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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
This fridge from 1956 has more features than my fridge from 2022. Too bad Innovation did not continue for the sake of making more profits, because companies rather produce things as cheaply as possible.




1 289
World Economic Forum "agenda contributor", Yuval Noah Harari: "Most information is junk. Most of it is lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, delusions, illusions, because this is very cheap and easy to produce." "And you have these rare gems of truth, which are very costly to produce, and how do we find them? This is the job of institutions like journalism, like scientific institutions."


1 193
‼️SHOCK! Hackers have hacked into the Freemasons' database! What they saw surprised them greatly - they have the entire world plan, from 1950 to 2050. The hackers created the Awakened USA channel and leaked all the information there. - Why do they need a war between Israel and Palestine? - Coronavirus is an artificial virus to achieve a secret goal. - The end of the world will not be what everyone thinks. Everyone obeys the Masons, including even America and China, and no one can escape their plan. ⚡️ Learn the whole truth about what has happened and will happen to our world: Mr. Hidden History Join the private channel while it is accessible Mr. Hidden History Mr. Hidden History
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1 525


1 437
This was a long time ago


1 446
THIS ONE IS FOR THE SKEPTICS:🔥 VIDEO RESURFACES OF DR.BARBARA LECTURING ABOUT THE TREMENDOUS POWER OF MORINGA PLANT 🌿 Did you know that Barbara authored an entire book on Moringa healing properties back in 2012? However, the Australian government banned it from public access.❌ IT IS GETTING VERY HARD TO FIND THIS CURE! There are many threats to ban its sale in the US. (Scroll down for link)👇 REMEMBER: Pharmaceuticals are betting on your ignorance, selling you overpriced, ineffective boosters while hiding Moringa’s age-defying, cancer-fighting powers. 🧬 DON'T FAIL FOR THEIR TRAP Take action now—not just for yourself, but for the longevity and vitality of your loved ones. Waiting could cost you more than you think. 👇👇👇
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1 712
Donald Trump is the first president to be wiretapped and spied on. The first president to be impeached twice and acquitted twice. The first president to be banned and censored on social media. The first president to have his home raided by the FBI. The first president to be indicted not once, but four times. The first citizen and former president to have a judge with no jury unilaterally decide to oppose a $350 million fine in a civil case where not a single law was broken, there were zero victims, and all loans were paid back on time. I don’t know about you, but I’m supporting the guy with the most impeachments, indictments, lawsuits, and unconstitutional fines because that’s the guy they clearly fear the most. For seven years, it’s all been part of a plan to target him, make him bow, take his swag away, humble him, and to break him and his supporters down. The funny thing is… it keeps backfiring. President_Q17
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1 275
WAYS TO PREVENT RADIATION POISONING FROM EMF’S RADIATION POISONING is very real as we exposed daily at home, at work & basically everywhere we go. EVERYTHING in our lives exposes us to EMF’S & RADIATION - our devices, wifi, vehicles, microwaves, Bluetooth, TV’s & more, so it’s important to know how to protect yourself & your loved ones. Join QuantumMedicine🧬


1 129
✔️Covid 19 = Radio wave sickness ✔️1976 Swine Flu = Radio wave sickness ✔️1919 Kansas Flu = Radio wave sickness 🤔1921: Radio wave sickness is longer allowed to be diagnosed. Changing the name to influenza, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and auto immune. Book: The invisible rainbow. Let the truth shine. Join QuantumMedicine🧬
1 208
2 306
🔴FDA STUFF; Part 1 Your Attention Please: The FDA has changed the name of Aspartame. Now watch out for: "Amino Sweet”. NOT FDA APPROVED ingredients. These cannot be patented. These are natural healing modalities! • CBD Oil • Cannabis • Melatonin • Elderberry Syrup • Herbal Supplements 🔴These ingredients are patented. FOLLOW THE MONEY. • MSG • Aspartame • Caramel Color • Artificial Flavors • High Fructose Corn Syrup • Foods Containing Flame Retardants It’s very important to read your ingredient labels and be aware of foods with these ingredients in them AND NEVER buy food with these ingredients in them. These are hidden poisons! 🔴THE TOP 50 MOST TOXIC INGREDIENTS APPROVED BY THE FDA; Page 1 of 2 1. Sodium nitrate: Added to processed meats to stop bacterial growth. Linked to cancer in humans. (Worst Offender) 2. Sulphites: Used to keep prepared foods fresh. Can cause breathing difficulties in those sensitive to the ingredient. 3. Azodicarbonamide: Used in bagels and buns. Can cause asthma. 4. Potassium bromate: Added to breads to increase volume. Linked to cancer in humans. 5. Propyl gallate: Added to fat-containing products. Linked to cancer in humans. 6. BHA/BHT: A fat preservative, used in foods to extend shelf life. Linked to cancerous tumor growth. 7. Propylene glycol: Better known as antifreeze. Thickens dairy products & salad dressing. Deemed 'generally' safe by FDA. 8. Butane: Put in chicken nuggets to keep them tasting fresh. A known carcinogen. 9. Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Flavor enhancer that can cause headaches. Linked in animal studies to nerve damage, heart problems & seizures. 10. Disodium inosinate: In snack foods. Contains MSG. 11. Disodium guanylate: Also used in snack foods, contains MSG. 12. Enriched flour: Used in many snack foods. A refined starch that is made from toxic ingredients. 13. Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH): Genetically-engineered version of natural growth hormone in cows. Boosts milk production in cows. Contains high levels of IF-1, which is thought cause various types of cancer. 14. Refined vegetable oil: Includes soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, canola oil & peanut oil. High in omega-6 fats, which are thought to cause heart disease & cancer. 15. Sodium benzoate: Used as a preservative in salad dressing & carbonated beverages. A known carcinogen, may damage our DNA. 16. Brominated vegetable oil: Keeps flavor oils in soft drinks suspended. Bromate is a poison, can cause organ damage & birth defects. Not required to be listed on food labels. 17. Propyl gallate: Found in meats, popcorn, soup mixes, frozen dinners. Shown to cause cancer in rats. Banned in some countries. Deemed safe by FDA. 18. Olestra: Fat-like substance that is unabsorbed by the body. Used in place of natural fats in some snack foods. Can cause digestive problems & also not healthy for the heart. 19. Carrageenan: Stabilizer, thickening agent used in many prepared foods. Can cause ulcers, cancer. 20. Polysorbate 60: A thickener that is used in baked goods. Can cause cancer in laboratory animals. 21. Camauba wax: Used in chewing gums & to glaze certain foods. Can cause cancer, tumors. 22. Magnesium sulphate: Used in tofu, can cause cancer in laboratory animals. 23. Chlorine dioxide: Used in bleaching flour. Can cause tumors, hyperactivity in children. 24. Paraben: Used to stop mold & yeast forming in foods. Can disrupt hormones in the body, could be linked to breast cancer. 25. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose: Used as a thickener in salad dressings. Could cause cancer in high quantities.
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1 834
Joe Rogan: "You have people like Bill Gates saying that planting trees to deal with [carbon dioxide] is ridiculous." "How is that ridiculous? They literally turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. It is their food." "And the more carbon dioxide there is, the greener it is, which is why it's greener today on Earth than it has been in 100 years."


1 733
🚨Carefully read the post above again👆and choose WISELY! THIS IS SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS. THE OFFER THAT WON'T LAST FOREVER! Get as much bottles as you can and SHARE THIS with your family and friends! 🫵EVERYONE will need it in critical moments! Only 100 left. Order here and thank me later🙏👇
1 868
WATCH until the end! Barbara O'Neill on podcast speaking about the impact of Moringa on the human body. ❌In 2012 The Australian Government stopped Barbara O'Neill from publishing her book on Moringa. Why? Because it explained how consuming this plant can combat EVERY DISEASE KNOWN TO MANKIND! 🫵 Open your eyes folks. Moringa impacts EVERY CELL of your body! 🌿 By containing 92 nutrients and 48 antioxidants, Moringa aims to help you achieve your health goals and improve your resilience to viruses and illnesses (including the deadliest ones) SHARE this story everywhere and use your chance to get High Quality Moringa Before Big Pharma BANS IT from the Internet: 👇
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3 142
If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump. 🤫
2 341
Trump assassination attempts: 2 Votes Kamala has received: 0


2 287
CBS News report from 1982—featuring a 34 year old Al Gore—predicts the "widespread disruption of agriculture", and 25% of Florida ending up underwater, "due to the burning of coal and oil". 🤡 "Climate changes could produce widespread disruption of agriculture. The American farm belt might be too dry, and the wheat and corn crops would have to move to Canada." "Scientists blame the odourless, colourless carbon dioxide gas for these potentially dangerous changes around the planet... The scientists maintain that the coal, oil and gas we've been burning for 100 years have produced more and more carbon dioxide, and helped overheat the Earth."
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3 075
His name is Sergeant Ric Schiff, the father of two twin daughters, Schiff's explains to a court room why he feels our Government is hiding the cure for cancer and using radiation and chemotherapy as a money making option to sustain life for a short time, rather than cure the disease and save lives. One of Schiff's daughters developed a brain tumor at the young age of four. They were told she was going to die, and put her on aggressive chemo and radiation therapy which had a high possibility of killing her, she miraculously survived, but the cancer remained and they were told she didn't have much longer to live. While not being able to accept this they sought out alternative options and that's when they came across Dr. Burzynski and his non toxic, all natural antineoplastons therapy, his daughter was cured of cancer but died, due to deterioration of her brain from the former conventional toxic radiation therapy.
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2 889
QFS ONLINE NESARA IS HERE QFS - Q PHONES FOR ALL For more information how to use your QFS ACCOUNT, visit the official QFS System website👇
Quantum Financial System (QFS)
1 734
QFS ONLINE NESARA IS HERE QFS - Q PHONES FOR ALL For more information how to use your QFS ACCOUNT, visit the official QFS System website👇
Quantum Financial System (QFS)
Wake up.


2 143
Did you know that Robert Monroe figured out the exact frequencies that can cause out-of-body experiences?


Two guys create a cyclone for fun Now imagine what someone could do with advanced technology


2 949
A man goes to deliver a package without realizing the magnitude of the tragedy. New York, September 11, 2001.
2 407
On July 23, 2009, the FBI arrested mayors, politicians, 17 Rabbis in New Jersey charged with money laundering. trafficking human organs, and baby body parts in the United States. This has nothing to do with the Jewish tunnels in New York so please don’t be antisematic


3 128
📡 Did you know that Wi-Fi and electromagnetic fields can open the blood-brain barrier? This means toxins from vaccinations and other sources could reach the brain more easily. The unseen frequencies in our environment might be contributing to health issues in children and adults. Let’s stay informed about the potential risks of modern technology. 🌐 Dr. Stephen Sinatra


2 996
What is coded in our DNA? ✅Subscribe to @WhiteHats for more content like this


2 515
"Whatever is going to happen that they're going to blame on Osama bin Laden, don't you even believe it." June 28, 2001: Ex-naval intelligence officer and author of 'Behold a Pale Horse', William Cooper, accurately predicted 9/11 almost eleven weeks before it actually happened. "If this doesn't materialise in the next two or three weeks, it will eventually materialise, because they haven't succeeded in taking our freedoms away." "In fact, there's been a great awakening in this country that is gaining momentum. And so, I can tell you with a certainty, they must do something terrible in order to stop this backlash." Cooper was fatally shot by undercover police outside his home, four months after this broadcast. ✅Subscribe to @WhiteHats for more content like this
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3 117
Someday we'll all learn oil isn't made from dinosaur fossils. It is naturally produced from within the earth, like the blood within our bodies. It is a renewable resource which can never run out. The scarcity tactics is used by the elite to promote them as "fossil" fuel, because allegedly being fossil fuels, it means that it has to run out, therefore keeping the prices high. Infact there is almost as much underground oil, as there is water here on Earth. SHARE! ✅Subscribe to @WhiteHats for more content like this
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2 883
Last updated: 11.07.23
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