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audience statistics Robert W Malone, MD

Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, Bench to Bedside vaccines and biologics consulting. Moderated by  @MarioLopezG  
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
👆👆👆 Truth 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
3 629
Friday Funnies: Become Ungovernable in the face of tyranny 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Friday Funnies: Become Ungovernable
in the face of tyranny
3 942
Travels with Justine, Part 2 In Search of Chipoko… and scones 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Travels with Justine, Part 2
In Search of Chipoko… and scones …
9 015
Even state-sponsored (NYT) media knows the government has overreached. Trump will not be convicted. He will be elected. The administrative/deep state is running scared. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
11 633
In Search of Chipoko… Investigative essay by Justine Isernhinke, Fellow and Head of Geopolitics and UAP Research, The Malone Institute 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
In Search of Chipoko…
Investigative essay by Justine Isernhinke, Fellow and Head of Geopolitics and UAP Research, The Malone Institute
11 450
How Financial De-Banking Is Being Used to Control Behavior | FALLOUT 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬


16 365
Sunday Strip: Reptilian Overloads It look's like you have had a "bit" too much to think... 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Sunday Strip: Reptilian Overloads
It look's like you have had a "bit" too much to think...
13 063
No Go Zones Conspiracy Theory Fact or Fiction? 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
No Go Zones
Conspiracy Theory Fact or Fiction?
13 714
📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
13 607
Most of us intuitively know that Trump is being persecuted. But let’s take the case being prosecuted by the state of New York. The facts: Trump was charged in 2023 with falsifying business records to hide alleged hush money payments made in 2014 or 2015. This indictment was made almost a decade after the alleged crime took place and almost four years after this case could have been brought to trial. The case is weak at best, with no credible witnesses. The state of NY waited until the presidential election was well underway before conducting their kangaroo court. Timing is everything. This is what Banana republics do… 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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14 225
"Friday Funnies: DON'T Marked "SAFE" from cannibals today." 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Friday Funnies: DON'T
Marked "SAFE" from cannibals today.
12 777
Homesteading: A Journey of Self-Sufficiency It doesn't take 40 acres, mule and a plow to start 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Homesteading: A Journey of Self-Sufficiency
It doesn't take 40 acres, mule and a plow to start
13 581
Status Report 1) Changes in the national and global COVID and general vaccine dialogue, including implications for the upcoming 2024 US General election 2) The rise and implications of the propaganda and censorship industrial complex. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬

Changes in the national and global COVID.mp4

12 414
👆👆👆 Well here is an interesting poll! 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
12 204
Great Campaign Against the Great Reset Historic Louisiana Senate Leadership (SB133); Jason Jones' seminal book is now published. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Great Campaign Against the Great Reset
Historic Louisiana Senate Leadership (SB133); Jason Jones' seminal book is now published.
13 792
But the reality is that there can be many truths; we each have our own experiences, values, mores and life. That is the beauty and wonder of being an individual, and of having the liberty to exercise individual sovereignty and free agency. Without free and open access to ideas, knowledge, truths and untruths, there can be no free speech. Without free speech, we are functionally reduced to slavery, prevented from adapting to new conditions, and doomed to repeat the errors of the past. We must defend all speech – whether deemed to be untrue, hateful or intolerable, as that is the only way to protect our right and ability to understand the world, to adapt to change, and to innovate. As soon as free speech is restricted, that restriction will be used to sway public opinion and behavior. As soon as one person can be defined as a heretic for uttering prohibited words or ideas, then soon thereafter everyone in opposition to officially approved thought on an issue will be labelled a heretic. The next logical step has always been for the State or other dominant authority to label acts of heresy as criminal offenses. As soon as governments and those in power can sway public opinion by restricting free speech, personal and collective sovereignty, innovative adaptation, democracy and even our republic will be lost. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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12 304
it has become widely known that the COVID genetic vaccines are neither completely safe, nor are they effective at preventing infection and spread of SARS-CoV-2. The virus SARS-CoV-2 has become endemic, worldwide, and is increasingly resistant to control by vaccination. Although this virus has become both more infectious, as predicted it has also become less deadly. A wide range of harms are now officially accepted to be caused by the genetic mRNA vaccines, and it has become known that these products are contaminated or adulterated with DNA fragments which may be associated with types of genetic toxicity at an uncharacterized frequency. Many different types of sickness caused by the genetic mRNA vaccines are now officially recognized. These include irreversible damage to the heart and nervous system. Peer reviewed publications are now discussing how the lipid-mRNA products can promote growth and spread of cancers. The general public has grown wary of government and WHO claims concerning the safety and effectiveness of COVID and many other vaccines, and both COVID and general vaccine uptake and acceptance has markedly declined. National and international lawsuits and legal cases are revealing a wide range of malfeasance and misrepresentations by politicians, government agents and employees relating to COVID pharmaceutical, vaccine, and non-pharmaceutical interventions. All of this is contributing to the growth of populist movements and rejection of established political parties in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. In the US, neither major political party candidate is addressing these issues, which has enhanced the opportunity for a dark-horse third party candidate to disrupt the typical presidential election political process and potentially deny opponents the ability to achieve a clear electoral college victory. Partially as a consequence of COVIDcrisis policy overreach, promoted misrepresentations and lack of transparency by a wide range of governments and non-governmental organizations, there is growing awareness of the development of a new business model – This new business area consists of an industrial-grade mercenary, for-profit, propaganda and censorship service industry. This industry is actively engaged in defending and promoting approved narrative scaffolds relating to official COVIDcrisis policies, as well as climate-related and other international policies. The current rapid growth of this industry is being supported via government funding, private contracts, internal corporate development, compensated partnering agreements and informal government pressure campaigns. This new service industry is related to the advertising and marketing services sector, but the focus is less on sales than on regulating information access, fashioning shared narratives and narrative scaffolds, and shaping political thought, feelings and behaviors of targeted groups and individuals. These activities are often justified as necessary to “preserve democracy”, protect the environment, protect established institutions, and to support the interests, policies and agendas of corporations, political parties, governments, transnational partnerships and global organizations. To be clear, Propaganda, Censorship and various forms of Psychological Manipulation are related technologies which selectively deny individual and group access to objective facts and truth, and consequently act to prevent exercise of free will, innovation and adaptation to change. Free speech is the most pragmatic tool we have for ascertaining truth. It is only by examining all sides of an issue that the truth can be chiseled out like a statue from raw stone. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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11 170
The Great Campaign against the Great Reset! 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬

The Great Campaign against the Great Reset!.mp4

11 116
⚡️⚡️⚡️Real-Time Daily News⚡️⚡️⚡️ 👋 We are a team of independent journalists who decided that enough is enough 🛑. We became tired of reading the same lies over and over again worded differently, and decided to start our own channel where you can discover the truth. We stand by free speech and our content shows it. Join👉 Real-Time Daily News to follow the truth! 🇺🇸
11 936
There are millions of people world-wide who suffer adverse events from these pseudo-mRNA products or worse, they suffered death. People who were not at a huge risk from the virus or who had already had natural immunity. We were all lied to. Repeatedly. - We deserve a government apology. - We deserve our scientific community and our health care professionals admitting the damages done. - We deserve to have our vaccine injuries taken seriously, and those who have damages deserve some sort of compensation. - People need to be held accountable. - The HHS needs a complete overhaul and we need the next president to be discussing how this will be accomplished. The vaccine injured and those who support them are called “anti-vaxxers” or “anti-science” by the scientific community and even by our government. It is sickening. And it is disheartening. This all needs to stop. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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11 650
"Conclusions: In people who have already contracted COVID-19 and now suffer from long-COVID, receiving a COVID vaccination has a significant association with prolonged symptoms of long-COVID for more than one year after the initial infection" --- The conclusion section for this paper was then followed with this statement: "However, vaccines reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 (including reinfections) and its catastrophic consequences (e.g., death). Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all people, even those with a history of COVID-19, receive vaccines to protect themselves against this fatal viral infection." Frankly, the end of the abstract would be laughable, except that this is not a laughing matter. Why are these sorts of remarks necessary for a paper to be published in a peer reviewed journal like PLOS One? The scientific community is only now admitting that long COVID sufferers will have worse symptoms if they are vaccinated, Yet these same scientists STILL insist that those with long COVID should be vaccinated. This is disgusting propaganda. The absurd reason that the PLOS One article above asserts that mRNA jabs are still necessary is because COVID-19 is a “fatal viral infection” - this is 2024, we all know better. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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11 649
mRNA Psuedo-Vaccines: Current Research A newly published peer reviewed journal article documents more damages done. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
mRNA Pseudo-Vaccines: Current Research
A newly published peer reviewed journal article documents more damages done.
14 937
Free speech is the most pragmatic tool we have for ascertaining truth. It is only by examining all sides of an issue, can the truth be chiseled out like a statue out of stone. But the truth is that there can be many truths, we each have our own experiences, values, mores and life. That is the beauty and wonder of being an individual. Without free and open access to ideas, knowledge, truths and untruths, there can be no free speech. Without free speech, we are little more than slaves. We must defend all speech – whether untrue, hateful or intolerable, as that is the only way to protect our right to understand the world. As soon as free speech is restricted, that restriction will be used to sway public opinion. As soon as one person can be defined as a heretic for uttering words, then soon everyone on the opposing side of an issue will be labelled as a heretic. The next logical step is for the state to call for acts of heresy as criminal offenses. As soon as governments and those in power can sway public opinion by restricting free speech, democracy and even our republic will be lost. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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13 290
"By means of ever more effective methods of mind manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms… elections, parliaments, supreme courts and all the rest… will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of Totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days. Democracy & freedom will be the theme of every broadcast & editorial. Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as they see fit." Aldous Huxley, 1962 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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13 191
Cattle mRNA | Dr. Robert Malone (TPC #1,460) 👆👆👆 Important thread 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬

Cattle mRNA .mp4

16 026
👆👆👆 Senator Ron Johnson interview 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
13 350
Part 1: Mishandling Pandemic to What Ends? In the first episode, delves into the influences shaping his stance on pandemic policies and discusses governmental corruption and the regulatory capture of healthcare agencies. Subscribe and share ➡️➡️


12 428
😴 1 Morning Trick Gives 44,000+ Their Crystal-Clear Vision Back? 👁 Within the first couple of weeks of trying THIS early morning trick, EACH participant noticed that 20/20 vision was once again possible... 😭 Eyesight problems like myopia or blurred vision are now a thing of the PAST… No injections, surgery, glasses or contact lenses are needed… It's that effective. 📈📈📈 The vision loss industry is trembling while hundreds of ophthalmologists are left scratching their heads… 🔥🔥🔥 you should take a look at this! 👀
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8 310
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14 976
"Nothing to see here folks" In March, state-sponsored media denounce the "torrent" of conspiracy theories in a series of news articles. In April, the FBI opens a "criminal investigation" - but of course, no details are provided. But "we" are the crazy ones? --- Interesting that it is the FBI conducting the investigation, not the State, Baltimore or Harbor police... 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
13 739
Last updated: 11.07.23
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