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audience statistics Btok 1024.ETH Official Channel

Btok is a Web3 messaging app with over 15 million active users! Our official resources:  @BTOKOFFICIALCHANNEL  /  @btok1024eth   Website:  Twitter:  
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of 11 181

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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Btok Wallet Completes Integration of 25 New DApps on Btok Wallet (April 24th, 2024)📣 The Btok Wallet has completed integration of various DApps. With just a few simple steps, users can interact with the integrated decentralized applications (DApps) through the Btok Wallet. Log in to the Btok Wallet, go to the [DApp] page > in the DApp search box, search for the DApp link (URL) or the name of the DApp to access it. 🌟The newly added dApps include: Kamino\Lido\Lybra Finance\Maker\marginfi\Osmosis DEX\Pendle\Puffer Finance\Radiant\Set Protocol\Synthetix\UNCX Network\Summer fi\FraxFinance\ShibaSwap\Venus\Coinwind\BakerySwap\Bunny\BabyDogeSwap\BSCSwap\BabySwap\etherfi\Quickswap\Tangible\QiDao\Beefy
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2 897
Btok Wallet去中心化钱包完成20个新DApp集成(2024年04月24日)📣 Btok Wallet去中心化钱包已完成各类DApp集成。仅需简单几步,用户即可通过Btok Wallet钱包与集成的去中心化应用程序(DApp)进行交互。登陆Btok Wallet钱包,进入【DApp】页面 > 在DApp搜索框,搜索DApp链接( URL )或DApp名称访问 🌟本次新增包括: Kamino、Lido、Lybra Finance、Maker、marginfi、Osmosis DEX、Pendle、Puffer Finance、Radiant、Set Protocol、Synthetix、UNCX Network、、Frax Finance、ShibaSwap、Venus、Coinwind、BakerySwap、Bunny、BabyDogeSwap、BSCSwap、BabySwap、、Quickswap、Tangible、QiDao、Beefy
4 923
Btok Wallet Completes Integration of 20 New DApps on Btok Wallet (April 2024)📣 The Btok Wallet has completed integration of various DApps. With just a few simple steps, users can interact with the integrated decentralized applications (DApps) through the Btok Wallet. Log in to the Btok Wallet, go to the [DApp] page > in the DApp search box, search for the DApp link (URL) or the name of the DApp to access it. 🌟The newly added dApps include: PancakeSwap、PinkSale、AAVE、Curve Finance、dYdX、DODO、Compound、Sushi、1inch、BiSwap、Uniswap、Across、Badger DAO、Balancer、Blur、GMX、Jito、GMX、Jito、Jupiter
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5 067
Btok Wallet去中心化钱包完成20个新DApp集成(2024年04月)📣 Btok Wallet去中心化钱包已完成各类DApp集成。仅需简单几步,用户即可通过Btok Wallet钱包与集成的去中心化应用程序(DApp)进行交互。登陆Btok Wallet钱包,进入【DApp】页面 > 在DApp搜索框,搜索DApp链接( URL )或DApp名称访问 🌟本次新增包括: PancakeSwap、PinkSale、AAVE、Curve Finance、dYdX、DODO、Compound、Sushi、1inch、BiSwap、Uniswap、Across、Badger DAO、Balancer、Blur、GMX、Jito、GMX、Jito、Jupiter
4 261
重磅消息!Btok发现页上线狙击机器人板块 Btok发现页目前已经上线热门狙击机器人板块,现在起,您可以在Btok的【热榜】页面的【发现页】页面中找到【热门狙击机器人】板块。通过使用相应机器人,您可以快人一步狙击Solana, Base, Bsc, Eth等链上的新币,并实现代币的快速买入和卖出。 免责声明:Btok发现页面展示的所有狙击机器人均为第三方机器人,请您仔细阅读第三方机器人的使用须知,您在机器人使用过程中的一切损失和Btok无关,并由第三方机器人直接单独向您承担责任。
6 106
🚨Alert! Btok has never issued any tokens!‼️‼️ Any tokens issued in the name of Btok official, Btok team members, Btok shareholders, etc., are all scams!!
9 025
🚨Btok辟谣声明‼️‼️ Btok从未发行过任何代币! 任何以 Btok 官方、 Btok 团队成员、 Btok股东等名义发行的代币均为诈骗!! 请广大用户提高警惕,防止上当受骗!!若发现此类情况,请立即向BTOK官方举报。感谢您的支持与理解。
13 644
Btok辟谣声明 Btok从未发行过任何代币! 任何借Btok名义发行的代币均为诈骗!!
9 861
Btok Swap限时交易挑战赛来袭!!超级权益等你来解锁!!🔥🔥 为助力更多优质项目成长,Btok Swap现推出限时交易挑战赛,活动期间,完成相应任务的项目将获得一系列扶持计划以及超级权益。同时,作为项目的参与者,您也可以推荐青睐的项目方参与,为项目发展助力!! 🕑报名时间:4月17日 17:00 ——4月24日 17:00 (UTC+8) 🏆活动规则: 在指定活动期间内,使用您群组内的BtokSwap聚合交易功能进行交易的有效交易人数达到一定值和相应金额,您将获得Btok Swap提供的一系列扶持计划以及超级权益,如BtokSwap上币、Btok Wallet上logo、DID以及热榜开通、红包入群引流等权益。 👉活动报名表:
14 441
Btok Wallet DApp 浏览器功能上线!📣📣探索Web3社交应用的无限可能! 目前,Btok Wallet DApp浏览器功能已上线,现在,用户可以通过Btok Wallet DApp浏览器直连访问PancakeSwap和Uniswap,无缝融合聊天与DApp应用,让您轻松畅游Web3世界,安卓用户只需更新至Btok最新版本6.4.3即可立即体验! 作为Web3世界的入口,Btok Wallet的DApp浏览器支持用户通过URL访问任意DApp,同时,用户可以一键直连访问PancakeSwap和Uniswap,非常便捷。 此外,为保证用户交互安全,Btok Wallet 提供了DApp 网站/授权合约安全检测,有效提高用户连接 DApp 和交互的安全性。 🌟Btok Wallet DApp浏览器的主要优势: 1. 支持用户直连访问PancakeSwap和Uniswap; 2. 支持用户通过在Btok搜索界面或聊天群内通过通过DApp链接( URL )访问任意 DApp; 3. 支持DApp内切换主网; 4. 提供DApp 网站/授权合约安全检测,异常DApp网站、异常授权合约安全提示,避免用户受到钓鱼行为的影响 👉
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25 775
Btok Wallet Added DApp Browser Feature!📣📣 Dear Btok Wallet Users, Thank you for your support and attention to Btok Wallet! We are excited to announce that the Btok Wallet DApp browser feature is now live! Users can now directly access PancakeSwap, Uniswap, and various other DApps through the Btok Wallet DApp browser without the need for any additional tools. Android users can experience this by updating to the latest Btok version 6.4.3. As the gateway to the Web3 world, the DApp browser of Btok Wallet allows users to access any DApp through URL and directly access PancakeSwap and Uniswap, without the need for extra tools. Furthermore, to ensure secure user interactions, Btok Wallet provides DApp website/authorization contract security detection, effectively enhancing the security of user connections and interactions with DApps. 🌟Key Advantages of Btok Wallet DApp Browser: 1.Direct access to PancakeSwap and Uniswap. 2. Support for accessing various DApps through DApp links (URL) via the Btok search interface or chat groups. 3.Support for switching networks within DApps. 4.Provision of DApp website/authorization contract security detection.
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12 939
📣BTOK翻译功能升级完成公告 尊敬的Btok用户: 目前Btok翻译功能已维护完成,若您已经开通DID,即可正常使用Btok翻译功能。 Btok官方团队 2024年4月1日
9 894
BTOK WALLET Now Supports the BASE Chain 👉🏻 Now you can: ✅ Store and manage Base chain tokens on BTOK WALLET. ✅ Transfer Base chain tokens on BTOK WALLET. ✅ Trade Base chain tokens through the Dapp browser on BTOK WALLET."
10 359
BTOK WALLET现已支持BASE公链 👉🏻你现在可以: ✅在BTOK WALLET上存储和管理Base链代币。 ✅ 在BTOK WALLET上进行Base链代币转账 ✅在BTOK WALLET上通过Dapp游览器交易Base链代币
10 929
📣Btok Upgrade and Maintenance Announcement Dear Btok users, To bring you a better user experience, Btok will be undergoing an upgrade and maintenance for the enhanced login feature from 8:00AM to 8:30AM on March 27, 2024 (UTC). It may not be possible to use the Btok enhanced login feature during the upgrade period. Please make the necessary arrangements in advance! We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you! Btok Official Team March 26, 2024
15 143
📣BTOK升级维护公告 尊敬的Btok用户: 为给您带来更好的使用体验,Btok将于2024年3月27日4:00PM-4:30PM (UTC+8)对增强登录功能进行升级维护,升级期间内可能暂时无法使用Btok增强登录功能,请用户提前做好相应安排! 具体恢复时间请留意Btok官方公告,给您带来的不便,敬请谅解! Btok官方团队 2024年3月26日
19 205
MEME PAD 第 2 期 项目名称:lolcoin($ LOL) KYC:已完成 保证金:1000SOL 哈希: Btok群: TG群: 官网: 免责申明:本广告仅作为项目信息展示,也不具备任何官方背书性质,请用户妥善投资
We don't just make #memecoins; we make $LOL😂 Official links: CA:674fYBELAKFVbFGcjq7XVzyg8Lfbz43mSQbSye5woKux
15 748
l🎊🎊SCASH Is Listed on BTOK SWAP! 🥳 👉🏻Now you can ✅ Store & Manage SCASH. ✅ Transfer SCASH. ✅ Buy & Sell SCASH on Btok Swap Chinese Community:
19 097
MEME PAD 第一期 项目名称:fuck the meme($ FUME) KYC:已完成 保证金:500BNB 电报群: 免责申明:本广告仅作为项目信息展示,也不具备任何官方背书性质,请用户妥善投资
22 885
🔥🔥MEME PAD 第一期📣📣 项目名称:fuck the meme($ FUME) KYC:已完成 保证金:500BNB 电报群: 免责申明:本广告仅作为项目信息展示,也不具备任何官方背书性质,请用户妥善投资
📣BTOK&UXUY AMA: $INDS (BRC-20) Inscription Indexer Welcomes BTC Summer 🧑‍🏫Guest: 0xKevin, UXUY Founder 🔈Host: Lulu, Btok Head Marketing of Asia ⏰Time: March 18th, 10:00 AM (UTC) 📍AMA Room: 💰Award: Questions will be asked based on the guest’s contents during the AMA. All welcome to answer and there will be lots of sats rewards awaiting!
20 881
📣BTOK&UXUY AMA: $INDS (BRC-20) 铭文索引器迎接 BTC Summer 🧑‍🏫嘉宾:0xKevin, UXUY Founder 👩‍🏫主持人:Lulu, Btok亚太区市场负责人 ⏰时间:3月18日 18:00(星期三) 🌟有奖问答环节: 被嘉宾选中回答的问题提问者将会收到sats奖励! 📍直播地址:Btok官方14群
11 992
🌟若您有Btok登录困扰,请发送邮件📬 目前,Telegram推出了P2P登录计划(Peer-to-Peer Login Program),通过该计划可以助力用户正常接收登录短信并成功登录Btok,但目前,该计划尚未对中国地区用户开放。如果您想更加便捷的接收登录验证码,您可以通过发送邮件,向Telegram申请开通该项计划。 👉
13 675
RuneX & Btok & DTOK 联合空投活动🎉🎉 💫 RuneX & BTOK & DTOK 联合空投活动震撼来袭!完成任务就可赢取$RuneX代币空投!100位幸运用户瓜分60,000,000枚 $RuneX奖金池💰💰 🕖活动时间:3月6日18:00-3月15日18:00 (UTC+8) 📍规则: 1. 用户必须完成gleam中的所有任务 2.活动奖励将于活动结束后十个工作日内发放至您的Btok红包账户 3. 请提供正确的Btok注册手机号,否则将无法收到空投 🌟🌟若您有推特登录困扰,可下载使用DTOK,DTOK是一个专注于Web3场景的推特应用,可以直连推特获取关于Web3的一手信息和资讯、币圈大V的动态,助您轻松获取财富密码。🔥🔥 🌟【Dtok下载链接】 🔥完成表单任务参与活动:
24 724
📣FLOKI会成为下一个狗狗币吗? 🧑‍🏫嘉宾:Root, Chinese Community Lead 👩‍🏫主持人:Lulu, Btok亚太区市场负责人 ⏰时间:3月6日 18:00(星期三) 📍直播地址:Btok官方14群
13 832
📣从旁观者到领航人,比特币生态回顾与展望 🧑‍🏫嘉宾:Haoran Xu, CertiK 安全工程师 👩‍🏫主持人:Lulu, Btok亚太区市场负责人 ⏰时间:3月7日 11:00(星期四) 📍直播地址:Btok官方14群
8 424
📣A Pet Rock No Longer: Bitcoin’s Innovation Awakening 🧑‍🏫Guest: Haoran Xu, CertiK Security Engineer 🔈Host: Lulu, Btok Head Marketing of Asia ⏰Time: March 7th, 3:00AM (UTC) 📍AMA Room:
4 606
📣对话Bitget华语区负责人,探讨赛道未来 🧑‍🏫嘉宾:谢家印,Bitget华语区负责人 👩‍🏫主持人:Lulu, Btok亚太区市场负责人 ⏰时间:2月29日 18:00(星期四) 📍直播地址:Btok官方14群
23 652
📣Talk to the Head of Chinese-speaking Regions at Bitget, Discussing the Future of the Track 🧑‍🏫Guest: Smith Tse, head of Chinese-speaking regions at Bitget 🔈Host: Lulu, Btok Head Marketing of Asia ⏰Time: February 29th, 10:00AM (UTC) 📍AMA Room:
14 297
🌟🌟Major Update! Web3 Is Easier with Btok! Upgrade to the latest Android version 6.4.1 to experience! 📣 🌟New from Btok: 1. Btok Wallet operates independently. After this upgrade, the Btok decentralized wallet is no longer associated with Btok account, so you can use the Btok wallet without logging into Btok. In the scenario where multiple Btok accounts are logged in on a single device, you can use the same Btok wallet. 2. The "Btok Wallet" entry is added to the upper right corner of the conversation page. 3. The "Btok Swap" entry is added within Btok Wallet. 4. Improved stability of the Btok Wallet. 5. Bugs fix 🧐How to download? Log into your Btok APP - Go to "Mine" page - Click "About Me" - Click "Update" 🌟Click to see more upgrade details
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16 827
Last updated: 11.07.23
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