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$GTM IS NOT A MEME Clicker -  https://t.me/GTM_SEIZURE_BOT/lodoapp  GTA V RP -  https://arcane-rp.online/index_en.html  Drop GTM token -  @GTM_TON_BOT  WHITE PAPER  https://ton-1.gitbook.io/gtm-white-paper-english/   #GTM   #ARCANE   #FREEDUROV  
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Blockchain Life is an exciting event that brings together Crypto Enthusiasts from all around the globe in a symphony of innovation and ambition. Every year people get together to shape one of the bleeding-edge segments of the technological and financial world. This is where you get the hottest news of the industry straight out of the horses mouth. All things mining and Web3, DEFI, DAO, listing and managing, investment, staking and NFTs, - this is the place. You'll see and hear things that others will see and hear in a couple of months. This is your chance to get ahead in the crypto world. But most importantly, this is your chance to have an absolute blast with like minded people from all around the world. After all, crypto is not this outlandish alien concept that appeared out of thin air. It was a product made by people and for people. And people is your capital. People is your source of knowledge. And knowledge is power! GTM team is defo going. After all, this is THE event of the year in the crypto world and this time GTM team is joining all the fun as one of the event partners. This year however is very special to us, because we're presenting our product and this huge event is a chance for us to kick the door open and secure support from the top people in the industry. This is going to be a testament to us being legit. And that's all thanks to you. Thanks to your love and support. It's so nice to know, that our attempt to change one corner of the world, to make it more thrilling, interesting and exciting. And people see it too. People trust us. People think we're legit. And we are. So it does make sense to trust us and tag along for a ride, because we're DEFINITELY going places, homies! (And also they have cookies too!)
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
3 613
🌴🔥GTM's going to the main crypto event of 2024. What about you? 🔥🌴 October 22-23, Dubai, get ready for the event of the year, the legendary Blockchain Life 2024!! 10,000+ participants will talk all things crypto, including prospective earning strategies and the ones that proved themselves solid, as well as the hottest trends of the Fall 2024! Why should you get your ticket right now? - To get a chance to get some unique insights on how to boost your profits from cryptocurrencies and Web3, regardless of the market situation. - To get a sneak peak on some insider information on this Fall's most prospective coins : what's to buy, what's to hold, what's to sell. - To be the first to get a whiff of those juicy discussions: Blockchain Life audience discusses cryptocurrency trends on average six months before everybody catches their scent. - All leaders (Tether, Tron, Trust Wallet, Ledger, and more) will be at the event. You’ll find top contacts in the premium community, including the owners of the coins in your portfolio. ❗️ Make a choice: 6 month of plowing through rough terrain of commonly available knowledge to turn a profit or achieve your goals within just 2 days of Blockchain Life 2024? Get your ticket right now with 10% off with promo code HEREWEARE, before prices go up:
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
29 461
Homies! GTM team's been busy. We are at the 2049 Con and we can reliably say that the future isn't coming. It's already here. And we're among the ones who shape it!


56 173
Why is community support so important to us? This is the post of gratitude. Gratitude to you, our fans, homies, subscribers, followers, partners and so on. We really appreciate your love and support, and it's not just something nice that you say to your grandma when she tells you how big and strong you are now. To us your love and support is tangible. It what keeps us afloat. See, the concept of value is pretty elusive in the modern world. Hell, what with the automatization through AI and other sciency stuff on the rise we, as the humanity, will have to reevaluate the whole concept of rewards and value. But some things will remain the foundation of Value. Among those principles are scarcity (the thing should be rare enough to be valuable) and people's belief in its value. Yes, however absurd and esoteric this may sound, we somewhat manifest the value of things. Where are we going with this? Let's get back on track, but that was a nice detour. We're creating a product of value here. Something that will help you earn a penny while having fun doing it. And we on our side try to communicate this value to you by demonstrating it with some hands-on examples (using it as an in-game tender and planning on listing it on major exchanges) and by... by psyching you up into believing it like we do. If we don't believe in it, then who will? But here's the thing about believing. It's like a candle. It may be a big candle, but if it stands alone it's just a shiny dot. The fire wants to spread, and you are our candles, It's just one shiny dot, but together... But together we can outshine the Sun if we want to. So every like, every share is another shiny dot among the ensemble of light. So homies... Like and share! You ARE doing something good. We promise you.
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
61 175
🚨A few words about the upcoming updates and new stuff.🚨 As we told you yesterday, this fall . One of those updates is a complete overhaul of rewards system. Now for the whole summer you've been enjoying unlimited mining. Tap all you want till cows come home and earn as much as you can. That's pretty straightforward. But also.... Kinda feels one-dimensional and boring, like riding on a bike with training wheels on. Where's the fun in that? So we thought, hey, maybe let's let the players get a thrill. Let them test their luck. And we introduced a completely new mechanics on earnings. Now it's not just a game, it's a game of games. You had your time to scramble up some capital, now let's use it. Fortune favors the brave, so go ahead! Mining's still available. You can still earn your coins, just a limited amount. Daily tasks are available, so check them out and get some generous rewards. And have you forgotten the referral program, bring a homie, that jazz? Each friend you bring gets you a whopping 100K GTM. That's the reward. And there's no limit on how many friends you can bring. It ain't gonna be capped and it is one of the most sure way to hit two birds in one stone: 💥Get us closer to the coveted 1 MILLION PLAYERS 💥Get yourself some of that lettuce homie!! So yeah. If you don't change - you stagnate. You get covered in slime and muck. You die. We're life. We're ever evolving, evercurious team of professionals who really want to test the limits of "how cool can we make stuff". And you can help us by liking, sharing and dropping a comment!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
57 738
The most perceptive of you may have noticed that we've kinda hunkered down and don't post as much as we used to. That's an astute observation, congrats. But that's not a seasonal hibernation, nope, that's more like a quiet before the fireworks. We've got a lot to do and not so much time to do it, and we've got a lot planned. So homies, what's waiting for you this September? A lot. But specifically this: 💥A major which bring a new sleek design, a couple of changes to game mechanics, including limited mining, so get your coins nowwwwwwww!!! we're serious. Don't come crying that nobody told you nothing. We did! 💥A brand new game, a surprise of all surprises, our magnum opus a swiss army knife of games, LUCKY GTM. Hint: this is where your mined tokens will really come in play (pun intended) 💥We introduce , available for purchase. 💥We launch our first 💥And we launch a unique NFT collection, dedicated to the Main Man in the Crypto world. That's a lot. Plain and simple. But the wait is gonna be totally worth it. Are you excited, homies? Show us just how excited you are and do what you do best: like and share!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
58 346
The most perceptive of you may have noticed that we've kinda hunkered down and don't post as much as we used to. That's an astute observation, congrats. But that's not a seasonal hibernation, nope, that's more like a quiet before the fireworks. We've got a lot to do and not so much time to do it, and we've got a lot planned. So homies, what's waiting for you this September? A lot. But specifically this: 💥A major which bring a new sleek design, a couple of changes to game mechanics, including limited mining, so get your coins nowwwwwwww!!! we're serious. Don't come crying that nobody told you nothing. We did! 💥A brand new game, a surprise of all surprises, our magnum opus a swiss army knife of games, LUCKY GTM. Hint: this is where your mined tokens will really come in play (pun intended) 💥We launch our first 💥
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
You wanted it, you got it! Here's a quick sneak peek at the new major update!
💪🔥Go big or go home, homies🔥💪 But seriously, tho. 1 mil is not just a pretty number (especially not in this economy lmao), 1 million players is more of a statement, a commitment if you will. We are ambitious. We have big plans, and a huge part of this plan includes making our product VIABLE, making it TRUSTWORTHY, and making it able not to just stay afloat for a minimum amount of time, but to be a respectable financial tool that will hold no matter the storms and whatnot. We want it listed on the major exchange platforms. We want it to be a hot topic, a valuable commodity, but at the same time, something special. Something, that we've done with you in mind. That's why we need YOU, our precious community. That's why we tirelessly work on making this community grow and thrive, and you, homies, you get to be a part of it. Our most valuable resource, our most stern critics and, hopefully, our biggest fans. 1 million is just a number, and is just a beginning. We have a long road ahead of us, and we're happy you're gonna go along for the ride. You are now a part of our clique, and you get to enjoy its perks. You know something, that others don't, you have access to exclusive information on everything that has anything to do with GTM, and you will have a little more opportunities than others. What do we ask in exchange? We ask for your support. And by support we mean share our posts, share the news, tell your friends (good friends, that is) about us, and bring them in on the fun. We value you. We need you. And we sure as hell appreciate you. We have a long and fruitful road ahead of us. Buckle up, homies, 'cause we sure as hell ain't going home!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
53 073
@catsgang_bot 😳
31 586
Morning, homies! Today's SATURDAY and it means we 🔫🔫🔫🔫. Come on in, drop us a like and tell us what do you expect of this big major update that's coming up!
34 833
It's a little exciting, when you have something that you're so proud of and you want to share with people. It's a great feeling, knowing that you can bring something to this world to make it better. Brighter🙏. More fun. More exciting🍾. Even if it's just a game. But it's not. It's a product of our bold ambitions and pragmatic experience accumulated over the years. We're making a product that we're proud to recommend to our closest friends. And we love seeing more and more people joining in every day. We appreciate your support, your love and respect. Every like matters. Every share, every comment. It brings the Big Date closer and closer. 🎅Get ready. All new and updated GTM is right around the corner. Now let's make some noise and show each other some love!🎅
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
46 743
What’s a gang without gangstas? What’s a hood without homies? It’s time for you guys to get to know people behind this project. We’ve already introduced ourselves , but just in case and for all yall new and fresh faces here who don’t have time to scroll up to that long ago. One thing you should know about us is that we are passionate and relentless. We know what we like, we know what we want and we’re damn good at what we’re doing. We’re driven by challenges, this undying curiosity, the perpetual “what if…?” is our primary motivator. And we are bent on sharing this energy with you. We’re doing it (no matter how cheesy this will sound) to make this world a little brighter, a little better place than it was before us. We’re bringing you a thrilling and exciting gaming experience. GTM is our current peak product, the result of refined experience, trial and solution, our blue-ribbon prize hog if you will. Everything that we’ve been doing before, every single one of our decisions has led us right here. And it led you to us. To celebrate this holy amalgamation, we’re prepared to offer you the best fruits of our labor: an exciting clicker (which soon will become so much more) – a fun and exciting way to mine our GTM tokens which you then will use on our proprietary state of the art GTA V RP server, and get the best bang for your buck. And this here channel too. We thrive because of your support and we try to give back tenfold. We’ve grown into an actual community and we appreciate your feedback, your enthusiasm and your support. In turn we keep you buzzed, psyched and excited. Let’s show some love, homies! The best to the best, from the best and for the best. 🔫🔫🔫👑🚀🪐
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
55 670
You got goosebumps there for a second, didn’t you? Feels too real to be real and somehow you know exactly what I mean. Stand by for today’s announcements, homies!
49 431
“I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them”. A somber quote, a surprisingly profound thing to hear from a goofy character, but it is true. "Good old days". Why do they have to be "old"? Wouldn't "enjoy the present" be more straightforward? Yes, it would. However, sometimes being straightforward is not enough. You have to be straightforward over and over again. But I don't mind. HOMIES!!! With a huge update basically right around the corner, we once again repaet: mine as much as you can for as long as you can. Because unlimited mining will soon be a thing of the past. Mining opportunities will be scarce. Winning and earning opportunities will be abundant, but this here arrangement, the thing we have here, that's gonna be over. So mine, tap, tap away while you can. Check daily tasks. Accumulate them funds! Because you know you're gonna need them!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
97 041
🌴🔥Good Morning Los Santos🔥🌴 Homies, today we're have just one news for you. Just one. We broke 200K players!! That's right homies, there's 2️⃣6️⃣5️⃣9️⃣9️⃣4️⃣homies! That's really something! So these are all those homies that joined us when the server was down and it just so happened that you're in Vagos now. Bienvenido! Also, remember, even though we crossed another milestone, we still need around 800K players to launch phase 2! Can we do it? I know we can, we got this!
79 473
GTM is not just a shiny but ultimately useless waste of resources. We aim to make a genuine product for our user, something that they would use every day. A utility token, which is a product of ambition and calculation. To keep it relevant we plan to regularly come up with new projects, use new and more reliable servers and to blur the reality between so called real and game world. I guess, this way we are a part of the force of progress, something that drives the development of humanity a little further. Haven't you ever wanted to be able to spend your hard earned in game money in real life? Well, now you've got a chance. Remember! We need each other, and what's more, we need your support on this crucial developement stage! Show us some love, spread the word and bring people in!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
85 153
Homies, Here's the big news! Our friends from did so that your precious furry goblins can join in on the fun! By implementing a Gemini AI based tool, you can now send a number of cat pictures in exchange for tokens! It's easy: just take a picture of a cat via the app, and the specially trained chain of advanced code will validate whether it is indeed a cat and whether it's a good cat. Just kidding. All cats are good cats, our precious little furry babies. And the number of pictures you can send is limited. The world still need their server space for stupid things like AD algorithms, Healthcare system database and military codes. but they've promised to talk them into freeing up some server space for more cat pictures. Also, every app user gets their own personal cat avatar. Not just an avatar, but an evolving cat avatar! The more cat photos you feed the algorithm, the more in-game points you get and the better you can make your avatar! This is one way to make your cat chip in for its weekly wet food nights! Isn't it just purrrfect? These lucrative new paw-sibillities! Start earning right MEOW!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


78 436
Homies, listen up, we're dropping some knowledge on GTM’s listing 1. What's the best way to maximize your GTM yield in the clicker? Click. For now it's as straightfrorward as it gets: the more you tap the more you earn. There is no mining limits for now, so enjoy it while it lasts! Also don't forget to do your daily tasks. Check them out every day, there's a ton of basically free GTM and we've upped them rewards significantly. Also, don't forget to bring people in. Get your referral link and Each homie you bring gets you a 100K GTM! 2. What's GTM? GTM is a TON based utility coin, which ultimate goal is to become a viable, secure and profitable investment tool. GTM's liquidity is blocked by revoking the smart contract, which is one of the most efficient method of securing liquidity. As well as an investment tool, GTM will be used as an ingame currency on our Our primary objective is to create a tool that will let you safely monetize your gaming time without losing sleep over the returns on that investment. 3. WHEN?!! We will announce the launch date when the clicker will attain its first 1 million active players. We're working on it, and we appreciate you doing your part when it comes to spreading the word. So be patient, trust the process and keep an eye out. All important announcements will be posted here!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
37 290
Most of our assets will be redistributed among players and holders, some of them will be blocked through vesting. Aside from smart contract revoke and blocking the liquidity, we will focus on full transparency. You, the holders, should be able to know what's going on with your investment. So in order to provide the level of transparency usually common between close friends or lifelong neighbors, we will do a lot of community outreach like hosting AMA sessions with top holders, to positively influence that GTM trend. Further more we will be creating separate chats for holders and whales. We tirelessly work to establish our good name, because as you all know, first you work for your good name and then your good name works on you! We kindly ask you for your love and support. Engage with the posts, share them, spread the word. Projects like ours are a rare occasion these days. We operate under the principle of "underpromise —> overdeliver", and we really love what we're doing. Enough to work on it 24/7 and be heavily invested into helping this project come to full bloom! So like, share and spread the word, homies! Shit's getting thick and serious!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
78 018
🚨Homies, listen up for a second🚨 One of our priorities is to make $GTM your own SAFU, a Secure Asset Fund for Users. And one of the core aspects of being a secure asset is, well, developing our own security. We're no strangers to being on the receiving end of the attacks, organized or whatever. We've even issued a sort of scoop on However, we're not just talking cybersecurity, we're talking about GTM's security as a token, for starters, GTM's liquidity is blocked by revoking the smart contract. But we swore to our people and we swore to ourselves that we will be launching a fair and honest token that will become an efficient and secure investment tool. With GTM holders should be able to make income through monetization as an ingame currency on our Our primary objective is to create a tool that will let you safely monetize your gaming time without worrying about ROIs. To do that we need you. GTM needs you. We need your engagement and activity here. Show us and everybody else some love and engagement. Spread the word, share our posts, like them and let your friends know about this project made by gaming enthusiasts FOR gaming enthusiasts. The projects with its primary focus on providing new opportunities for making money. And not just making a quick buck, we’re talking about long term passive income source. Our goal is to make GTM your safe and secure long term asset. Remember! Together we are strong! DON’T FORGET TO SHARE AND LIKE THIS POST AND SPREAD THE WORD!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
71 197
The game is available even despite the updates, the first stage will be completed soon! People will be coming here soon, get ready for something big..... read more here
23 849
Homie did the math! That’s easily the cut from the Unity Heist in GTA V.
19 944
Updates really seem to be this season's trend. While we're cooking up our own massive update, are not just sitting there wasting oxygen. They've been cooking up something that hasn't been seen around yet, but promises to be nothing shorter than a new trend. What's the point of wasting time playing the same boring app over and over again? There is none. So strap in, get ready for a hell of a ride. Oh, and your furry little meowsers? They too have a part in the upcoming update! So stay tuned and follow closely. This is something you won't wanna miss!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


20 919
The server is up and running You know what to do. Let's set new records.
35 461
🌴🔥Good Morning Los Santos🔥🌴 Hey Los Santos, what's good? We hope you're excited for your morning update! 💥1️⃣1️⃣5️⃣6️⃣5️⃣2️⃣homies are roaming around Los Santos! But we need 1 million. One Million!!, Spread the word and 💥3️⃣7️⃣🔤🔤GTM has already been mined, that's good numbers. Get ready for more posts about the jetton. After all, it's time we started talking about it! 💥Daily tasks, homies!! Aka "Free money", remember to check them daily!! Get those lettuce, grab that turf! Stay tuned for the latest news on the new update! And don't forget to mine those coins while you still have unlimited mining!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
47 578
Also, homies, what’s so important about the number 1.000.000? It is the proverbial symbol of wealth and abundance. What do you say when you feel great? You say that you feel like a million dollars. Not a thousand and not even a hundred thousand dollars. Also, 1.000.000 active players is the minimum milestone upon achieving which we’re announcing token launch. So do your part and
GTM Community- https://t.me/GTM_TON
85 995
Homies, as you may have noticed, the calls to purchase and dumping have gotten much more precise, and we’re working on making them even more so. We’re launching only SOL based memes, and every time we do so we text “knock-knock”, so keep an eye out for it. After you get the message, unmute the channel and wait for the go signal. We’re doing it as a part of , to show you the trading ropes. A pre-launch training so to say. This is no fraud, no scam, no nothing, we’re doing it purely for fun, and we always let you know to make profit. So keep an eye out and don’t miss out on some fun!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
27 584
Let's get out
26 882
Get ready to go out
91 700
X2 after the call
115 204
Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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