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audience statistics Phil Godlewski 3.0

⚠️ Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organisation. 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
can't wait for Discovery in my lawsuit against this idiot he has so many conversations on his devices that we're going to show the world 😎
2 218
👆more bad news for Nick Alvear 😂
MIKE GILL EXPOSES NICK ALVEAR These texts from January 15th, 2024, might be the worst so far. I can certainly CONFIRM that has been Nick's main number since I met him back in 2020. Mike Gill tweeted: ''No Nick, you see it is you. It’s not my number “. That’s the best you got. It means you lied because you are a Fed and work for Flynn. You said it! Flynn sent you for me, and I was expecting you. This is evidence when shit goes south.'' WOW. Nick blatantly admits being a fed and working for General Michael Flynn via Boone Cutler. It connects with Seth Keshel (who often works with Mel K, Alpa, and Nick's ''former'' porn actress friend). Freemasons and frauds, everywhere! THIS COMPLEMENTS WITH MY MEGA THREAD EXPOSING THIS FRAUD, AND THE TESTIMONY HANDED TO ME LAST WEEKEND.
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👆more bad news for Nick Alvear 😂
MIKE GILL EXPOSES NICK ALVEAR These texts from January 15th, 2024, might be the worst so far. I can certainly CONFIRM that has been Nick's main number since I met him back in 2020. Mike Gill tweeted: ''No Nick, you see it is you. It’s not my number “. That’s the best you got. It means you lied because you are a Fed and work for Flynn. You said it! Flynn sent you for me, and I was expecting you. This is evidence when shit goes south.'' WOW. Nick blatantly admits being a fed and working for General Michael Flynn via Boone Cutler. It connects with Seth Keshel (who often works with Mel K, Alpa, and Nick's ''former'' porn actress friend).
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so close!
4 117
12 451
Phil’s delta a YEAR ago TODAY! Remember…Phil is ALWAYS TEN STEPS AHEAD! #RUNEM 🥇🥈
12 391
Silver to $30/oz? Gold to $2400/oz? It’s an amazing time we live in 😎
12 776
☝️coming to a country near YOU how do you avoid this cataclysm? 💯
12 791
13 747
These are real-life Phil followers, my friends. No gimmicks, no snake oil sales. All real-life experiences and testimonials from people like YOU. In additional to the various health benefits that the customers above spoke about, let’s talk about that commission check! $1500 per week? $2500 per week? $10,000 PER WEEK?!? Join us: 🔥


12 776


12 892
Another Phamily member with amazing success!


13 059
We just opened up some new availability on our appointment calendar for my Xpatches team 😎 Go to to schedule your enrollment appointment today 🔥
13 486
how are those Goldquiz 401k's and IRA's lookin' today? 😏 💯
24 729
24 729
☝️dropping like flies
50 166
BREAKING 🚨 Melinda French Gates is resigning as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (CNN)
44 753
☝️fantastic (and accurate) read
49 792
The fraudulent Royals of the bankrupt City of London, Tony Blair, David Cameron and all our corrupt government will face a traitors justice. Many already have. There is absolutely no monarchy, the British Crown was dissolved years ago due to high treason committed by our treasonous government. The Queen was given the title of ‘The Head of State’ of a bankrupt corporation known as the City of London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican. Trump completed that in 2019. I’m using this for example - Police officers in the UK are nothing more than a private limited company and are security guards for the non existent corrupt fraudulent bankrupt corporation, they no longer work, have any power or have any authority over we the people of the UK as the Crown Corporation and all Crown Agents were dissolved in 1995 in a fraud and treasonous act by Tony Blair and his government who moved to the Local Governments Act 1985, this was a clear act of high treason and fraud upon we the people. In 2001 war criminals George Bush & Tony Blair launched an illegal war in Iraq, leading to the death of a million people. Julian Assange was sent to prison for exposing [their] war crimes in Iraq. Tony Blair, George Bush, The Queen and Royals, MI5, MI6, CIA, MOSSAD and other Cabal intelligence agencies with Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in 9/11 and brought down the Twin Towers and murdered all those innocent people. Most know this by now, though some still refuse to see. Our [usg] too benevolent in their apparently limited minds. Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was invoked by the Barons in 2001 due to the signing of the nice treaty as it was unconstitutional. This means the Queen was dethroned and we the people have had all authority since 2001. The people of the UK have had no lawful government or courts of justice since that time. Common Law was Invoked in 2001, The Government and Monarchy was Dissolved in 2001. Since then the Queen and all the other satanic royals lost all immunity to the laws that they themselves set out, the Royals became subject to the same laws that we are subject to now. Meaning they can be arrested and put on trial. Common Law is the Law of the Land, it’s our true law. We are not dead entities, we are living breathing men and women. This applies here in the US as well, in particular now since Trump restored the Republic in 2017, and the US Corporation Bankruptcy in Jan2021. We have been witnessing the destruction of the old guard for the last 5-6 years or so. Now it’s becoming very obvious that the Monarchy and Government have no power and everything we are seeing right now is all part of waking up the masses to the evil. Remember back in 2018 when Trump walked in front of the Queen and the masses got angry, that was our signal that the Royals and Corporation were finished. Remember when Trump sat in Churchills chair? That was a massive middle finger up to the Cabal and Deepstate. Trumps 2017 World Tour was a capitulation tour. The Cabal are finished they’ve been finished a long time. If you are just waking up, welcome to the Great Awakening there is much to re-learn. ~YorkshireLass/T All of this can be found above.
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The Yorkshire Lass (@real_shirelass) on X
The fraudulent Royals of the bankrupt City of London, Tony Blair, David Cameron and all our corrupt government will face a traitors justice. There is absolutely no monarchy, the British Crown was dissolved years ago due to high treason committed by our treasonous government.…
45 927
7 before the numbers above double, and you’re kicking yourself in the ass
49 248
49 167
Panic is starting to set in. Little do [they] know, there’s nothing that can be done.
50 516
JUST IN: GameStop $GME and $AMC Entertainment stocks halted 34 times combined today. For your "protection" obviously 😂
48 712
Anyone have an Apple 1 computer they want to sell me?
50 499


56 458
👆👆👆 Part 2 Ezra’s speech quotes JFK saying the former president predicted the rise of special operations. Is our Phil part of the special operations civilian leadership?
Special Operations Command is now ‘on par’ with the military services, Acting SecDef Miller says
For the first time in its history, U.S. Special Operations Command is an equal among the military services, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller announced on Wednesday.
52 559
@aftertruth posted the 2 videos above. This is a Nov. 18, 2020 news conference with Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen Watnick. This event occurred after the 2020 election. Miller was appointed acting Secretary of Defense then and left office January 20, 2021 “saying he couldn’t wait to leave.” Why? Because Miller’s last week took him to see “eye to eye” General Van Herck in charge of Northern Command. Trust the plan. Turned over into good hands. There was a ceremony in front of the Green Beret statue (Miller is former Green Beret) during the news conference where Miller spoke about “special operation civilian leadership” now reports to the Secretary of Defense and not the Pentagon. Who is the guy in the glasses? Is he wearing a mask? Could it be Phil?🤷‍♀️ Additionally, it seems there are energized landscapers in the background that catch Miller’s eye. This news conference was held at Ft. Bragg. “Landscaper”placed there? Security? Someone who wanted to witness this event?🤷‍♀️ Continued 👇👇👇
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50 372
Last updated: 11.07.23
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