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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Mother likely killed three daughters and took her own life — ABC57 A horrific tragedy has occurred in Wolcottville, Indiana. Police found three children dead in a home along with their mother, with one of the firefighters sitting on the porch in tears. Police officials have not released any details of what happened, but the girls' devastated father has dropped some hints. Jonathan Newell wrote on GoFundMe that his partner, 32-year-old Rebecca Hughes, "took his daughters - Evalynn (8), Allison (6) and Amelia (5) - "along with her. Jonathan also spoke to reporters about the importance of mental health. He urged any parents who are struggling to make sure they seek help. 👉🏼
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7 966
Doctors are increasingly leaving scalpels inside patients or removing the wrong organs Medical blunders have seriously increased in the US. Just recently, we wrote about how a man died in Florida after having his liver removed instead of his spleen. And these cases are becoming more frequent: in 2023, 1,411 patients experienced such medical errors, more than 250 of whom died. 👉🏼
6 450
Republicans sound the alarm about Russians and Chinese infiltrating US labs — NYP Senator Joni Ernst has demanded that the government provide a detailed report on foreign nationals' access to laboratories in the US. The congresswoman wrote a letter to this effect to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. Especially Republicans are concerned about the access of Russians and Chinese to the development of American technologies. Ernst believes the labs are prime targets for espionage by "foreign adversaries." Ernst cited a Senate Intelligence Committee report that found that in fiscal year 2023, "about 40,000 foreign nationals accessed facilities, information, or technology" at the labs. According to the report, 8,000 foreigners were Russian and Chinese nationals. By some estimates, the U.S. loses about $600 billion a year in intellectual property theft due to Chinese espionage. 👉🏼
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6 177
Trump criticizes Jews who won't vote for him CBS The Republican spoke in D.C. and criticized American Jews who won't vote for him. He made the statement at an event to combat anti-Semitism. Donald Trump said that if he is not elected in November, Israel will be "destroyed." Jews need to think hard about this: what awaits them, the Republican is sure, is an ongoing bloody war and subsequent expulsion from the Holy Land. According to Trump, now only 40% of Jews are ready to vote for him. The Republican reminded the other 60% that if he doesn't win, it will come out that they voted for their enemies. Trump laments that he only got 24% of the Jewish vote in the previous election. This despite, the presidential candidate said, how much he has done for them. 👉🏼
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7 197
Республиканцы бьют тревогу насчет россиян и китайцев, которые проникают в американские лаборатории - 📍Сенатор Джони Эрнст потребовала от правительства предоставить подробный отчет о доступе иностранных граждан к лабораториям в США. Конгрессмен написала соответствующее письмо министру энергетики Дженнифер Грэнхолм. 📍Особенно республиканцев волнует доступ россиян и китайцев к разработке американских технологий. Эрнст уверена, что лаборатории - основные объекты шпионажа со стороны “иностранных противников”. 📍Эрнст процитировала доклад сенатского комитета по разведке, в котором говорится, что в 2023 финансовом году "около 40 000 граждан иностранных государств получили доступ к помещениям, информации или технологиям" лабораторий. Согласно докладу, 8 тысяч иностранцев составляли граждане РФ и Китая. 📍По некоторым оценкам, США теряют около $600 миллиардов в год на краже интеллектуальной собственности из-за китайского шпионажа. Больше новостей США здесь. Подписывайся! 👇 🏙🇺🇲
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⚡️ Hundreds of people are hospitalized in Bolivia's Santa Cruz region According to local media, the problem is unprecedented forest fires in neighboring Brazil and Paraguay, making the air almost impossible to breathe. More than 3 million people live in the region. 👉🏼


8 310
Both cases recently occurred in Miami-Dade County (Florida) 😳 👉🏼

Smile for the camera … - SWIPE #ONLYinDADE.mp4

Smile for the camera … - SWIPE #ONLYinDADE (1).mp4

10 953
Stowaways in New York😁 👉🏼

Lots of on a train #subwaycreatures.mp4

11 093
Florida resident made $10,000 hunting invasive pythons — AccuWeather The annual Florida Python Challenge has come to an end in Florida, with 857 participants from 33 states and Canada taking down invasive Burmese pythons. The challenge is organized by Florida authorities and is primarily designed to save the Everglades ecosystem from Burmese pythons, which are disrupting it by preying on native mammals. A man named Ronald Kiger took home the grand prize of $10,000 after catching 20 pythons. There were also prizes of $2,500, $1,500 and $1,000 among the hunters. $2,500 paid for 19 pythons, $1,500 for 16, and $1,000 for just one. Quentin Archie, who won $1,000, caught the longest python, which was 8 feet 11 inches (2.7 meters) long. 👉🏼
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10 638
Donald Trump showed up at a bar in New York City, ordered burgers for everyone, and paid the bill with crypto 👉🏼

FILE 2024-09-19 08:06:05.mp4

10 231
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says the FBI is not cooperating with his investigation into the second attempt on Donald Trump's life «They're not cooperating. Yes, I'm concerned. For example, our investigators were rebuffed when they just went to the fence outside the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. I think they took the position that they didn't want the state of Florida involved. But here's the thing, there have been several violations of Florida law in several jurisdictions ... we have a duty to investigate that.» 👉🏼
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10 894
Mortgage rates have started to fall — CNN After the Federal Reserve cut interest rates for the first time in 4 years, signaling further reductions throughout the year, mortgage rates have fallen just as much. As of Sept. 19, the standard 30-year fixed mortgage rate averaged 6.09%. Last fall, the rate was 7.79%. Note that the Fed does not control mortgage rates in any way, but its actions do affect them. According to the National Association of Realtors, home sales fell 2.5% in August compared to July. Looking solely at sales in August, comparing it to the rest of August, the sales rate was the lowest since 2010. At the same time, home prices continued to rise. In August, the median home sale price rose 3.1% to $416,700. Experts believe it should take 3-4 months after the rate cuts before demand for housing increases. 👉🏼
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10 843
Daughter shot dead mother who found out about her 'secret life' — LAC 15-year-old Kayla Gregg is accused of killing her mother, teacher Ashley Smiley. The tragedy happened back in March, and now the court has been shown gruesome CCTV footage from a home in Brandon, Mississippi. The footage shows the girl enter the home, pick up a .357 Magnum handgun and walk into her mother's room. A gunshot rings out (the girl shot her mother in the face), Ashley screams, and then the daughter shoots twice more, according to law enforcement. Afterward, Gregg sat in the kitchen and texted her friend about the "emergency" and tried to lure her stepfather into the house. When he arrived, the girl shot him in the shoulder, prosecutors allege. On the day of the murder, investigators say Gregg's friend told her mother about the teen's "secret life." Turns out the girl was a drug user. Gregg faces life in prison on the charges. 👉🏼
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12 000
OnlyFans model is raising money in support of Donald Trump The day before, 26-year-old Ava Louise tried to attract the attention of the cameras by getting naked during the Republican's rally in Long Island. Police escorted the girl out, but she pledged to raise $500,000 for Trump for the "inconvenience caused." She called the initiative "Tits for Trump". Previously, Louise had already gone viral when she showed her breasts to Europeans through a "portal" in New York. 👉🏼
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8 783
Harris blamed Trump's abortion policies for woman's death — Independent Amber Thurman, 28, from Georgie, died two years ago due to complications from an abortion. Kamala Harris said the day before that Donald Trump's abortion policies caused the tragedy. In 2022, Amber was rushed to the hospital after vomiting blood and losing consciousness. Doctors determined that the woman had been taking abortion drugs, which caused her to develop a rare complication - fetal tissue was left in her uterus. A state panel of ten doctors later recognized that Amber's death was preventable. The woman required a "dilatation and curettage" surgery in which she would have had the remaining tissue removed. However, such surgery is a felony in Georgia with few exceptions. Doctors did decide to perform the dilatation, however, 20 hours after she was admitted to the hospital. Amber ended up passing away on the operating table. Kamala Harris said that because of the policies of Republicans and Trump in particular, doctors are afraid to provide medical care to dying women. 👉🏼
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8 416
This little girl, on the other hand, didn't just get in the car, she drove! An 8-year-old girl got behind the wheel of her parents' SUV and drove to Target. The kid drove for about 25 minutes. Luckily, there was no accident - police found the girl in the store 👮‍♀️ 👉🏼


9 463
Boeing has put tens of thousands of its employees on unpaid leave in response to the strike — The Washington Post After more than 30,000 workers at Boeing plants went on strike Friday over the terms of a new 4-year contract, the company began sending workers, managers and executives on unpaid leave to deal with the financial impact. How many employees will be affected, the company did not specify, but said the number could be in the tens of thousands. Boeing employs a total of 170,000 people. The company also cut costs by reducing salaries for top executives, freezing hiring of new employees, eliminating optional travel and other restrictions. There are ongoing negotiations between Boeing management and the workers, mediated by the U.S. federal government. Workers went on strike for the first time in 16 years because they don't like the new contract, which calls for a 25 percent wage increase over 4 years. They want a 40 percent wage increase and the return of a retirement package that Boeing abandoned in 2014. 👉🏼
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10 913
Дочь застрелила мать, которая узнала о ее “тайной жизни” - 📍15-летнюю Кайлу Грегг обвиняют в убийстве своей матери - учительницы Эшли Смайли. Трагедия произошла еще в марте, а сейчас в суде показали жуткие кадры с камер видеонаблюдения в доме в Брэндоне (Миссисипи). 📍На кадрах видно, как девушка заходит в дом, берет пистолет Magnum калибра .357 и идет в комнату матери. Раздается выстрел (девочка выстрелила матери в лицо), Эшли кричит, после чего дочь стреляет еще дважды, согласно информации от правоохранителей. 📍После этого Грегг села на кухне и написала подруге о “чрезвычайной ситуации”, а также пыталась заманить в дом отчима. Когда тот приехал, девушка выстрелила ему в плечо, утверждают прокуроры. 📍В день убийства, по словам следователей, подруга Грегг рассказала ее матери о “тайной жизни” подростка. Выяснилось, что девочка употребляла наркотики. 📍По предъявленным обвинениям Грегг грозит пожизненное заключение. Больше новостей США здесь. Подписывайся! 👇 🏙🇺🇲
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U.S. opioid-related deaths have fallen in the U.S. — CBS Fresh data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that deaths due to opioid overdoses have dropped by about 10%, reaching their lowest level in 3 years. In the year ending April 2024, more than 75,000 people died from opioid overdoses. Last year, the number of deaths topped 86,000. Before the pandemic, authorities recorded fewer than 50,000 such deaths. Note that both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have linked drug overdose rates to the issue of immigration and borders, as the fentanyl common on American streets makes its way to the US from other countries.
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11 325
A two-legged bear has been spotted in the forests of West Virginia — NYP A bear traveling on its hind legs has been caught on surveillance camera in the Appalachian Mountains of southwestern West Virginia. Hunter Kirk Price, who has seen the bear in person several times, told reporters that the animal's missing front paws are a birth defect and not the result of an injury. "He lives in the mountains. Believe it or not, he moves around quite a lot. He has a range of about 5 miles. I firmly believe he was born this way and has overcome the odds," Price revealed. Although Price is a bear hunter, he is a firm believer in conservation and said he would never hunt such a "special" bear. In 2014, a similar two-legged bear was spotted in New Jersey, nicknamed Pedals by locals. However, in 2016, he was shot and killed by a hunter who was most likely intentionally looking for him.
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12 523
A pickup truck colliding with a train in Miami🚇 She seriously tried to stop the train by waving her arms...🌚 What would you do in this situation? 🙄 👉🏼


11 285
Earning $FOOD is a new way to live 😎 Cats&Dogs: Farm, Rally, and Make a Difference! 🐶 New charity project where you get to choose either dogs or cats, and support your favorite animal. Bring your friends together, and let's decide once and for all who is the bestest boy 😾 🥙 Join bot here What to do? Farm $FOOD, rally users to join your side, and support your team in this good-spirited rivalry! Do good while having fun! Learn more about the project in their Telegram and Twitter 👉🏼
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11 590
America's Almost Pets ❤️ True the ending is disturbing.... 👉🏼


12 205
🤬 In NYC, a random passerby gratuitously attacked an old lady walking her dog 👉🏼


11 983
Truck drivers won't support any candidate for U.S. president — CNN American and Canadian trucking union, the International Brotherhood of Truck Drivers (Teamsters), has announced that for the first time in nearly 30 years, it has declined to endorse any of the candidates for U.S. president. It should be noted that on Monday, an internal poll by the union showed that a majority of its rank-and-file members support Donald Trump over Kamala Harris. The vote was 59.6 percent to 34 percent. That same day, Kamala Harris met with Teamsters leaders. The last time the truck drivers union was neutral was during the 1996 election. Since then, it has exclusively supported Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. The last time the union supported a Republican was in 1988, when George Bush Sr. ran for president. "Unfortunately, neither major candidate has been able to make a serious commitment to our union to ensure that the interests of workers will always come before the interests of big business," said Teamsters President Sean O'Brien.
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14 679
Trump hosted a burger and beer giveaway at a crypto bar — NYP On his way to a campaign rally, Donald Trump stopped at New York City crypto bar PubKey, where he purchased burgers and beer for everyone in the establishment. Trump made his purchase by paying with bitcoins. The media noted that he became the first US president to make a transaction in bitcoins. 👉🏼


11 970
Coffee consumption significantly reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease Caffeine has long been associated with beneficial effects on the endocrine and cardiovascular system. Chinese scientists conducted their own study and proved it on a large-scale material. It turned out that moderate coffee consumption (about three cups a day) reduces the risk of serious diseases by 40%. 👉🏼
12 047
Johnson called Harris 'the Oprah who's running for president' — WE The Speaker of the House of Representatives spoke at the Policy Institute's America First forum in D.C.. Mike Johnson criticized Kamala Harris' economic plan. The Republican said Harris only talks about two things in her few statements about the economy - centralized price controls and new government spending programs. "Comrade Harris," Johnson continued, wants to put a big socialist experiment on the United States. The goal of Republicans, the politician said, is to prevent that from happening. "Everyone will have a car," Johnson joked about Harris' economic plan. The Republican said the Democratic candidate is similar to Oprah Winfrey, who is running for president. 👉🏼
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12 899
Republicans have blocked the IVF access bill — CNN The Republican minority in the Senate did not support an extrocorporeal fertilization bill. The initiative would have enshrined a nationwide right to fertility treatment. The bill needed 60 votes to move forward, but the vote ended with a "score" of 51 to 44. That said, two Republicans, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, supported the Democrats and voted in favor. Republicans criticized the initiative and called it a "political show" and "unnecessary overreach." However, at the same time, they said they supported IVF. Vice President Kamala Harris noted after the vote that Republicans "have once again made it clear that they will not defend access to the fertility treatments that many couples need to fulfill their dream of having a child." 👉🏼
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13 698
Республиканцы заблокировали законопроект о доступе к ЭКО - 📍Республиканское меньшинство в Сенате не поддержало законопроект об экстрокорпоральном оплодотворении. Инициатива должна была закрепить на общенациональном уровне право на лечение бесплодия. 📍Для продвижения законопроекта необходимы были 60 голосов, но голосование закончилось “со счетом” 51 на 44. При этом две республиканки, Лиза Мурковски и Сьюзан Коллинз, поддержали демократов и проголосовали “за”. 📍Республиканцы раскритиковали инициативу и назвали ее “политическим шоу” и “ненужным превышением полномочий”. Однако в то же время они заявили, что поддерживают ЭКО. 📍Вице-президент Камала Харрис отметила после голосования, что республиканцы “в очередной раз дали понять, что не будут защищать доступ к лечению бесплодия, которое необходимо многим парам, чтобы осуществить свою мечту завести ребенка”. Больше новостей США здесь. Подписывайся! 👇 🏙🇺🇲
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