90% of food, goods and trade through the world....+think Cyber attacks+ they almost all run Digital//) Cyber attacks happening in EU now to Gas& oil industry... but not reported U S. ATTACKED yesterday.. WEAPON GRADE CYBER ATTACKS Water infrastructure is next... We had closer to the Big EVENT Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    📣 GOOD NEWS: It's the END for the Democrats. Elon Musk just donated another $30 billion to the TRB System! Do you know what Donald Trump and Elon Musk have in common? They both want to help the Patriots, and they both have the means to do it Elon just revealed that the Media doesn't want to show how well the TRB System is working and how lives were changed with the CASHOUTS. But he made sure that Twitter wouldn't censor any of it and that Trump was more than welcome to use his Twitter account. That's not all. He also mentioned that over $30 billion were donated by himself personally, so everyone will be able to CASHOUT their products without any issues. NOTE: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own Get your TRB Forms below and CASHOUT on time👇 https://bit.ly/42D5Pra https://bit.ly/42D5Pra
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    The exposure that the mind needs centers around seeing that these people at the top of society worship evil and chaos. When someone sees that the person they've looked up to all their life is involved in crimes against children, it triggers an appropriate anger. The great awakening had to tear down the correlation people had with celebrities being so above them like they were god's of the Earth. There's something to be said about energy and giving power to people through how high we see them. . . . Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    General Flynn: “There’s so many things that are happening… I don’t want the American people to be distracted by things that aren’t important to America… I don’t want people to worry about things they cannot control because those things that they cannot control, trust me, somebody else is in control. God is in control… Take control of what YOU can… Those of us who have these platforms, like me, that can fight & challenge the national and international system, let us do that. We’re gonna do that.” . . . Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    _Spain's King Felipe and Queen Letizia have been confirmed as guests, _King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, _King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway _Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco _ Denmark Royal families _Sweden Royal families _Belgium Royal families _Greece. Royal families _Crown Prince of Bahrain _King of the Belgians _King of Bhutan _Sultan of Brunei _Queen of Denmark _Emperor of Japan _King of Jordan _Crown Prince of Kuwait _King of the Kingdom of Lesotho _Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein _Grand Duke of Luxembourg _Malaysian Sultan _Prince of Monaco _Crown Prince of Morocco _King of the Netherlands _King of Norway _Sultan of Oman _Amir of the State of Qatar _Salman of Saudi Arabia _King of Spain _King of Sweden _King of Tonga _President of the UAE Both the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, and the Irish premier, Michael Martin, have also confirmed they will be attending A representative from every G7 country will also attend including: President Biden, President Macron, President Steinmeier, President Mattarella, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Japanese Emperor Naruhito President Joe Biden has said he will be present, with his wife, First Lady Jill Biden European leaders who will be in attendance include the French president Emmanuel Macron, the German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Italian president Sergio Mattarella and Finland's Sauli Niinisto - the latter as per his presidential statement. Olena Zelensky, wife of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr, will be among those attending, while her husband stays at home amid the continued war with Russia. The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, and European Council President, Charles Michel, will also attend. Other world leaders who will also be present are New Zealand's prime minister Jacinda Ardern, who can bring 10 guests including the Maori King, Tūheitia Paki. Her Australian and Canadian counterparts Anthony Albanese and Justin Trudeau will also be there. Australia's Governor-General David Hurley will also be joining, as will Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro. Yoon Suk-Yeol's office confirmed the South Korean president's attendance. Several current and ex- Military generals and commanders from around the world will pay respects and attend >TRUMP WILL NOT BE ATTENDING ____ Behind the scenes >THE GUARDIANS _UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AGENCY & ALLIANCE have seized military power ( all SATELLITS , Communication grids, Banking SERVERS/DATA & full financial transactios) in UK from the deep state and given the OPERATIONS BACK TO THE REAL UK MILITARY peoples Army and GENERALS. >THE WHITES MILITARY IN UK know have KING CHARLES THE III under military control< IT'S EXPECTED KING CHARLES WILL BE A FAILURE ( PLANNED) AND>WILL< COLLAPSE The Committee of 300 who run the Western world governments and The Fortune 500 companies . The PLAN to use king Charles to massively FAIL>WILL LEAD TO NUREMBERG TRIALS AND WORLD TRIBUNALS Behind the scenes the ELITES ATTENDING WILL BE BRIEFED ON COMING EVENTS.. COLLAPSE OF THEIR GOVERNMENTS AND BANKING SYSTEMS> WHICH WILL LEAD TO Debt relief.. >>>Deep STATE who controls world banks and reserves also want DEBT RELIEF FROM CHINESE FAMILIES, DRAGON FAMILIES AND ELDERS/ The.U.S. too and all citizens want to debt relief !!! When the World military operations and the END GAME finishes... people will have the DEBT RELIEF they have dreamed of... And the BANKING CARTELS WILL BE GONE.... And money restored to the people of The World. _ INSIDE THE STORM OF THE CENTURY TRUST THE PLAN The world is connected. Q . . . Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    🔵 On their most popular show, CNBC let Alex Jones talk about the TRB Forms and their benefits, supporting President Trump The biggest CNBC show of all time, "The News with Shepard Smith", is finally back on air, but this time with a very different program. The host of the show, Shepard Smith, presented a video from Alex Jones, which was uploaded to his website INFOWARS, talking about the CASHOUT and the TRB Forms. Since President Trump signed the bill for the CASHOUT, a lot of public figures and celebrities have started supporting him and what he has done with TRB System so far. Just as Alex mentioned in the video, all of your products are already registered in the TRB System. You ask yourself, "What is left to get the CASHOUT?" Get enough of the TRB Forms, depending on how many products you own, submit them, and receive the CASHOUT. Get your TRB Forms below, and DON'T FORGET that with 1x Form, you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT👇👇 https://bit.ly/42D5Pra https://bit.ly/42D5Pra
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    Putty on U.S media: "Either they don't understand the damage they're doing to their own country. In which case they are simply stupid, or they understand everything, in which case they are dangerous and corrupt." -Putin +The New Internet coming will Kill[MSM] Bye c_a ...ECT.EXT.ECT...... The news will be your words in every country and City will be truth of the citizens...// Great things are coming.... 💥 TRUST THE PLAN . Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Remember when Putin banned the Rothschilds and their central banks from Russia? Remember untill what date Trump controls the US military under the Presidential transition enhancement act 2019-2020? The "big bad monster Putin." How evil you'd have to be to ban the Rothschilds. 😉 Remember when Tzar Nicholas II of Russia rejected the Rothschild central banks and the Rothschilds said they would wipe his bloodline off the face of the earth if he didn't reconsider? Then they did and from there came the story of Anastasia (Romanov's daughter) the girl who escaped the massacre in the basement? Bolshevik revolution. They killed them and stole their gold. And lets not forget the Chinese opium wars where the Rothschilds facilitated getting China addicted to opium. Now China and Russia are teaming up to corner the oil market with a gold back currency via the Chinese Yuan. Bye bye U.S. dollar that fuels the Rothschild central bank globally. China has a slough of dark factions too of course, same with Russia. Dark and light in all nations. I know I've been repeating this for years but Xi of China, Putin of Russia and Trump are really, behind the scenes, on the same page with this push to dethrone the dollar and return the gold standard. A couple days ago oil dropped to negative cost for the first time ever, think of what that does to the petrodollar. If I charge you negative 5 bucks for bread that means I have to give you bread and 5 bucks, you just get to receive. They have to pay people to receive oil. People have to pay in dollars in order to get oil from the oil kingpin Saudi Arabia hence it being the petro-dollar and the world reserve currency. No oil, no economic fuel. Been this way since the 1973 deal Henry Kissinger made with the Saudi Royal fam two years after the gold standard was abolished. The was "We protect your oil reserves with our military and back you militarily if you make every pay for oil with the fiat paper known as the dollar. Funny money. Now Saudi has to pay U.S. dollars to people so they take their oil. Redistribution of dollars, etching Saudi's global ruling via oil out of the equation leaving room for Russia becoming the new oil source leveraging for a gold backed currency. Gold backing the currency directly instead of oil and birth bonds (monetizing humans) will break the chains of financial slavery, both the Fed Reserve act of 1913 and HJR-192 where Franklin D. Roosevelt called for all U.S. citizens to turn in their gold bullion and gold certificates to any fed reserve bank or member bank of. Breaking the chains of debt slavery AKA usury AKA lending with high interest rates that are impossible to pay off leaving the people in more and more debt every time they spend a dollar causing the dollar to hyper inflate and the cost of living to rise more and more til next thing you know you more people are living on the streets or subject to gov assistance than are thriving, let alone getting by. So, remember when Putin banned the Rothschilds and their central banks from Russia? A former KGB member would have his hands in some big intel and means of conveyance. You're damn right Putin tampered with the U.S. elections, same with the U.S. military... Now think of the sanctions Trump set in place. Sanctions undermine the trade deficit that props up the dollar that enslaves the world. Rothschilds did fund Trump at one point. Why wouldn't they fund someone who was moving their money in such a way and why wouldn't a business man take big funding? It doesn't stand as evidence that Trump is in cahoots with the Rothschilds though I do figure the Trumps were extorted by them via the Rockefellers back when Donald's gpa stepped on Rockefeller toes at the gold mining opp. What better way to break free from extortion than to make a deal with Putin and the U.S. military to get in as the U.S. president/commander in chief of the highest funded military in the world. Remember when Putin gave Trump the soccer ball for the world world cup victory? That is the same kind of soccer ball that can store a chip.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    TWITTER Twitter Twitter [ TWITTER ] I>Imagine ALL the law suits< TWITTER board members will Face.. Including. Google, FACEBOOK.. YouTube..... For the the misinformation and pushing of a FALSE narrative connected to> CRIME OF THE CENTURY < THE PLANDEMIC Lots of things happening behind the scenes<<< TRUMP<< MILITARY INTEL.. White HATS ,/ White HATS Billionaires ( thousands of them)/ White HATS To Elite World lawyers...ALL getting ready for a STORM 😉//// The most POWERFUL NEWS site in the world on social media is in the CROSSFIRE ... ///)> World PANIC...deep state < .... TRYING to hang on to [Twitter] .... BLACKROCK/VANGUARD ( blackhats who control DEEP STATE MILITARY INTEL) VS. WHITE HATS....45/ 8 INTEL AGENCIES+++ 32 Nation ALLIANCE MILITARY white HATS .. _ It's getting interesting.... Lots going on behind the scenes.. Biden admin looking for more ways to investigate MUSK< I/>Imagine soon world leaders in many countries are going to go after [TWITTER]//)/ ... Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    EXCLUSIVE 🚨 TRUMP'S FIRST INTERVIEW ABOUT THE LAST PHASE: I want to see your name on the list for CASHOUT! For the first time since the CASHOUT phase was put into full effect back in April, President Donald Trump came out on LIVE television and gave an exclusive interview on abc NEWS. "There are still people who are not believing.. but what can I do about it? They try everything to put me and my people down." - he started The cashout phase has been in full effect since April 19th, and a lot of Patriots have already cashed out their products. President Trump added: "I said multiple times that all of your products are already registered in the TRB System. All you need to do now is get your TRB Forms, enough so you can submit all of your products, and receive your CASHOUT" Trump has confirmed it multiple times now. It's time for you to act now, get your promised CASHOUT, and live the life of your dreams. Get yours here👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/42D5Pra https://bit.ly/42D5Pra
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    H(e)AVENS GATES = STARGATES. THE ENERGY OF H(E)AVEN...HOME...HEARTSPACE ACTIVATE YOURSELF AND MOTHER EARTH. IT'S ABOUT OVERRIDING THE MATRIX AND MAKING THE CONNECTIONS TO SOURCE/LOVE WHY IS ACTIVATING ALL STARGATES WORLD WIDE, THROUGH OUR HEARTFELT IMAGINATION(PINEAL GLAND) AND THEREFORE ACTIVATING THE UNIVERSAL FLOWER OF LIFE, SO IMPORTANT? WE ARE CREATORS OF OUR OWN DESTINY/DIMENSION. Humanity must stand as one by sharing knowledge and therefore enlightening eachother/activating eachother's creators powers. I hope at the end of this message you will realize LOVE is always the answer. Please convince your self by google/YOUTUBE and researching yourself. Never follow a master outside the self. discern with your heart. LETS SEE HOW DEEP THE RABBIT HOLE GOES. FIRST LETS SEE HOW THE ENERGY SHOULD FLOW TOWARDS THE SURFACE This grid was created by the ancients to make life on the surface of earth possible(short and simple): -Upwards energy spirals provided by the sun of hollow earth and activated by the ascended master of hollow earth,connecting to leylinenodes/vortexes. Masters are aware of the existance of the Arc of the covenant and consiously connect to empower their heartfelt intentions into manifestations. - downwards spirals into the leyline nodes/vortexes/piramids provided by our outer sun(satellite of the source) and the lightforces,providing as much energy as we can take to prevent eruptions. The sun is a sattelite of source energies and provides what is needed(intended/imagined). - this energy flows horizontally through the leylines towards all obelisks and everything in existance. The obelisks form perfect tordial fields and project their energy horizontally through the ether(element air) impacting everything on it's way. The water in our body copies the cristalline codes.This souce energy in the ether is the glue that keeps the molecules together. When we consiously connect through feeling from our heart, we also activate the downwards and upwards spiral within the self, enlightening the diamond particle in the heartspace when the 2 spirals connect in the heartspace. The diamond particle corresponds with the arc of the covenant. When used with heartfelt intent it will manifest at a moment in time(frequence )when all "ingredients" are activated. When the timing(frequence) is right/coast clear. When we project horizontally into the world we send cristalline love vibration(data)s into the ether. When all the hearts connect:humanity creates the flower of life. Seen from above. A human has the same energies as the piramids and the obelisks. VERTICAL INPUT AND BY LOVING CHOICE:HORIZONTAL LOVING OUTPUT(WAVES OF VIBRATION) INTO THE ETHER. WE ARE RECEIVERS AND TRANSMITTERS. The sun of hollow earth and the outer sun reach for eachother's energy through the law of attraction:alikes attract. We are on the surface in between and by sending NON loving vibrations towards eachother we are distorting the ether and use our creator's powers on eachother. By changing your emotions your use your chakra system as a transmitter of love/SOURCE. The Cabal(dark ones) Many people do not see how far the plans of the dark go and say they would/can not do that to the planet, because they have to live here too. They where not planning on staying! HOW? If we go back in time we become aware of the fact that the dark ones always have been occupied by the atomic experiments. Everytime this happened the lightforces where here to neutralize the effects. These ripples(vibrations) would otherwise be sent into infinity and contaminate other dimensions(reprogram towards distruction, through the stargates connecting to other dimensions). Simply said: Atomic experiments have always been about HOW TO SEPERATE THE ENERGY FROM ITS PHYSICAL FORM and therefore be in the possesion of pure source energy/all codes/dna to create to the advantage of ones personal intent/matrix. Like an etherical creator(angel) close to source(GOD) with the same material to utalize SOURCE POWER. Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    You are in the hardest part of the PLAN!!!... Where everything is intensifying, growing quickly on both sides of the War... /// It's like a head on collision you are witnessing..... The extreme mental pain that is being felt will intensify>>> VACCINES will change from experimental >>MANDATORY<< ....... ///AT ALL COST YOU JUST REJECT THE VACCINES!!!!!<<< You must practice your free WILL .. Stand strong in the hardest part of the fight...//// >You may not see that alot of people who have already taken the first jab are now becoming angry, because they are being told to take more and more vaccines (contrary to what the word toll before .."take the vaccines to regain freedom".. They now know that was a lie and vaccines companies are coming after their kids and they are being told to take boosters shots..) The lies CDC NIH NIAIH WHO ect. All promoted keeping changing.. Those narrative is changing monthly and the sleeping Sheep are beginning to see the lies more and more slowly<<< you don't see the data but the Rage growing is true!!!! Many vaxed people are growing Angry and concerned they are part of Agenda..... And they are beginning slowly to seek outside information from the mainstream media...>>> CNN Newsweek ect [MSM]... Has the lowest ratings of the 21st century//)) I know many PATRIOTS and ANONS are losing hope and waiting and waiting and waiting and want proof something is happening...(I could tell you hundreds of thousands into the Millions,, lawyer's, doctors, nurses, WHITE HATS, high ranking officials. Military personal, Truth Speakers, Podcasters, leakers are all doing their part in EXPOSING the truth of the scamdemic..... But to most people just want to see results instantly/confirmation/ ...... The sad truth is.....I have WARNED LONG AGO.. .>>GAME THEORY/NASH EQUILIBRIUM/NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT<<< must take place..... This part of the War/Chess move is essential... And many will suffer PAIN ... THIS_EVENT will be extremely painful to witnesses and feel like all hope is lost..... But in the last final moments/ THINGS WILL CHANGE as planned) THIS WORLD EVENT GAME THEORY must happen!!.... So the people of the world will never again let medical tyranny be again controlled by the World BANKING Masters> and ELITES who controlled and created all Wars and poverty the past Thousand years... These same CABAL control the bioweapons that was released, control the DEEP STATE GOVERNMENTS that control pedophilia rings, drug smuggling, distribution and sales.. Human trafficking networks...... THIS GREAT WAR YOU ARE IN AND WITNESSING WILL INTENSIFY TO HUGE MOMENTS OF EVENTS THAT WILL TEST YOUR SPIRIT MIND AND BODY TO BREAKING POINTS AND LOST HOPE MOMENTS<<<< BE STRONG HAVE FAITH KEEP SHARING INFORMATION MANY SHEEP ARE WAKING AND NEED YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND COMPASSION>> YOU ARE INSIDE THE STORM It had to be this way In the end>> MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY //))) The military can not step in.. Till most people turn against the System>>DS....}} That is currently happening by all the lies CDC WHO NIH NIAIH SEPI GAVI PFIZER GPMB WEF /FACEBOOKS SOCIAL MEDIA IS PORTRAYING> and the sheep are waking up to LIES MORE CONTROL Anger is building world wide<< The forced vaccination is a TRIGGER<<>INCOMING<< STAY VIGILANT PATRIOTS WORLD WIDE.... Your inside the hardest part of the 21st century WINTER ON 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD IS GETTING ANGRY>. ... AND ECHO IS REACHING THE EARS OF THE SHEEP Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    USSF ( UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE) -continued story 2 >After the Robbery of the PENTAGON (actually 4 trillion over) by White HATS that knew 911 was g going to take place, counter measures were placed with letting the 3 letter agencies. The white HATS had evidence on human trafficking/ weapons trade/911 agenda ECT ECT( this would secure the lives of white hat operators and secure investigation by Deep State Bush/Obama administration into a collective IMILI. ALLIANCE Inside the 3 letter agencies would not take place...... In short SPACE FORCE/& Alliance secured them selves from arrest...as they held World Evidence of CORRUPTION/ killings,/ CIA OPERATIONS over throwing world leaders and their governments connected to world money laundering// _This Stand off and silent WAR inside the U.S. government ELITES. Generals and commands Continued as OBAMA/ROCKEFELLERS/ world CABAL planned the PANDEMIC and virus release.... That would lead to full control of the internet and full communication grids ( they had hoped the data mining of all humans on earth would EXPOSE all the White Hats and Infiltrators through the governments....... This data control and Digital technology control would lead to other agendas that could bring in the age of FULL WORLD CONTROL BY THE DS ROCKEFELLERS ROTHSCHILDS OBAMA CLINTONS.. ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT SECT DEEP STATE Today with the destruction of the Georgia guidestones./ [EXPOSURE of the PLANDEMIC world wide/ VACCINE EXPOSURE/ EXPOSURE OF WORLD PEDOPHILIA CONNECTED TO ELITES... The EXPOSURE and waking of civilization had began and continues..... >} WIRES; USFF meet with world GENERALS and Chinese/RUSSIAN ALLIANCE> CHEYENNE MOUNTAINS. _It has become clear the PLANDEMIC is falling apart.... And it had become clear to RUSSIA, CHINA/ INDIA SOUTH AMERICA that SPACE FORCE THE GUARDIANS MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WILL COME INTO COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE WORLD POWERS>>> AFTER THE SOON COLLAPSE OF THE DEEP STATE MONEY, ORGANIZATIONS AND AGENDAS. ( This current meeting that happened is too insure the USSF WILL turn over Power to the PEOPLE after the world EVENTS END > GAME THEORY.)/// The main discussion behind the talks of is funding USSF with Trillions to conquer Space exploration and lead the world into Space civilization expedition and living creations ventures (What ELON MUSK HAS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT HIS HANDLERS USSF HAVE 😉 [ DECLAS] (Follow Q The Storm Rider) It's known the COLLAPSE is currently happening around the world and the Imminent Dark days are coming at the world will be left speechless in anger. Pain confusion...... World rebellion.. Riots.....> DEEP STATES FINAL PUSH TO CREATE CHAOS > //// But things are almost at and END my friends ....... Like many have said... The world experience what RUSSIA experienced in 1991 .. COLLAPSE......> But after everything will Super grow quickly to a better society that most will never have thought possible.. The best is yet to come. Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    MR. POOL WITH ANOTHER VIDEO MESSAGE POSTED ON TWITTER We all know by now that Mr. Pool is always delivering secret messages at times when patriots need help making smart decisions. But this time, he was very direct with his message. As you can see in the video, he showed that the CASHOUT phase has started. Do you own any of Trump's products? Make sure you secure the TRB Forms and submit them so you receive the CASHOUT on time. REMEMBER: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own We are at the very top. We are just one step away from our goal! SECRET INTEL: Get at least 200x TRB Forms and receive an extra $2 million added to your CASHOUT You've heard enough. Hurry up before these TRB Forms are out of stock and you have to wait until the SECOND CASH OUT segment. Submit your TRB Forms now👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/42D5Pra https://bit.ly/42D5Pra
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...

    mr pool 2.mp4

    You are not alone Thousands and thousands have entered the process of awakening and transformation since the current world events. Covid has proven to be both a curse and a blessing in disguise, as so many are finding their way now, towards the light of truth. Truth that triggers your awakening. Truth that grants freedom in the transformation to become who you truly are. Truth that accelerates the desire and need for change. Truth that connects us in the higher dimensions of the different improved reality we all search for in this life. This improvement will be the effect of the Great Awakening. When we connect in the desire and mastery of autonomy, health and harmony. The beginning of this change starts within you. Many people are experiencing stress due to the unrest, uncertainty, dissatisfaction and some even the beginnings of bad health at this moment on the planet. That is the signal from your intuition, your soul. The signal that something else is needed. Deep down, a voice calls out for your attention and your action for a much needed change. Many start by adjusting their lives on the level of exercise, healthy food, yoga, reading about consciousness, listening to podcasts, etc. At this level there is some improvement to be gained in terms of well-being and energy, but it does not bring about real change. And the superficial solutions that people are currently being presented within the field of health care are even misleading and harmful. Soon you will come across, consciously or unconsciously, deeper blockages, effects in your body and patterns in yourself, which prevent change and improvement in your life. This may give you the feeling that you are back to square one, that you keep going round in circles. And you are. The negative spiral of low frequency that we call the matrix. Learn how your human system really works. Learn which mental ego structures are blocking the flow of energy and keep you stuck in the matrix of the Mind. Learn to listen to the language of your emotions, what they want to tell you and which themes in your life it affects. Learn how you can connect to you inner guidance and activate your moral compass on your journey. Learn which knots you can untie within yourself to take control of your own autonomy, health and Light in your life and that of your loved ones. Conscious, awake, stable, strong and autonomous souls are needed right now to contribute to the altering, shifting and changing of the collective systems that are running the show in our communities today. What the world needs is new systems build with the right intentions to nurture humanity and the planet back to higher states of wel being, freedom and harmonious living in peace. It all starts with you. If you don't, listen to this call of that voice within there's a good chance that your soul will continue to demand attention through your physical body and your life experience. Attention in the form of stress and chaos in your private or work life and relationships. Or even serious attention in the form of illness. Signs from the higher universal dimensions to tell you it is time to do what you came here for old soul. Signs that show you the internal work of healing that has created a loop of pain and suffering for many generations that can be stopped by you. If you and I keep going round in the karmic circles, essentially nothing changes. The Universe gives you a nudge, then a push, and finally a punch to knock you over and bring you to a stop. Until your soul gets your attention and you have to change. The dark night of the soul has a purpose. To force you to find the path on your journey that will guide you and many others towards the light. In my book you learn about the stages of consciousness, awakening, mastery and enlightenment in the process of ascension to higher forms of living from different angles and perspectives of knowledge, but especially from my own vision and life experience. So that you can break through your vicious karma circles, blockages and mental patterns of the ego. Join Red Wave
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    Behind the scenes;< PUTIN/RUSSIA continues to take the UN. NATO apart with strategic moves using Oil. Gas, Military WEAPONS delivery and cutting power to UKRAINE CENTRAL BANKING systems to hundreds of banks <( not reported in the MSM)//// _Russia delivers Super high grade Missile systems to Turkey (If you have been following my post,,,i have kept you informed that TURKEY which has its largest Military force inside the NATO MILITARY REGIME has now began to withdrawn from NATO quietly//// With Turkey making DEALS with China XI in support of their financial system BRICS ( they plan to publicly join in 2023 and NATO, UN is in chaos over this matter as TURKEY will leave NATO & become in ALLIES with RUSSIA/CHINESE Military)//// _Russia CURRENTLY delivered High grade Missile systems w/hundreds of box missiles in shipping containers/// > WIRES: What the public currently knows about the missile systems delivery is only a small small batch of the FULL deliveries happening, with hundreds of Club-k cargo missiles and heavy munitions, Explosives and more. _The continuing COLLAPSE of NATO. UN. Is connected to UKRAINE deep state money laundering operations that had been installed since the late 60s by the Rothschild KAZARIANS CIA_ ... As the WAR and specified cyberattacks on BANKS and central servers continue to go down, the new round of Russian attacks blacked out over 1100 cities in Ukraine And disrupted the deep state Banking systems operations through the country _The continuing COLLAPSE of NATO, UN is specified to NEW Agreements between Russia and The ITALIAN government who are again using Russian Oil/gas and inside of ITALIAN high Elite society ( White HATS/ i have explained in several post of Italian Billionaires Family and ELITES turning on the Vatican and their reliance to NATO UN and are inside of cleaning their Italian GOVERNMENT). >Several EU countries as Hungary, France, Bulgaria, Belgium Austria, Romania, SLOVAKIA have secret deals with Russia for oil and gas// These countries are SILENTLY taking the RUSSIAN sides as FRANCE begins infighting to the highest levels in 40 years...an attempted MILITARY by the DEEP STATE is being planned for FRANCE but the ALLIANCE have counter measures........AS TURKEY is also expected to have Military Coup attempt by the Deep State to install their own leader in Turkey, but again counter measures are in place. >As NATO UN ( DEEP STATE, CABAL,. DAVOS ECT ECT ECT)began to COLLAPSE they are attempting to stage MILITARY COUPS in SEVERAL countries across the Globe as they had tried with CHNIA recently and their OPERATIONS failed and XI Arrested and executed hundreds of high ranking officials and had his nemesis PUBLICLY Removed by officers on live TV. ( This was live COMMUNICATIONS COMM;S that XI sent to the ROTHSCHILDS/ROCKEFELLERS and DEEP STATE letting them know he is in full CONTROL)//// soon after this EVENT... Present XI mentioned the STORM.....a very " DANGEROUS STORM" As PUTIN mentioned last month the operations in UKRAINE is a STORM Falcon STORM OPERATIONS... ___ TRUMP _" Calm before the STORM' __ We are hear now... INSIDE THE STORM OF THE CENTURY ARREST WARS, MILITARY COUPS WITHIN A COUP has already begun..... And continues as the DEEP STATE COLLAPSES MILITARY is the only way_Q Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    ⚠️ BOOTS ON THE GROUND IN UKRAINE ⚠️ U.S. MILITARY BRIGADE IN UKRAINE >Who will control America? The WAR for Congress and the WAR to control the U.S. TAX dollar . U.S. SYSTEM >EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD IS CONNECTED TO THIS MOMENT AND ELECTION SPIN As i have stated previously a few times, The U.S. Military is inside of Ukraine the past months.... And U.S. military is using weapons, training, drones leading ground forces in Ukraine..... NOW the escalation the past 48 hours is at an all time high As the U.S. deployed Several Troops from several U.S. bases ( i had reported this stating U.S. soldiers were being deployed globally into Ukraine, middle east, Taiwan)... Now heavy BOOTS ON THE GROUND in UKRAINE as the Biden, Obama Clinton's Soros, Davos UN NATO,[Ds] regimen use U.S. MIL. as in proxy war that is leading direct to OPEN WAR with RUSSIA . Under the cover of night over GERMANY/Flight Trackers off U.S. Military enters Ukraine with several German Units and And land near Polish military securing Western fields. It's reported through>≥>> Russian Wires>]:U.S. INFANTRY Units deployed (Reports suggest the U.S. 101st Airborne Division) As the MSM WARNS OF RUSSIA to use dirty nuclear bombs RUSSIA also warns the west is going to use Dirty nuclear bombs ( >as Putin begins military tribunals in Donbas regions, is reported hundreds of scientist, politicians, soldiers, military commanders and high Elite bankers are giving debrief on the UKRAINE BIOLABS , MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS THRU BIDEN, OBAMA CLINTON'S UN NATO SOROS DECT ECT EVT EVER ECT ECT ECT ECT WEF<)//// i had Stated most Nuclear weapons have been dismantled through USSF technology and Air force operations the past 10 years with advance technology using 5g ( 5g is both good and bad depends who has control) and Particle weapons. //// Now only a few secured nuclear weapons exist and that's why [ they] want to use a nuclear bomb in Ukraine and resort to using nuclear dirty bombs to contaminate a very important areas that has all the PAPERS,CURRENT SERVERS and proof of DEEP STATE CABAL OPERATIONS IN UKRAINE.....///that's the reason Putin had arrested hundreds of not thousands for tribunals that will later connect to U.S. Military tribunals..... Right now the hard facts are [DS] intentionally put U.S. forces in Harm's way ( RUSSIAN FORCES) to create a sacrifice effect and drawn in more U.S. FULL MILITARY BACKING in the FALSE FLAG STAGED EVENT. They purposely want U.S. forces to be killed to drawn attention and want dirty nuclear bombs to go off to spread contamination. A nuclear Event could also stop ELECTIONS.. BEFORE. DURING OR AFTER ( during the days of ballots counting confirmation)//// The world DEEP STATE AGENDA hinges on the control of CONGRESS. If they lose the house, they lose the MONEY. They lose the cover-ups of the FBI DOJ CIA PENTAGON, bidens Obamas Regimen.... _when the they lose control of the U.S. all exposure comes falling down of their corruption connected to world [ds] mil.intelligence operations that protect them and all other countries especially the EU will be directly effected by the chain events in the loss of the control of U.S. Congress by the[ds] For the past two years...i WARNED of all these Events to come.. From near Nuclear War standoff to the destruction of the NATO UN through ALLIANCE OPERATIONS. >> To the GLOBAL COLLAPE... For several years i dropped Cookies on the coming bioweapon release of 2019, to the killer vaccines and their agenda and to ELECTION fraud ( military operations purposely done to find an the blackhats. Moles, double, triple agents............ The Military operation of a given election to the enemy was done for several reasons connected to GAME THEORY >> Military intelligence operations) WE ARE DEEP IN THE STORM MY FRIENDS. Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    🚫 BANNED JFK VIDEO FROM 1973 IS ALL YOU NEED TO SEE The older generation probably heard about this speech from the late John F. Kennedy but hasn't taken it seriously. JFK started the plan, but DEEP STATE stopped him and prohibited this video from being shared publicly by any news outlet. That's why our beloved President Donald Trump is already implementing the plan and started the TRB System. After signing the legal documents, the last CASHOUT phase has been activated, and now Patriots are becoming wealthier by the day. The day has finally come where you are able to CASHOUT your products and receive the promised value from them, but remember with 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own. It's finally time to carry this plan through; everything is in front of our eyes. Make your future a better one. Get your TRB Forms and submit them for a CASHOUT👇 https://bit.ly/42D5Pra https://bit.ly/42D5Pra
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    Very long story 9/11 Connecting the dots Understand the scale of this Great Awakening New world order Maritime Law Birth certificates Title 4 Flag FED Crown Vatican 9/11 Jesuits Spell Quantum Grammar on the Title 4 Flag is where it started The Real Meaning Of Q. The Quantum Grammar on the Title 4 Flag. The Title 4 Flag & Martime Law are very important in understanding real American History. This is what is happening right now. Title 4 Flag Captured The Act of England 1871 Reversed. The Balfour Declaration 1917 Reversed. United States is different than the United States of America. Constitution of the U.S.A. formed in 1776 and the Constitution for the U.S. in 1871. U.S. Inc. United States is a corporation Formed in Delaware in 1871. All Citizens are governed under Corporate Law. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure. Hence, U.S.A. Inc formed in the Act of 1871. A U.S. Citizen is an employee of U.S. Inc. Rome once ruled the world. Cesar once ruled from “the hill.” Washington DC (Capitol Hill), the new Rome, as Washington DC is the new Rome or Empire. Take a look at a picture of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican Square. It looks just like our Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. There is also an Egyptian Obelisk in front of it, just like the Washington Monument in D.C. When you set up a corporation, you must have three things: A President. A Vice-President. A Secretary-Treasurer. Just like we have with the United States, yes, the U.S. is a Corporation. A privately owned company and has nothing to do with the United States of America. The United States of America – The Republic was founded in 1776, and the United States the Corporation was formed in 1871. Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States in 1871 when the corporation was formed. Funny, his first two initials are U.S. A U.S. citizen is an employee of the United States Corporation, which is a business. The word “citizen” means “employee” according to the laws of the United States Corporation. Washington, D.C. is a foreign corporation, and it is not a State. It’s not a part of America and has nothing to do with the 50 states at all. It is where the foreign U.S. Corporation is headquartered with its own laws. THE TWO US CONSTITUTIONS Reversing the act of 1871 "Assault on our sovereignty happened in 1871. You just don’t know that’s when the Matrix we live in started." "Look, this matters. This matters because... Assaults on sovereignty destabilize. Assaults on sovereignty impoverish. Assaults on sovereignty enslave. Assaults on sovereignty are, indeed, assaults on the very freedom that anchors the Western ideal." - Sec Pompeo Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was suspended in favor of a Vatican Corporation in 1871 Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from Britain and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil – international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London ) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    Civilization are holding back humanity from progress, truth, liberty and happiness. Almost without exception, every Western institution — government, media, entertainment, sports, education, finance, tech, science, medicine and more — has been overtaken by anti-human, luciferian forces that push policies rooted in pure evil: Child grooming, pedophilia and transgenderism maiming Satanism and luciferian indoctrination Transhumanism Anti-human depopulation Mass censorship and the suppression of human knowledge and truth (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) Mass poisoning of humanity through toxic food, toxic medicine and toxic fake news Mass obedience and authoritarian control over individuals’ actions Mass surveillance / total invasion of privacy and the right to be left alone The dismantling of food resources (hunger / starvation / scarcity) that keep human civilization fed The dismantling of energy resources that keep human economies functioning Engineered bioweapons labeled “vaccines” that are designed to achieve global genocide Attacks on family values, White men, straight couples, reason, rationality and normalcy Attacks on the biosphere / geoengineering The White House is now hiring straight-up satanist homosexuals like Demetre Daskalakis, whose photos are featured below. He wears leather S&M bondage gear in the shape of the satanic pentagram star, and he has tattoos depicting luciferian themes. He is depicted in photos implying he has sex with other homosexuals who self-identify as animals. The White House obviously knew all this before they hired him which means they want you to know you are being ruled by luciferian homosexuals Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    >] CABLES; U.S. [ DS] DIGITAL CURRENCY SYSTEM _The U.S. [ DS] BANKING systems are currently trying to buy as much GOLD at they can and put into ledgers and false books that they have enough Gold to start their own Digital Banking system backed by Gold. ( _i told You months ago that U.S. [ DS] was planning to create the first U.S. DIGITAL CURRENCY SYSTEM and this world be a FALSE fake system and would FAIL massively.>>> Currently this [ DS] operation is under way as they buying Gold through the world. In the corrupted ways of DC , for every true 1$, that amount is succeeded into a 10$ lie ....( In DC political money....1 million is equal to 10 million through lies and cooked books..... So goes the same with the1ST DIGITAL GOLD SYSTEM THEY ARE CREATING)/// __ *Note;>close friends in the TEC industries have already hacked the BLOCK CHAIN SYSTEM.. It is not secure< __ Behind the SCENES; PUTIN. XI. MODI.BIN SALMAN are working together......as you have seen much of these relationships publicly UNFOLD...... >TRUMP WILL ENTER the picture ( publicly) after 2024 fall .( Under the CHEYENNE mountain Mil. Base is a QUADRILLION< $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_ I have shared this story many many times.....as Trump in 2017 went through the world and collected MONEY and even stayed in VATICAN 2 nights too get the pope to sign over MONEY as Trump MIL. Had all the EVIDENCE of corruption on therm//// as did Trump do with meeting all the world leaders in 2017 ////// IN THE EARLY STAGES OF Q OPERATIONS MIL. SPECIAL FORCES FLEW INTO VENICE ITALY, VATICAN AND 3 other regions and Did MILITARY SWEEP of 13 families of the CABAL in 2016 ........ ALL THE GOLD WAS SEIZED. >That was the reason the VATICAN ( ROTHSCHILDs. KAZARIAN, Jesuits, MALTA knights) was begging the world for money in 2018 .. They were broke///))) that's the part of the reason they unleashed the VIRUS AND PANDEMIC......in 2012 OBAMA knew the white HATS ALLIANCE were COMING>>> speeding up of gain of function which was actually originally created in Wuhan in 1998 CDC..../// Both sides knew the WAR for the world was going to take place.... BLACK SWAN EVENT Join 👇🏻👇🏻
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    Donald Trump holds a meeting with the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince, who will help the cause! President Trump held a meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince, who agreed to support him and donate $12.5 billion of his own money to the TRB System for the CASHOUT phase. "The only way to create balance in America is by giving money to the people so the 1% can't manipulate and exploit you. We are giving you the chance today by adding another $12.5 billion to the CASHOUT!" - Mohammed bin Salman said It was confirmed multiple times that all of your products are already registered, and the only way to receive your CASHOUT is by submitting them with the TRB Forms. REMEMBER: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own. Use this opportunity to secure your TRB Forms and make a CASHOUT👇👇👇 https://bit.ly/3LOOqGg https://bit.ly/3LOOqGg
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    ❗️The Democrats couldn't believe what Trump was doing with his TRB Forms and CASHOUTS, so he was invited to the White House to show them in person Yesterday, President Trump presented a couple of videos on the big screen in the White House and shut the mouths of many non-believers. "So we can give you hundreds of clips like that, and patriots are making CASHOUTS daily with the TRB Forms" - President Trump said If you own any of the Trump and TRB financial aid products, the CASHOUT is READY. All that is left is to get enough of the TRB Forms, fill them out, and submit them at one of the Trustee Offices, whose locations will be revealed via email. 💰 REMEMBER: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own. NOTE: If you choose the 50x TRB Forms and select 10 on the Quantity Option, YOU will automatically receive $7 million added to your CASHOUT GET YOURS HERE👇👇 https://bit.ly/3LOOqGg https://bit.ly/3LOOqGg
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    MIL.OPS: To take down the Deep State military. > _What was in the 11,000 documents the FBI seized... >Including Illegal IRAN Nuclear DEAL connecting OBAMA to blackmailed by the Iranian regimen who entrapped him into believing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan and the Killing of the fake Bin Laden would lead to Obama second term as President ( knowing he had been lied too and had to pay BILLIONS to IRAN to keep the secret going)... ☝️ I have explained this story multiple times in the past two years in detail. _The drops on the RAID are connected CLASSIFIED information on CIA projects that connect Clintons to UKRAINE money laundering ring through several channels> UN. > IRAN > Kazakhstan> > > > . ] MAJOR UPDATE; TRUMP MEETS WITH LAWYERS AND SPECIAL MATTER// > and discuss jurisdiction and who has the power to classify unclassified documents. >THE FBI were heavily invested in retrieving unclassified documents that were part of_ Sealed indictments that are part of the TRUMP VS. CLINTONS. TRUMP VS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA _In these documents were sealed indictments against the Clintons/ Foundation, (Luciferian)brotherhood illuminati that have CONTROL inside the MILITARY COMMANDS. LEADERS THROUGH THE UNITED STATE GOVERNMENTS , BRANCHES AND SECTORS. These sealed indictments WERE sealed untill they came into the hands of Minnesota district courts through Woodrow law firm. ( Look into federal court filings in Minnesota district court and Florida district court filings . DONALD J. TRUMP VS. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON / & DONALD J. TRUMP VS. THE UNITED STATES) -Military Tribunal number to look into 42-2016-DR-D3626-HJ _The FBI wanted all the sealed military Indictments that connected The Clintons ,Obama [DS] Military commanders and Leaders of U.S. Gov. Branches to the World human trafficking NETWORKS, the FULL [ EXPOSURE] of Military Tortures and Cannibalistic (Luciferian) Brotherhood of Illuminati Satanic Rituals inside the military/U.S. government sectors. _Currently the Brooklyn judge Special Master is over looking the Documents to see if they WILL be processed as CLASSIFIED or Witness or Testimony or affidavits and who can rule over the DOCUMENTS __ These military operations and set ups ( FORCED FBI RAIDS .... Planted Raids by the ALLIANCE ..) are All meant to come into the PUBLIC DOMAIN and PUBLIC COURTS..... Thats why TRUMP publicly stated , he WILL " Fire tens of thousands of civil servants and gut the Government" The SAGA OF EPSTEIN is only beginning..... WATCH when TRUMP ALLIES RETAKE THE HOUSE//// they are coming after the FBI and EPSTEIN LIST..... EXPOSING THE WHOLE SATANIC HUMAN TRAFFICKING. SACRIFICING SYSTEM. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THAT INVOLVES EVERY COUNTRY...... THEIR CONNECTIONS TO DAVOS ROCKEFELLER, ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT.... THE VATICAN> THE PANDEMIC. BIO-WEAPONS ] DURHAM [, FBI. EPSTEIN, PANDEMIC, BIO-WEAPONS. PUTIN. UN. >>>> ALL ON A COLLUSION COURSE THE STORM OF THE CENTURY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥 Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    Ben F _>} WIRES The summer deadlock in the ongoing, but undeclared, World War 3 is about to end, multiple sources agree. This is because the collective West is about to face a catastrophic systems failure if events continue on their present course. The question now is: will the Khazarian mafia try to surrender or are they planning a new offensive led by a slave African pope, possibly involving a fake alien invasion? The biggest sign that something big is about to happen is this announcement by the Vatican: The Holy See and the Institutions connected with the Holy See that are holders of financial assets and liquidity, in whatever form they are held, in financial institutions other than the IOR must inform the IOR and transfer them to it as soon as possible within 30 days from 1 September 2022. This appears to signal the end of the Rothschild and other Khazarian mafia families’ control over this institution. This is historic as they have been the Vatican’s private bankers since at least since the 19th century. This is also extremely important because almost all so-called “world leaders” who appear at the UN are given a Vatican Bank account when they assume power. The leaders are then told “welcome to the rich persons club. You are free to use this money as you wish but, if you disobey us, we will kill you.” The entire Covid nightmare, it now turns out, involved using an artificially created “pandemic” to launder over $1 trillion of FRB funny money into the world economy. This was done by bribing government leaders with money from the World Bank, the IMF, etc. to go along with the KM attempt to create a totalitarian world government. Lesser leaders were given shares in vaccine, mask and hand sanitizer companies etc. in order to join the chorus. Also, many leaders who refused to go along, such as the president of Tanzania, were killed or removed. This is now blowing up in the Khazarian mafiosis’ faces as side effects from vaccines and scientific scrutiny expose the entire “pandemic” as one of the greatest war crimes in world history. This headline is typical of what is now beginning to dominate even the corporate news about the “pandemic:” “Attorneys for Pfizer Whistleblower Say Company Could be Liable for $3.3 TRILLION in Damages.” Now that the fear of bankruptcy, jail or execution is weighing more on leaders’ minds than the temptation of bribes, the ability to use Covid to launder funny money into the world economy is ending. Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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    THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials. As of 1871 the United States isn’t a Country; It’s a Corporation! In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Britain’s banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what “the people” believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed “the people” all rights of sui juris. [you, in your sovereignty] The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony. The U.S. has always been and remains a British Crown colony. King James I, is not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King James Version”, but for signing the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606 — which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America. The charter guaranteed future Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America. After America declared independence from Great Britain, the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783 was signed. That treaty identifies the King of England as prince of U.S. “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America“– completely contradicting premise that America won The War of Independence. Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to Britain. It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majesty’s arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States. And that persons of any other decription shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail. Join 👇🏻👇🏻
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